Character Animations

From Chrono Compendium
Revision as of 03:29, 5 October 2007 by ZeaLitY (Talk | contribs)

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These values work for animating player characters. Use them often to accentuate your scenes.



DDK: Quick note: X Glitches are a glitch that occurs
when Crono's sprite turns into the form of an X.
There are variations before them sometimes, but otherwise
the X portions are the same.

Also, directions may be biased, because I didn't remove the
Facing event in the scene I was using.

Crono Animations

00 - Nothing
01 - Walking
02 - Running (Mashing B)
03 - Draws Saber (Fighting Stance)
04 - "X Glitch"
05 - Struck by an attack
06 - Running (Continuous)
07 - Running (Mashing B rapidly)
08 - Dead
09 - Surprise
0A - Victory Animation (Sheathe Saber and pose)
0B - Pumping Fist
0C - Draws Saber (No fighting stance)
0D - "X Glitch"
0E - Crouch and jump with saber slightly extended
0F - "X Glitch"
10 - Arms extended and wind blowing (Standing Luminaire stance)
11 - Arms extended and no wind blowing (Other spell stance)
12 - Injured (crouching and breathing fast)
13 - Nothing
14 - Nothing
15 - Whacks knee
16 - Nodding
17 - Shaking head no
18 - "X Glitch"
19 - Decision pose (Hand to chin)
1A - Laughter
1B - Climbing
1C - "X Glitch"
1D - Injured (crouching and not breathing)
1E - Raises right hand (in relation to facing downward)
1F - Raises left hand (in relation to facing downward)
20 - Raises both hands (non-battle pose)
21 - Blinks continously
22 - Arms extended and wind blowing (Floating Luminaire stance)
23 - Sword Drawn in front of face
24 - Spins clockwise
25 - "X Glitch"
26 - "Surfing" pose
27 - Nothing
28 - Inn Sleeping animation(bottom half is missing on purpose, not a glitch)
29 - Sad/downcast pose
2A - Eyes closed
2B - Single frame of walking upward?
2C - "X Glitch"
2D - "X Glitch"
2E - "X Glitch"
2F - "X Glitch"
30 - "X Glitch"
31 - Swings sword downward continously
32 - Swings sword back continuously(critical hit)
33 - Spins around with sword (Cyclone)
34 - "X Glitch"
35 - Swings sword upwards (Slash?)
36 - "X Glitch"
37 - Overhead slash (Spincut)
38 - Stabs sword under him (Dragon Tank...)
39 - Single frame of diving downwards?
3A - Sitting down with tiny eyes (Soup drinking)
3B - Drinking soup (Heh, with no soup bowl, perhaps he's praying)
3C - Chugging sode
3D - Spinning with sword out (Max Cyclone version)
3E - "X Glitch"
3F - Attacking with sword wildly facing downward (Confuse?)
40 - Attacking overhead with sword wildly facing downward (?)
41 - Holding sword downward, wind blowing hair
42 - Execution pose
43 - Walking with hands bound
44 - Winking (WTF?)
45 - Sitting down (Death Peak scene)
46 - Lifting head while sitting (or perhaps nodding?)
47 - Turns into ash
48 - Flicker of remaining ash
49 - Sitting down sleeping (complete with snot bubble)
4A - Faces right
4B - Walks right
4C - Runs right (mashing B again...)
4D - Draws sword facing right
4E - "X Glitch"
4F - Struck from right side
50 - Running right
51 - Running right (Rapidly mashing B)
52 - Dead
53 - Surprise (facing right)
54 - Sheathes sword facing right, pumps fist (Victory pose)
55 - Smacks knee weirdly
56 - Draws sword from right
57 - "X Glitch"
58 - Leaps backwards with sword drawn
59 - "X Glitch"
5A - Arms extended with wind blowing facing right (Spell casting)
5B - Arms extended, no wind blowing, facing right
5C - Crouching down, breathing fast, facing right
5D - Nothing
5E - Nothing
5F - Smacks knee
60 - Nodding, facing right
61 - Shaking head, facing right
62 - "X Glitch"
63 - Decision pose, facing right
64 - Laughing, facing right
65 - Climbing
66 - "X Glitch"
67 - Crouched, facing right, not breathing
68 - Raises left hand (facing down)
69 - Raises right hand (facing down)
6A - Raises both hands
6B - Rapidly blinking, facing right
6C - Arms extended, wind blowing, floating, facing right (Luminaire)
6D - Holds sword at weird angle (parry?)
6E - Spins clockwise
6F - "X Glitch"
70 - Kick? Backwards jump? Facing right
71 - Nothing
72 - Inn sleeping pose
73 - Looks downcast, eyes open, facing right
74 - Looks downcast, eyes closed, facing right
75 - Single walking frame
76 - "X Glitch"
77 - "X Glitch"
78 - "X Glitch"
79 - "X Glitch"
7A - "X Glitch"
7B - Slashing to the right repeatedly
7C - Slashing back repeatedly (Facing right)
