Location Offsets (CTP)

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Credit to Sage of Time for code 7E0100xx.

Method 1 -- Entering code 7E0100xx and loading ROM.<Br>
Credit to Skreename.

00: Title
01: Crono Downstairs 1st
02: Crono Up 1
03: Lucca's House (stairs, upstairs)
04: Lucca Front Room
05: Mill Fair Front
06: Mill Fair Gato 
07: Mill Fair (Dance)
08: Mill Fair Tele Demo
09: Mill Fair Tele (???? Future people rows)
0a: Lucca's Room
0b: Crono's Trial (Plains backgrd, Mill Fair Music)
0c: Truce Inn (1000)
0d: Training House
0e:  (Up)
0f: Truce House (1000)
10: House (1000)
11: Shop (1000 Poyozo?)
12: Truce Ferry
13: Guardia Forest (1000)
14:  Gate
15: Guardia Castle (1000)
16:  F2Left
17:  F2 Marle's
18:  Kitchen
19:  Knight's
1a:  Hall 2 before Rainbow
1B:  Crono's trial
1C:  Chancellor escort to prison
1D:  Briefing
1E:  Battle with undead
1F: Medina center
20: S Side broken bridge 1000
21: Medina Mayor's house
22:  Upstairs
23: Medina Inn
24: Gate house
25: Other house
27: Shop
28: Melchior's house
29: Downstairs
2a: Blue pyramid seal
2b:  1st room under seal
2c:  Top room
2d:  2nd under seal (left)
2e:  2nd (right)
2f: Heckran's (No water)
30:  Entry
31:  Water
32: Porre Mayor present
33:  upstairs  
34: Porre House (bottommost)
35: Porre Cafe
36: Shop
37: Inn
38: Ferry
39: Cathedral (Magus room)
3a: Choras NE house (1000)
3b:  Upstairs 
3c: Choras N house (1000)
3d: Choras house (1000)
3e: Cafe
3f: Toma's grave
40: Sun Keep (Present)
41: Northern Ruins (Present)
42: Northern Ruins (Present)
43: Northern Ruins (Present)
44: Northern Ruins (Present)
45: Northern Ruins (Present)
46: Northern Ruins (Present) (Different room warps)
47: Guardia Prison (Crono's Cell)
48: Guardia Prison (Hallway)
49: Northern Ruins (Pres)
4A: NRu(P)
4B: Guardia Prison (Tower Outside)
4C: NRu(P)
4D: NRu(P)
4E: NRu(P)
69: Future (Unidentified) Genocide Dome? Colisseum?
6c: Lucca's explanation of Marle's family line
6d: Room in Giant's Claw
70: Truce Canyon
71: Truce Canyon (Gate place, first time)
72: TL house in Truce, 600AD
73: Banta's House
74: Truce Inn (600AD)
75: Truce Inn upstairs (600)
