Power Seal

From Chrono Compendium
Revision as of 05:15, 14 February 2005 by Sir Slush (Talk | contribs)

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General Information

Chrono Trigger

Used by: All characters
Effect: Power +5, stamina +5

How to obtain:
Black Omen - Chest.
Black Omen - Charm from TerraMutant (bottom).

Chrono Cross

Used by: All characters
Effect: Attack +5
Materials: 3 Fang, 1 Mythril

How to obtain:

Japanese Equivalent

Romaji: PawÄ? ShÄ«ru
Translation: Power Seal

Name Origin

Seal may be being used in the sense of something that prevents leakage. Or maybe it's more like a seal of approval? Hard to tell.



Power Seal

Thanks to CuteLucca

From: Accessories (Chrono Cross) From: Accessories (Chrono Trigger)

--KWhazit 15:18, 28 Sep 2004 (EDT)