Features can include behind-the-scenes looks at projects, interviews, or incredible nonsense in general! If you're interested in contributing to an editorial or feature, simply go to the Chrono Compendium forum (you must be registered) and suggest ideas for features there as well. Fan contribution is encouraged!
Don't click this! The sheer artistic brilliance that lies beyond is too much for mere mortals to endure and too much for your eyes to ever truly appreciate! It's the best of the BEST!
Chrono Trigger DS Preview Page
Find new screenshots, features, and other information as they come in on this preview page, also linked on the sidebar of the News and Updates homepage.
Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile
The story of Magus's ascension to Prophethood in Zeal is now available to play. Check out the rapid, intense development of the project and find screenshots within this feature.
Chrono Cross: The Good, The Bad, and The Fans
This feature takes a look at the controversy over Chrono Cross, revealing the game's flaws, strengths, contrast to Chrono Trigger, and its fan expectations and reactions.
Take a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Chrono Trigger Retranslation, right down to the gritty details of long hours of beta testing. Don't miss the list of hard changes!
It's taken two years and guest contributions, but the second remix spotlight is finally ready. Highlights include two mini-interviews with remixers JigginJonT and Neil Benjamin.
Chrono Trigger Unglued is a flash series retelling and parodying Chrono Trigger. Done by Cryokinetic, Clovis, and Laserkid, it's a riot and must see for those seeking Chrono humor.
After Chrono Cross's release, Ben Harmer began an audio drama as director and mixer and recruited voice talent. A unique and refreshingly new type of fan project lies within!
Project ZEAL was a collaborative work of fan fiction begun and abandoned in 2004, and a unique Compendium effort. Read the prologue and fascinating writers' bible here.
Interview with the Chrono Trigger Novel Project
Starting 1996, one Chrono Trigger fan has envisioned a novel of the game's events. Check the status of this project and aspirations for the future courtesy of Magus22 and Wayne.
Check out the full report of what went down in Australia where dedicated musicians, Yasunori Mitsuda, and Hitoshi Sakimoto teamed up to present high-octane game music down under.
Chrono Trigger Unglued Mini-Feature
Compendium forumer Magus22 interviewed Clovis15, heir to the series, on episode twelve's vibrant credit sequence and the progress Chrono Trigger Unglued in general. Find the sequence inside!
Chrono Crisis Team Interview II
It's been over a year, and the time is ripe to check back in with Chrono Crisis. Check the feature for a flood of new screenshots and information on its development.
How much does Chrono Trigger go for on Ebay? Is it a truly rare game? These questions are addressed here; check it out if you are looking to buy the game.
What is Chrono Trigger's Worst Flaw?
Chrono Trigger is hardly thought of as a flawed game. Out of curiosity, we polled fans to find out what are considered regularly identified flaws, and made suggestions for their remedy.
Chrono Symphonic was an effort by several remix to score Chrono Trigger music in an orchestral format. These interviews detail their thoughts and involvement.
Radical Dreamers: Demiforce Interview
In 2000, Demiforce found Radical Dreamers and began a translation project. Three years later, its release allowed first hand experience and knowledge of the enigmatic sidestory to Chrono Trigger. Read about the process here.
Temporal Flux 2.00, released in December 2005, was a major achievement with benefits for all fans. Find out the project's history in these interviews with Flux's creator and team, and don't miss the group interview!
Step inside the Chrono Trigger Coliseum, and learn how the project began and was seen through completion by its talented creators. An interview with the architects is also inside; don't miss it!
Zeenbor was the head of Chrono Trigger: Resurrection, and saw the project through until it received a cease & desist letter. Learn about Resurrection's beginnings, and Zeenbor's thoughts on Square Enix and the letter.
On September 28th, ZeaLitY was interviewed about the site, the Chrono series, and the community on a radio show for California Polytech college. The transcript has been made available herein.
Years ago, Chrono Trigger stunned the world and left an imprint on the experiences of its fans. Read the retrospective and Dream Team sidebar, then view comments and reminiscing by remixers and others.
Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Interview
With the release of the demo for Crimson Echoes, fan questions are pouring in. Find out what's in store for the rom hack project, and how it's going to be made and presented to the fan community!
How not to make SE produce Chrono Break
Some fans remain ever vigilant in their prodding and insulting SquareEnix. Though you can voice desire for a third Chrono game, here are some actions you should avoid, and what you can do.
Chrono Compendium Retrospective
On July 23rd, 2005, the Chrono Compendium turned two years old. This prompted a retrospective to acknowledge the site's beginnings and journeys.
When companies made strategy guides, one called Chrono Trigger Super Famicom Player's Guide featured an official manga. CuteLucca & Lina Darkstar have translated and touched it up!
Temporal Flux 2.0 Preview
The next version is well on its way, and it's worth the wait. Find out what new features are available and how the old editor has been enhanced and revamped.
The Truth Behind Chrono Trigger
Zizzlebob knows more about Chrono Trigger than all of us combined, and he's finally ready to shed secrecy and explain the true story behind the Dream Project.
Fan Project Creator Interviews IV: CT Remake Project
One of the most anticipated projects, CTRP aims to recreate the game in the Unreal engine. Many new screenshots and much commentary (with a great surprise) await!
Fan Project Creator Interviews III: The Brink of Time
Chrono Trigger II: The Brink of Time, once trashed due to a hard drive failure, has been revived by BrownMan, who contributes an interview in this feature about the project.
Chrono Compendium Remix Spotlight I
8 songs in this week's Remix Spotlight! Editorialists and contributors talk about their favorite Chrono remixes, and the remixers drop in occasionally to comment on their work.
Fan Project Creator Interviews II: Unofficial Chrono Trigger II
UCT2 is a planned sequel to Chrono Trigger, and is written in C++. I contacted Gangis, producer of UCT2, and he generously responded to my questions.
Chrono Testament
Ages ago, a guy named Xathael drew parallels between Chrono Trigger and Christianity. Geocities purged his site, but you can find his work preserved here.
Fan Project Creator Interviews I: Chrono Crisis
Chrono Crisis, designed with RPGMakerXP, has been months in development, and has attracted its own community of followers and contributors. Links to the demo inside as well!
Rate the Characters of Chrono Trigger!
For the first editorial, the editorialists were asked to rate the characters of Chrono Trigger in any way they please, and offer commentary on their choices. Let's see the results!