76: Shop (600)
77: Guardia Forest (600)
78: Guardia Castle (600?)
79: Guardia Up (600)
7a: Guardia Leene's Room (600)
7b: Guardia Kitchen (600)
7c: Guardia Knight's Quarters (600)
7d: Magus' Castle (Room before Flea)
7e: Genocide Dome (Conveyor Belt)
7f:  (Elevator Room)
80:  (Long Hallway)
81: Cathedral (Pre-Naga-ette reveal)
82: ???? (Resets to title)
85: Broken Zenan Bridge (600)
86:  (1000)
87: Repaired Zenan (600, Battle)
88: ????
8E: Zealian Architecture (Door leads to Zeal throne room)
8f: ????
90: Denadoro Mtns (Waterfall)
91: ????
93: Denadoro
94:  (Summit)
95: ????
96: 94 opposite
98: Porre (S House 600)
99: Porre (S House 600 US)
9A: Porre house (600)
9b: ????
9c: Porre Inn (600)
9d: Porre Shop (600)
9e: Fiona's house
9f: Sand Pit (No solidity)
A0: Sand Pit (Big room)
A1: 9f
A4: Magic Cave
A5: Magus' Castle (1st time)
A6:  (Main hall)
A7:  (Conveyors)
A8:  (Ozzie's holes)
A9:  (Slash)
AA:  (Battle before conveyors)
AB:  (Flea treasure chest)
AC:  (Magus Chamber)
AD:  (Flea Room)
AE:  (Ozzie's last stand)
AF:  (Ozzie's monster pullups)
B0:  (First Donkey Kong)
B1-B5: Ozzie's fort
B6: Guardia Tower
B9: Top House (Choras 600)
BA: UR House (Same)
BB:  (Upstairs)
BC: Cafe(Same)
BD: Inn (Same)
BE: Shop
BF: Sun Keep (600)
C0-C2: NRuins (600)
C3-C4: Giant's Claw Cave part
C5:  (Rust Tyrano/Rainbow Shell)
D0: Trann Dome
D1:  (Sealed Room)
D2: Bangor Dome
D3:  (Sealed Room)
D4: Factory 16 Pt1
D5:  Pt2
D6: ... Other Dome
D7:  (B1, rt door)
D8:  (B1, branching)
D9:  (B1, pre-Lavos)
DA:  (B1, Lavos revelation)
DB:  (B1, Guardian)
DC:  (B1, Sealed room)
DE: Reptite Lair (Top left room)
DF: Lab 32 Pt1
E0:  Pt2
E1:  Pt3
E2: Robo Dome
E3:  Open Gate
E4: Factory 1
E5: Factory B1 left elev
E6:  R-Series room
E7:  Cranes
E8:  Bug room
E9:  Treasure/Protos
EA:  Screen
EB:  Generator/ZABIE
EC: Sewer Access
ED:  Pt2
EE: Cave, 1 treasure chest, no exit
EF: ?Sewer Part? (No exit)
F1: Keeper's Dome
F2:  Belthasar's notes
F3:  Epoch
F4: Death Peak pt1
F5:  reset
F6:  reset
F7:  reset
F8: Geno entrance
F9: Geno (Bottom Convey)
FA: Genocide (Top of Conveyor)
FB: Sun Palace
FF: Sun Keep (2300)