7D - Spinning with sword out slowly (Rocket Roll version)
7E - "X Glitch"
7F - Attacking to the right wildly
80 - "X Glitch"
81 - Frozen in place, sword raised overhead, facing right
82 - Sword in stabbing position (raised overhead) facing right
83 - Frozen in Max Cyclone/Falcon Hit position, facing right
84 - Sitting, getting ready to eat soup
85 - Drinking the soup
86 - Chugging soda
87 - Frozen Max Cyclone/Falcon Hit, facing left
88 - "X Glitch"
89 - Attacks wildly to left
8A - Attacks wildly overhead to left
8B - Facing left with sword drawn, wind blowing
8C - Execution pose
8D - Frozen frame of Crono walking with hands bound (or standing with hands bound?)
8E - Winking (and another WTF)
8F - Sitting down (Death Peak)
90 - Sitting down (Death Peak)
91 - Beginning to turn into ash (not animated)
92 - Flickering of ash
93 - Sleeping with fast snot bubble
94 - Faces right
95 - Still frame of walking right
96 - Walking right weirdly (Two frames)
97 - Still frame of sword drawn, facing right
98 - "X Glitch"
99 - Struck from right side
9A - Two frames of running right
9B - Two frames of running right
9C - Dead
9D - Surprise (Facing right)
9E - Switches between sword drawn and parry? stance (looks weird)
9F - Pumping fist
A0 - Grasping sheath, facing right
A1 - Steak sauce. Just kidding, another "X Glitch"
A2 - Leaping backwards with sword drawn and landing
A3 - "X Glitch"
A4 - Still frame of arms extended, facing right
A5 - Still frame of arms extended, facing right
A6 - Crouching, facing right, sword extended
A7 - Nothing
A8 - Nothing
A9 - Nothing
AA - Nodding, facing right
AB - Facing right
AC - "X Glitch"
AD - Decision stance
AE - Looks really downcast, facing right
AF - Still frame of climbing
B0 - "X Glitch"
B1 - Crouched, facing right, no sword drawn
B2 - Right hand raised
B3 - Left hand raised
B4 - Both hands raised
B5 - Facing right
B6 - Still frame of Luminaire pose
B7 - Parry? stance
B8 - Facing left
B9 - "X Glitch"
BA - Kick/Backwards leap
BB - Nothing
BC - Inn sleeping pose
BD - Downcast look, facing right
BE - Eyes closed, facing right
BF - Still walking frame, facing left
CT - Greatest game of all time
C0 - "X Glitch"
C1 - "X Glitch"
C2 - "X Glitch"
C3 - "X Glitch"
C4 - "X Glitch"
C5 - Attacking overhead to the right
C6 - Swinging sword back, facing right
C7 - Spinning with sword drawn (Rocket Roll)
C8 - "X Glitch"
C9 - Still frame of impending sword uppercut
CA - "X Glitch"
CB - Overhead and under attacking to the right
CC - Overhead stabbing stance
CD - Max Cyclone/Falcon Hit frame, facing right
CE - Sitting down for soup
CF - Frozen frame of drinking soup, mouth closed
D0 - Chugging soda
D1 - Half a Max Cyclone, left and up
D2 - "X Glitch"
D3 - "X Glitch"
D4 - Still frame of overhead strike
D5 - Sword in slashing pose, wind blowing
D6 - Execution pose
D7 - Still frame of Crono with bound hands
D8 - Nothing
D9 - Sitting down (Death Peak)
DA - Nodding/lifting head while sitting
DB - Turns into ash
DC - Still frame of remaining ash
DD - Sleeping with fast snot bubble
DE - Nothing
DF - Still frame of walking downwards
E0 - Another still frame of walking downwards
E1 - Drinking soup
E2 - "X Glitch"
E3 - Still frame of climbing
E4 - Two frames of walking downwards
E5 - Hard to tell, but probably another couple walking frames
E6 - Injured, facing right, sword drawn, not breathing
E7 - OVerhead attack facing left
E8 - Sword drawn (facing downward)
E9 - Two frames of holding sword downwards (holding in back as if to uppercut,
and holding it foward as if just attacked)
EA - Drawing sword, facing downwards
EB - "X Glitch"
EC - Surprise, facing left
ED - "X Glitch"
EE - Facing right, eyes closed
EF - Decision stance, facing downward
F0 - Strange... Switches betwen facing upwards with hands extended to Luminaire
pose facing right
F1 - Spinning with sword extended (Cyclone)
F2 - Still frame of Cyclone with sword to left
F3 - Uh... Someone else describe this one
F4 - Nothing
F5 - Still frame of running downwards
F6 - "X Glitch"
F7 - Sword extended, facing upwards
F8 - Still frame of post sword-slash, facing upwards
F9 - Still frame of Slash, facing left
FA - "X Glitch"
FB - Injured/crouching, no sword, facing upward
FC - Still frame of laughter, facing downwards
FD - Facing left with tiny eyes
FE - Still frame of laughter (mouth open), facing downwards
FF - Nothing


