Mammon Machine (Monster)
From Chrono Compendium
General Information
For biographical information, see Mammon Machine.
Chrono Trigger
Era: N/A
Home Area: Black Omen
Attacks: Attack used to increase defense!, Magic becomes attack power!, Mammon M. stands still..., Point Flare, Releases stored energy!
HP: 18000
TP: 0
Exp: 0
Gold: 0
Absorbs: None
Cancels: None
Weakness: None
Charm: MegaElixir
Item Won: None
Final Fantasy Chronicles: If you have Frog in your party, you can absorb energy from the Mammon Machine with the Masamune. Another method is to use physical attacks.
From: Monsters (Chrono Trigger)
--ZeaLitY 19:59, 31 Mar 2005 (MST)