Chrono Break

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Revision as of 07:41, 20 December 2004 by ZeaLitY (Talk | contribs)

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General Information

Chrono Break, or Brake in pure Romaji, is the rumored fourth game in the Chrono series. However, it has never been officially announced, nor even confirmed as being in development beyond the registering of two trademarks. In July of 2001, head honcho of Square Hironobu Sakaguchi discussed that a new Chrono game might be in the works; nothing materialized after this until December 5, 2001, when two trademarks were registered: Chrono Brake in Japan, and Chrono Break in the United States. These stagnated until November 13, 2003, when the U.S. trademark was withdrawn, leaving only the Japanese registration. As of now, no further news is available; it is unlikely that the game will be made, considering much of the original teams behind Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are now with Monolith Soft, a group who have released Baiten Kaitos, a game with visual similarities to the Chrono series. SquareEnix, however, still retains the right to the Chrono series name, meaning the two companies would have to work together to accomplish a new game. Unfortunately, SquareEnix is hugely preoccupied with milking the Final Fantasy brand for all it's worth, resulting in a notable decrease in quality according to fans, and Monolith Soft absolutely has to receive their clearance and publishing to make a new Chrono title. Until this occurs, we can only dream. lists the following on their FAQ:

Does SQUARE ENIX have any plans to develop a sequel to Chrono Cross?
A sequel to Chrono Cross is not in development. This doesn't mean we will never make a sequel. However, resources are being focused on other titles at this moment. Keep an eye on our Press Release page to keep up with current information on upcoming titles from SQUARE ENIX.

US Patent and Trademark Office Entry for Chrono Break

From: Games

--ZeaLitY 21:44, 21 Oct 2004 (CDT)