General Information
Chrono Cross
After Serge switches bodies with Lynx, he fights the three team members. There are 3 dummy monsters that hold the data used by the trio in battle. Their innate, models and names will be replaced.
Innate: White
HP: 3000
Attack: 65
Defense: 55
Magic: 15
Magic Defense: 18
HIT%: 140
EVD%: 0
Action Points: 10
Status Effect Length: 15
Common Drop: None
Rare Drop: None
Common Steal: Tablet
Rare Steal: Tablet
Gold: 0g
Doppelgang: No
Innate: Red
HP: 3000
Attack: 65
Defense: 55
Magic: 15
Magic Defense: 18
HIT%: 140
EVD%: 0
Action Points: 10
Status Effect Length: 15
Common Drop: None
Rare Drop: None
Common Steal: Tablet
Rare Steal: Tablet
Gold: 0g
Doppelgang: No
Innate: Black
HP: 3000
Attack: 65
Defense: 55
Magic: 15
Magic Defense: 18
HIT%: 140
EVD%: 0
Action Points: 10
Status Effect Length: 15
Common Drop: None
Rare Drop: None
Common Steal: Tablet
Rare Steal: Tablet
Gold: 0g
Doppelgang: No
From: Monsters (Chrono Cross)