00 - Normal pose
01 - Walks
02 - Walks (2 frames)
03 - Battle stance
04 - Void
05 - Is hit
06 - Runs
07 - Void
08 - Dead, facing right
09 - Surprised
0A - Turns round + win pose
0B - Win pose
0C - Goes from normal pose to battle stance
0D - Void
0E - Stands up while facing up
0F - Void
10 - Hands up
11 - Normal pose
12 - Sat down exhausted
13 - Beats his chest
14 - Void
15 - Bows then raises a hand
16 - Bows
17 - Shakes his head, saying "No"
18 - Void
19 - Holds his head as if cogitating
1A - Laughs
1B - Climbs up
1C - Void
1D - Sat down
1E - Left hand raised
1F - Right hand raised
20 - Both hands raised
21 - Winks
22 - Hands up, in the air with winks and "wagging" body
23 - Blocks an attack
24 - Spins with raised hands
25 - Void
26 - Hands up, in the air
27 - Normal pose
28 - Sat down with empty eyes
29 - Bowed
2A - Empty eyes
2B - Walks while facing up (still frame)
2C - Void
2D - Void
2E - Void
2F - Void
30 - Void
31 - Punches
32 - Punches the ground
33 - Punches harder
34 - Builds up
35 - Leans forward (Robo Tackle animation)
36 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
37 - Void
38 - Hands up then sits down
39 - Opens body
3A - Opened body
3B - Spins holding something on his shoulders (Rocket Roll animation)
3C - Void
3D - Opens his head/mouth while sat down
3E - En garde
3F - Is hit from the right, with no tears in the eyes
40 - Jumps
41 - Jumps (2 frames)
42 - Throws his arm
43 - Sat down with opened head/mouth
44 - Spins in the air with raised hands
45 - Void
46 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
47 - Faces left
48 - Walks left
49 - Walks left (2 frames)
4A - Battle stance
4B - Void
4C - Is hit from the left
4D - Runs left
4E - Void
4F - Dead, facing left
50 - Surprised, facing left
51 - Turns round + win pose
52 - Win pose
53 - Goes from facing left to battle stance
54 - Void
55 - Stands up while facing right
56 - Void
57 - Hands up, facing left
58 - Normal pose
59 - Sat down exhausted, facing left
5A - Beats his chest, facing left
5B - Void
5C - Bows then raises a hand
5D - Bows at the left
5E - Shakes his head, saying "No" at the left
5F - Void
60 - Holds his head as if cogitating, facing left
61 - Laughs at the left
62 - Climbs up
63 - Void
64 - Sat down, facing left
65 - Left hand raised, facing up
66 - Right hand raised, facing up
67 - Both hands raised, facing up
68 - Winks at the left
69 - Hands up, in the air with winks and "wagging" body, facing left
6A - Blocks an attack at the left
6B - Spins with raised hands
6C - Void
6D - Hands up, in the air, facing left
6E - Normal pose
6F - Sat down with empty eyes
70 - Bowed at the left
71 - Faces left with empty eyes
72 - Walks right (still frame)
73 - Void
74 - Void
75 - Void
76 - Void
77 - Void
78 - Punches left
79 - Punches the ground at the left
7A - Is about to punch left (still frame)
7B - Builds up, facing left
7C - Leans forward, facing left (Robo Tackle animation)
7D - Holds something at the left (Max Cyclone still frame)
7E - Void
7F - Sat down, facing left
80 - Battle stance (still frame)
81 - Opened body
82 - Holds something on his head, facing up (Rocket Roll animation)
83 - Void
84 - Sat down, facing left
