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Project Page for Angelus Errare: Heroes Unsung


The storyline details presented above consist of input from the entire CC:DBT project team, and also borrow heavily from concepts introduced in Prophet's Guile, especially Chapter 7's Nocturne Festival, Dalton's description as "Seneschal," and "creation fibers," essentially Zealian terminology for DNA. Credit goes to ZeaLitY and anyone else invovled in drafting the Prophet's Guile plot for said concepts.

Special idea-crafting shoutouts go to Boo the Gentleman Caller for the Wittel-saves-Frog scenario; BROJ for Levantine; Thought for Dream Schala; tushantin for Raqh and Artemis; and nightmare975 for Gladus and Leon Guildstern, Raqh's former identity.

Note that while FaustWolf would prefer that AEHU maintain consistency with Crimson Echoes, the plot outlines above were created in isolation of Crimson Echoes at first out of respect for the privacy of CE's plot. It is possible that AEHU may either adjust certain plot details after CE's release or that the CC:DBT project may have to split entirely from CE if such changes would significantly damage AEHU's plot structure.