CTT:Chrono Trigger
From Chrono Compendium
Revision as of 18:14, 16 November 2004 by Blackhole89 (Talk | contribs)
The Time Egg
Full Name: Chrono Trigger
The Chrono Trigger, the gift given to Crono's friends by Gaspar, Guru of Time, holds an interesting parallel to Myrrh, a gift to the infant Jesus from one of the Three Wisemen. This connection was brought to my attention by The Joiner (JonPBerger@aol.com).
Myrrh is a scented gum used to prepare bodies for burial, and was the one gift to the infant Jesus that is said to have foretold his death and resurrection. Similarly, the Chrono Trigger is the one gift to the party from the Three Gurus of Zeal (Three Wisemen) that is strongly tied in with Crono's (Jesus's) death and resurrection.
It has been brought to my attention by Nina that there is a connection between the Chrono Trigger and Easter, which is in honor of the death of Jesus. The Chrono Trigger is otherwise known as the Time Egg. Now, what is normally associated with Easter? Eggs! Considering that the Time Egg is an item that you get directly after Crono's (Jesus's) death, it's rather fitting.
Even more on it. Do you know why eggs are associated with easter? According to the bible, some guy who had a farm helped Jesus carrying the cross as he was led to execution. Because of that, on the day of Jesus's resurrection, all the chickens on his farm ... erm ... "produced" coloured eggs.
Look at CT now. The remainder of Crono's Party supported him on his way before he was annihilated by Lavos. As a direct result of that, they received the Time Egg.
~blackhole89 @16.11.04 (yeah, lotsa stuff to add today...)