85 - En garde, facing left
86 - Is hit from the left, with no tears in his eyes
87 - Jump animation without leaving the ground
88 - Jumps (2 frames)
89 - Is about to punch left
8A - Sat down with opened head/mouth
8B - Spins in the air with raised hands
8C - Void
8D - Holds something, facing right (Max Cyclone animation)
8E - Faces right
8F - Walks right (2 frames)
90 - Walks right (2 different frames)
91 - Battle stance, facing right
92 - Void
93 - Is hit from the right
94 - Runs right (still frame)
95 - Void
96 - Dead, facing right
97 - Surprised, facing right
98 - Turns round
99 - Win pose (incomplete animation)
9A - Faces right
9B - Void
9C - Sat down, facing left
9D - Void
9E - Hands up, facing right
9F - Normal pose
A0 - Sat down exhausted, facing right
A1 - Puts his hands on his chest
A2 - Void
A3 - Bows then raises a hand
A4 - Bows at the right
A5 - Looks at his right, facing right
A6 - Void
A7 - Holds his head as if cogitating
A8 - Laughs at the right
A9 - Climbing up (still frame)
AA - Void
AB - Sat down, facing right
AC - Right hand raised
AD - Left hand raised
AE - Both hands raised
AF - Winks at the right
B0 - Hands up, in the air, facing right
B1 - Blocks an attack at the right
B2 - Hands up
B3 - Void
B4 - Hands up, in the air, facing right
B5 - Normal pose
B6 - Sat down with empty eyes
B7 - Bowed at the right
B8 - Faces right with empty eyes
B9 - Walks left (still frame)
BA - Void
BB - Void
BC - Void
BD - Void
BE - Void
BF - Punches right (2 last frames)
C0 - Is about to punch right
C1 - Punches right (3 first frames)
C2 - Builds up (still frame)
C3 - Leans forward, facing right (Robo Tackle animation)
C4 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
C5 - Void
C6 - Sat down then hands up, facing right
C7 - En garde with wagging chest
C8 - Opened body
C9 - Spins slowly, holding something on his shoulders (Rocket Roll animation)
CA - Void
CB - Open his head/mouth while sat down, facing right
CC - En garde, facing right
CD - Is hit from the right, with no tears in his eyes
CE - Bowed
CF - Is jumping (still frame)
D0 - Punches right, harder
D1 - Sat down with opened head/mouth
D2 - Hands up, in the air
D3 - Void
D4 - Spins holding something (2 Max Cyclone frames)
D5 - Normal pose
D6 - Walks
D7 - Walks (2 frames)
D8 - Faces left (blinking frame)
D9 - Void
DA - Hands up, in the air, facing left
DB - Runs (2 frames)
DC - Void
DD - Dead, facing right
DE - Surprised, facing right
DF - Win pose
E0 - Blocks an attack, facing up then right
E1 - Is about to walks (still frame)
E2 - Void
E3 - Punches right
E4 - Void
E5 - Punches the ground at the right (still frame)
E6 - Punches the ground, facing up
E7 - Punches (blinking frame)
E8 - Normal pose
E9 - Normal pose
EA - En garde, facing left
EB - Faces down then looks at his right
EC - Faces right, looks at his right then faces down
ED - Void
EE - Holds his head as if cogitating
EF - Laughs
F0 - Climbs up
F1 - Void
F2 - Sat down, facing right
F3 - Void
F4 - Void
F5 - Void
F6 - Normal pose
F7 - Beats his chest, facing right then left
F8 - Is hit from the left
F9 - Faces left
FA - Void
FB - Void
FC - Normal pose
FD - Void
FE - Faces down, looking at his right
FF - Normal pose


