Lavos (Monster)
General Information
Biographical information can be found at Lavos.
Chrono Trigger
Ocean Palace
Era: 1999 A.D.
Home Area: Lavos Space, Ocean Palace
Level: 20
Attacks: Chaotic Zone / Chaos, Destruction rains from the heavens!, Earthquake, Lavos Needle
Charm: None
Item Won: None
HP: 30000
Attack: 180
Defense: 127
Magic: 2
Magic Defense: 50
Speed: 16
Evade: 11
Hit: 100
TP: 0
Exp: 0
Gold: 0
Absorbs: None
Cancels: None
Weakness: None
Final Fantasy Chronicles Strategy: All of Lavos's attacks inflicts a great deal of damage. You'll need to dedicate characters to either attacking or healing. The story will go on even if you lose.
This version of Lavos is present in the Ocean Palace, and is one of the most difficult in the game at this point. In a normal New Game, most parties will not be equipped well enough to deal with Lavos in this form, and will quicly succumb and allow the story to continue. However, it can be done with enough leveling and preparation, and should be at least once to watch the Programmer's Ending. It is recommended that the party be in the 40's to survive Destruction rains from the heavens!.
Attack Mode Avatars
Final Fantasy Chronicles Strategy: This one is a collection of all the bosses you've encountered before. The strategy for each remains the same. Change members between battles accordingly. Lavos's last form is Giga Gaia.
Lavos Shell
Era: 1999 A.D.
Home Area: Lavos Space
Level: 15
Attacks: Chaotic Zone / Chaos, Destruction rains from the heavens!, Earthquake, Lavos Needle
Charm: None
Item Won: None
HP: 10000
Attack: 73
Defense: 127
Magic: 1
Magic Defense: 50
Speed: 12
Evade: 20
Hit: 100
TP: 0
Exp: 0
Gold: 0
Absorbs: None
Cancels: None
Weakness: None
Final Fantasy Chronicles Strategy: He shouldn't be much of a threat to you at this point. Watch your characters' HP carefully and just keep using techs to defeat him.
Inner Lavos
Era: 1999 A.D.
Home Area: Lavos Space
Level: 50
Attacks: Evil Emanation / Lavos's attack power up, Fire Dance, Flame Battle / Fire, Laser Beams / Doors of doom open., Obstacle / Chaos, Shadow Doom Blaze, Shadow Slay / Poison (Inner Lavos), Freeze / Stop, Laser Beams / Doors of doom open., Protective Seal / Disables Defense Status, Span Death / Arm revives main body... (Both Arms)
Charm: None
Item Won: None
HP: 20000 (Inner Lavos), 8000 (Right Arm), 12000 (Left Arm)
Attack: 45 (Inner Lavos), 25 (Arms)
Defense: 255 (Inner Lavos), 127 (Arms)
Magic: 50
Magic Defense: 100 (Inner Lavos), 50 (Arms)
Speed: 16
Evade: 20
Hit: 100
TP: 0
Exp: 0
Gold: 0
Absorbs: None
Cancels: None
Weakness: None
Final Fantasy Chronicles Strategy: Try to defeat the arms before it casts Protective Seal. Once the arms are gone, Lavos uses the Shadow Doom Blaze. Be careful. It is a non-elemental attack, so you can't avoid it.
Lavos Core
Era: 1999 A.D.
Home Area: Lavos Space
Level: 50
Attacks: Combo Counter: Attack, Erase, Evil Touch / Absorbs MP, Heal, Protective Seal / Disables Defense Status, Tragedy (Left Bit), Combo: Invading Light / Slow, Crush, Crying Heavens / Hidden blow, Dreamless / Ultimate Magic attack, Evil Star / Reduces HP by 1/2, Grand Stone / Ultimate physical attack, Spell / Random status (Center Bit), Active Life / Revives the Lavos Bit!, Combo Counter: Attack, Erase, Time warp..., Tragedy
Charm: None
Item Won: None
HP: 2000 (Left Bit), 10000 (Center Bit), 30000 (Lavos Core)
Attack: 40, 100 (Center Bit)
Defense: 127, 255 (Lavos Core)
Magic: 21 (Center Bit), 40
Magic Defense: 50, 100 (Lavos Core)
Speed: 16,
Evade: 20,
Hit: 100
TP: 0
Exp: 0
Gold: 0
Absorbs: All (Left Bit)
Cancels: None
Weakness: None
Final Fantasy Chronicles Strategy: The Bit on the right is the Lavos Core. It lowers its defense when one of the other Bits are destroyed. The left Bit absorbs all elements, but has the lowest HP, so defeat it first!
Dream Devourer
Era: Darkness Beyond Time
Home Area: Darkness Beyond Time
Level: ?
Attacks: Listed in-game as "???" (DS: Mana Reaver: Steals MP, Life Reaver / Steals HP, Gravity Sphere / Shadow, Dreambind: Stop, Incinerate / Fire, Heavenly Peal, Starfall / Devastating physical attack, Devour dreams from a distant dimension., Chaos Zone / Confuse, Lowers Defense and begins storing power., The End of All and Nothing)
Charm: None
Item Won: None
HP: 32000
Attack: ?
Defense: 220
Magic: ?
Magic Defense: 80
Speed: ?
Evade: ?
Hit: ?
TP: 0
Exp: 0
Gold: 0
Absorbs: None
Cancels: None
Weakness: None
- Lavos's Theme (Complete & Incomplete)