Method 2 -- Loading ROM and entering code 7E0100xx.<br>
Credit to ZeaLitY.

00: Geno Dome, by four switches<br>
01: Geno Dome, treasure room<br>
02: Geno Dome, treasure room with three robot niches<br>
03: Factory, treasure room with Protos<br>
04: Death Peak, second area E<br>
05: Death Peak, strange area E<br>
06: Death Peak, ice bridge<br>
07: Death Peak, ice bridge<br>
08: Death Peak, caves<br>
09: Death Peak, peak<br>
0A: Death Peak, Forest Maze ground template<br>
0B: Death Peak, Geno Dome conveyor belt<br>
0C: Geno Dome, Mother Brain room<br>
0D: Geno Dome, human extermination room<br>
0E: Giant's Claw treasure room<br>
0F: Crono's House, opening scene (cannot go downstairs)<br>
10: Mystic Mountain, peak<br>
11: Mystic Mountain, foot<br>
12: Mystic Mountain, path<br>
13: Chief's Hut<br>
14: Ioka Hut<br>
15: Ioka Trader Hut<br>
16: Ioka Hut<br>
17: Ioka Commons<br>
18: Ioka Commons, night<br>
19: Forest Maze<br>
1A: Forest Maze, with footprints<br>
1B: Reptite Lair<br>
1C: Reptite Lair<br>
1D: Reptite Lair<br>
1E: Reptite Lair, four treasure rooms<br>
1F: Reptite Lair<br>
20: Reptite Lair, long room<br>
21: Reptite Lair, Nizbel room<br>
22: Reptite Lair<br>
23: Hunting Range<br>
24: Laruba Ruins, night?<br>
25: Dactyl Nest<br>
26: Dactyl Nest<br>
27: Dactyl Nest, peak (no red star)<br>
28: Tyrano Lair<br>
29: Tyrano Lair, throne room<br>
2A: Tyrano Lair, outside<br>
2B: Tyrano Lair, restarts<br>
2C: Tyrano Lair, throne room<br>
2D: Tyrano Lair, tower with headless Tyrano<br>
2E: Tyrano Lair, restart<br>
2F: Tyrano Lair<br>
30: Tyrano Lair<br>
31: Tyrano Lair, warp room<br>
32: Forest Maze ground template<br>
33: Cave?<br>
34: Forest Maze ground template with Ioka villagers and Reptites<br>
35: Ioka Hut<br>
36: Ioka Trading Hut<br>
37: Ioka Hut<br>
38: Singing Mountain, caves<br>
39: Singing Mountain, outside<br>
3A: Singing Mountain, lavafalls<br>
3B: Singing Mountain, caves<br>
3C: Singing Mountain, caves<br>
3D: Singing Mountain, caves<br>
3E: Singing Mountain, caves<br>
3F: Singing Mountain, outside<br>
40: Singing Mountain, outside<br>
41: Singing Mountain, caves<br>
42: Singing Mountain, peak cave<br>
43: Singing Mountain, Forest Maze ground template<br>
44: Singing Mountain, Forest Maze ground template<br>
45: Singing Mountain, Forest Maze ground template<br>
46: Singing Mountain, Forest Maze ground template<br>
47: Sun Keep, 65,000,000 B.C.<br>
48: Zeal Palace<br>
49: Zeal Palace, throne room antechamber with exits<br>
4A: Zeal Palace, throne room antechamber without exits<br>
4B: Zeal Palace, Mammon Machine<br>
4C: Zeal Palace, Mammon Machine<br>
4D: Zeal Palace, Mammon Machine & Throne Room<br>
4E: Zeal Palace, Mammon Machine & Throne Room<br>
4F: Forest Maze ground template<br>
50: Land Bridge<br>
51: Skyway<br>
52: Forest Maze ground template<br>
53: Forest Maze ground template<br>
54: Forest Maze ground template<br>
55: Forest Maze ground template<br>
56: Forest Maze ground template<br>
57: Forest Maze ground template<br>
58: Arris Dome, food storage<br>
59: Forest Maze ground template<br>
5A: Forest Maze ground template<br>
5B: Forest Maze ground template<br>
5C: Forest Maze ground template<br>
5D: Forest Maze ground template<br>
5E: Forest Maze ground template<br>
5F: 12,000 B.C. Gate cave<br>
60: Land Bridge<br>
61: Land Bridge<br>
62: Skyway<br>
63: Enhasa<br>
64: Skyway<br>
65: Kajar<br>
66: Kajar, Forest Maze ground template<br>
67: Kajar, Guru Room<br>
68: Kajar, Magic Tab research room<br>
69: Forest Maze ground template<br>
6A: Forest Maze ground template<br>
6B: Blackbird, wing<br>
6C: Blackbird, wing<br>