00 - Normal
01 - Walks;down
02 - Walks (only 2 frames); down
03 - Battle pose ;down
04 - Battle pose(1 frame);down
05 - was hit ;downs
06 - Runs ;down
07 - glitchy
08 - died; right
09 - Surprised ;down
0A - clockwise turn+cape throw(win pose) ;down
0B - cape throw(win pose) ;down
0C - wide cape throw(for a turn around) ;down
0D - glitchy
0E - on floor+standing up; up
0F - glitchy
10 - casting spell pose(hand from head towards enemy);down
11 - casting spell pose(hand towards enemy, 1 frame);down
12 - sits down+breathing;down
13 - normal;down
14 - normal;down
15 - Dance(hand up and down);down
16 - saying yes(head up and down);down
17 - Shaking head; down
18 - glitchy
19 - laughing(1 frame);down
1A - Laughing;down
1B - Climbs ladder;
1C - glitchy
1D - on floor(no breathing, 1 frame);down
1E - His left hand up; down
1F - his right hand up; down
20 - Both hands up; down
21 - eyes opening&closing;down
22 - cast pose(ice 2), cape flying to his left& his right arm pointing down;down
23 - closed cape ;down
24 - Spining
25 - glitchy
26 - in air hovering;down
27 - Normal
28 - sleeping pose(just head)
29 - looking towards ground;down
2A - normal
2B - Walk(1 frame); up
2C - glitchy
2D - glitchy
2E - glitchy
2F - glitchy
30 - glitchy
31 - using scythe(none battle);down
32 - glitchy
33 - scythe+spin
34 - scythe+spin(moving slightly up and down)
35 - scythe+spin
36 - spell casting(moving both hand + "talking", looking on ground);down
37 - spell casting(same as aboth just lesser frames);down
38 - puts his hand frokm pointing down towards you;down
39 - glitchy
3A - summoning pose;up
3B - wide throwing cape(2 frames), down
3C - gettign sucked by portal(magus castle after fight)
3D - normal;left
3E - walking (1st frame);left
3F - walking (2nd frame);left
40 - battle pose(1st frame);left
41 - battle pose(2nd frame);left
42 - gets hit;left
43 - running; left
44 - glitchy
45 - glitchy
46 - dead;left
47 - normal(looking at ground); left
48 - normal;left
49 - closed cape;down
4A - closed cape;left
4B - glitchy
4C - on floor(not dead);right
4D - glitchy
4E - looking left with right arm up
4F - looking left with arm pointing left
50 - on floor(not dead);left
51 - normale;left
52 - normal;down
53 - casting spell(right arm in front of his chest, 1 frame);down
54 - normal;left
55 - shaking head(1 frame);left
56 - glitchy
57 - after fionas quest pose(leaning on tree)
58 - after fionas quest pose(leaning on tree)
59 - climbing ladder(1 frame)
5A - glitchy
5B - on floor(not dead);left
5C - left arm up(1 frame);down
5D - rigth arm up(1 frame);down
5E - both arms up(1 frame);down
5F - closed eyes;left
60 - standing in wind(1 frame);left
61 - closed cape;left
62 - normal pose;down
63 - glitchy
64 - hovers+closed cape;left
65 - normal pose,down
66 - sleeping(only head)
67 - looking at the ground;left
68 - normal posw;left
69 - walking right(1 frame)
6A - glitchy
6B - glitchy
6C - glitchy
6D - glitchy
6E - glitchy
6F - summoning(?) facing left
70 - glitchy
71 - using scythe, looking left with scythe behind him;
72 - using scythe, looking left with scythe behind him;
73 - using scythe, looking left with scythe behind him, a bit more left;
74 - 1 frame spell, looking left, left arm above right and both in frong
of head;
75 - 1 frame spell, looking left, left arm behind him pointing down, right
arm in front of him pointing into the air;
76 - 1 frame spell, looking left, left arm behind him pointing down, right
arm in front of him pointing down on the ground;
77 - glitchy
78 - summons upwards, 1 frame
79 - looking left, opens cape with left arm(1 frame);
7A - gets sucked by portal(magus castle after battle, 1 frame)
