Golem Boss

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General Information

For biographical information, see Golem.

Chrono Trigger

DS Name: Golem Overlord
Era: 12000 B.C.
Home Area: Blackbird
Level: 34
Attacks: Chew on this!, Run away
Charm: None
Item Won: None


HP: 15000
Attack: 40
Defense: 127
Magic: 18
Magic Defense: 50
Speed: 16
Stamina: 10

Evade: 15
Hit: 100
TP: 40
Exp: 2500
Gold: 2000
Absorbs: None
Resists: None
Cancels: None
Weakness: None

Note: Will never attack the player despite its threats -- it's scared of heights.

Final Fantasy Chronicles Strategy: This Golem tries to cast a major spell, but he can't remember it the first time. On his second try, he's too scared to cast it! He won't attack, so just beat him up.

Japanese Equivalent

Japanese: マスターゴーレム
Translation: Master Golem



Golem Boss Sprites.gif

From: Monsters (Chrono Trigger)