6D: Blackbird, wing<br>
6E: Blackbird, overhead view<br>
6F: Blackbird, Forest Maze ground template<br>
70: Blackbird, corridors<br>
71: Blackbird, corridors<br>
72: Blackbird, room<br>
73: Blackbird, room<br>
74: Blackbird, room<br>
75: Blackbird, room<br>
76: Blackbird, room<br>
77: Blackbird, room<br>
78: Blackbird, black screen<br>
79: Blackbird, Dalton scene (Forest Maze ground template)<br>
7A: Forest Maze ground template<br>
7B: Forest Maze ground template<br>
7C: Algetty<br>
7D: Algetty, Inn<br>
7E: Algetty, room<br>
7F: Algetty, room<br>
80: Algetty, room<br>
81: Algetty, room<br>
82: Algetty, weird room with red boxes<br>
83: Algetty, chain anteroom<br>
84: Algetty, chain room<br>
85: Zeal, mountain skyway cave<br>
86: Forest Maze ground template<br>
87: Forest Maze ground template<br>
88: Mountain of Woe<br>
89: Mountain of Woe<br>
8A: Mountain of Woe<br>
8B: Mountain of Woe<br>
8C: Mountain of Woe<br>
8D: Mountain of Woe, peak<br>
8E: Zeal Palace, dungeon<br>
8F: Zeal Palace, dungeon fragment<br>
90: Zeal Palace, dungeon<br>
91: Zeal Palace, with Masa & Mune and Zealian man<br>
92: Zeal Palace<br>
93: Zeal Palace<br>
A8: Last Village, commons<br>
A9: Last Village, hut<br>
AA: Last Village, hut<br>
AB: Last Village, hut<br>
AC: North Cape<br>
AD: Forest Maze ground template<br>
AE: Tyrano Lair<br>
AF: Tyrano Lair, Forest Maze ground template<br>
B0: Epoch, traveling through time with orange flame background<br>
B1: Reset<br>
B2: Tent of Horrors<br>
B3: Magic Cave, outside<br>
B4: Campfire scene<br>
B5: Factory, conveyor belt room<br>
B6: Guardia Court, king's trial<br>
B7: Millennial Fair, from Gato's area<br>
B8: Guardia Treasury<br>
B9: Guardia Castle, 1000 A.D.<br>
BA: Blackbird, room<br>
BB: Blackbird, room<br>
BC: Blackbird, room<br>
BD: Blackbird, room<br>
BE: Magus's Lair, tower (exits to Choras)<br>
BF: Magus's Lair, throne anteroom (staircase with bats)<br>
CE: Forest Maze ground template, with Omnicrones, Henches and Reptites<br>
CF: Forest Maze ground template, with Omnicrones, Henches and Reptites<br>
D0: End of Time<br>
D1: Spekkio's Room<br>
D2: Lavos, on 1999 A.D. ground (exiting causes eruption)<br>
D3: Forest Maze ground template<br>
D4: Guardia Castle, stairway room<br>
D5: Magus's Lair, children & maid<br>
D6: Magus's Lair, gryphon statues<br>
D7: Magus's Lair, basement<br>
D8: Forest Maze ground template<br>
D9: Forest Maze ground template<br>
DA: Forest Maze ground template<br>
DB: Forest Maze ground template<br>
DC: Forest Maze ground template<br>
DD: Forest Maze ground template<br>
DE: Forest Maze ground template<br>
DF: Forest Maze ground template<br>
E0: Guardia Castle, stairway room<br>
E1: Blackbird, overhead view (flying over ocean)<br>
E2: Blackbird, room<br>
E3: Blackbird, room<br>
E4: Blackbird, room<br>
E5: Blackbird, room<br>
E6: Guardia Castle, stairway room<br>
E7: Guardia Castle, stairway room<br>
E8: Guardia Castle, stairway room<br>
E9: Guardia Castle, stairway room<br>
EA: Tyrano Lair, warp room (Guardia Castle music)<br>
EB: Guardia Court, Forest Maze ground template<br>
EC: Forest Maze ground template<br>
ED: Forest Maze ground template, with Omnicrones, Henches and Reptites<br>
EE: Lavos Core<br>
EF: Forest Maze ground template, with Omnicrones, Henches and Reptites<br>
F0: 1000 A.D. World Map<br>
F1: 600 A.D. World Map<br>
F2: 2300 A.D. (?) World Map<br>
F3: 65,000,000 B.C. World Map<br>
F4: 12,000 B.C. World Map<br>
F5: Zeal World Map<br>
F6: 12,000 B.C. World Map<br>
F7: 1999 A.D. World Map<br>

''From'': [[Offsets (Chrono Trigger)]]

--[[User:ZeaLitY|ZeaLitY]] 23:01, 28 May 2004 (CDT)