7B - normal; right
7C - walking right, 1st frame;
7D - walking right 2nd frame
7E - battle pose(1st frame); right
7F - battle pose(2nd frame); right
80 - gets hit;right
81 - running; right
82 - glitchy
83 - dead; right
84 - normal; right
85 - normal; left
86 - closed cape; down
87 - closed cape; right
88 - glitchy
89 - on floor(not dead), left
8A - glitchy
8B - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind-down, left arm in front-up
8C - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind-down, left arm pointing
towards enemy
8D - on floor(not dead);right
8E - normal;right
8F - normal;down
90 - spell 1 frame, right arm in front of his chest;down
91 - normal;right
92 - shaking head(1 frame);right
93 - glitchy
94 - laughing 1 frame; right
95 - climbing 1 frame
97 - glitchy
98 - on floor(not dead);right
99 - left arm up;down
9A - right arm up;down
9B - both arms up;down
9C - closed eyes;left
9D - standing in the wind looking right(left arm pointing down)
9E - closed cape; right
9F - Normal
A0 - glitchy
A1 - hovering+closed cape;right
A2 - normal
A3 - slepping(only head)
A4 - looking at the ground;right
A5 - normal;right
A6 - waling(1 frame);left
A7 - glitchy
A8 - glitchy
A9 - glitchy
AA - glitchy
AB - glitchy
AC - summoning(?) looking to the right
AD - glitchy
AE - looking right, scythe behind his back
AF - looking right, scythe behind his back
B0 - looking right, scythe behind his back, a bit more right
B1 - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm above left, both in front of chest,
B2 - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind him pointing diogonally
down, left arm in front of him pointing up,
B3 - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind him pointing diogonally
down, left arm in front of him pointing down
B4 - glitchy
B5 - summoning(1 frame)
B6 - summoning(?);right
B7 - gets hit;up
B8 - walking(1 frame);down
BA - glitchy
BB - walking(1st frame);right
BC - walking(2nd frame);right
BD - normal; left
BE - waling(1 frame); down
BF - glitchy
C0 - walking(1st frame); right
C1 - walking(2nd frame); right
C2 - normal; right
C3 - normal; right
C4 - glitchy
C5 - walking(1st frame);right
C6 - walking(2nd frame);right
C7 - normal;up
C8 - normal;up
C9 - glitchy
CA - walking(1st frame); right
CB - walking(2nd frame); right
CC - normal;down
CD - normal;down
CE - glitchy
CF - walking(1 frame); left
D0 - normal;left
D1 - normal;left
D2 - glitchy
D3 - walking(1frame);left
D4 - normal;right
D5 - Normal;right
D6 - glitchy
D7 - Walking (1 frame);left
D8 - normal;up
D9 - normal;up
DA - glitchy
DB - walking(1 frame);left
DC - normal;down
DD - normal; down
DE - glitchy
DF - normal;right
E0 - normal;right
E1 - glitchy
E2 - normal;right
E3 - normal;right
E4 - glitchy
E5 - normal;up
E6 - normal;up
E7 - glitchy
E8 - Normal;down
E9 - Normal;down
EA - glitchy
EB - walking(1 frame);left
EC - walking(1st frame);right
ED - walking(2nd frame);right
EE - walking(3rd frame);right
EF - normal;left
F0 - normal; left
F1 - glitchy
F2 - walking(1 frame);left
F3 - walking(1st frame);right
F4 - walking(2nd frame);right
F5 - walking(3rd frame);right
F6 - Normal ;right
F7 - normal; left
F8 - glitchy
F9 - walking(1 frame);left
FA - walking(1st frame);right
FB - walking(2nd frame);right
FC - walking(3rd frame);right
FD - normal;up
FE - glitchy
FF - walking(1 frame);left



Normal, 06 = Dalton Laughs
Normal, 07 = Dalton Casts a Spell
Normal, 08 = Dalton Gets Angry

10 - Castle Guard (Present)

02-Weird glitch
05-Knocked out
08-Walking quickly
09-Weird glitch
0A-Stretched out holding onto bridge

4E Blue Imp

Animation (Loop) 05 - Surprised expression

From: Offsets (Chrono Trigger)