Monsters (CTP)

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General Information

Several palette-swapped, unique monsters exist in the Prerelease, along with a few oddities. Monsters are listed by digit and name.

007 Eagle

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: 1
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

The Eagle does not attack in battle.

Eagle (CTP).png

Atropos XR

Era: 2300 A.D.
Home Area: Factory, Geno Dome (CTP)
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Atropos XR and the R Series appear somewhat pink on purple.

Atropos (CTP).gif

Beige Barghest

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Barghest (CTP).png

Blue-tinted Skeleton

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Defunct (CTP).png

Blue Kilwala

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Kilwala (CTP).png


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

This enemy was replaced by the Mammon Machine in the final.

Enemy 0a pre.png

Brown Octopod

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Octopod (CTP).png

Cave/Winged Ape

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

The Prerelease equivalents of the Cave, Winged, and Fossil Apes feature a more peaceful face on the monsters.

Ape (CTP).png


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Departed has a slightly different palette. Thanks to SmithyGCN

Departed (CTP).png


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

A blue, two-headed Gnawer known as a "Duo" can be found in the Prerelease, similar in appearance to a Ruminator.

Blue Gnawer (CTP).png

Eagle Bogey

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

This enemy was replaced by Martello (or Black Site) in the final.

File:Enemy 09 pre.png

Enemy 19

File:Enemy 18 pre.png

Enemy 1F

File:Enemy 1f pre.png

Enemy 35

File:Enemy 35 pre.png

This enemy was replaced by Giga Mutant in the final.

Enigma & Ambush

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Enigma was an extra Thrasher enemy, and Ambush an extra Lasher with the Trasher's palette. Ambush was replaced by a Lavos Spawn in the final, while Enigma was completely removed.

Thrasher Sprites.png


Era: 65000000 B.C. (CTP)
Home Area: Dactyl Nest (CTP)
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

"Even" is a copy of the Lizardactyl.



Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

A normally unattainable version of the Roly Rider can be loaded in the Prerelease, featuring an Imp on a Poly.

Poly Rider (CTP).png


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Juggler (CTP).png

Gran & Leon R

The enemy name Gran & Leon R exists, suggesting that perhaps the party had to fight the combined Masa and Mune a second time.


"Hunter" is the name of the Bugger in the Prerelease.


Era: 1999 A.D.

Lavos's eruption sprite is different.

Lavos Preeruption.gif

Lavos 000

"Lavos 000" is the name for Super Slash in the Prerelease.

Orange Gnasher

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Gnasher (CTP).png


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

This enemy comes immediately after the Mage in the game's data and appears identical. He was edited out of the final.

Mage Sprites.png

Pink/Purple Roly

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Roly (CTP).png

Purple Naga-ette

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Naga-ette (CTP).png


Reactor is the name for both the Boss Orb and Side Kick in the Prerelease.

Red Evilweevil

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Evilweevil (CTP).png

Red Imp

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

At the Fair

Red Imp Ace

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

The Prerelease features a Red Eaglet holding a Red Imp, a unique combination.

Imp Ace (CTP).png


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

The Riddler is listed right before the Juggler and uses the same graphics. He was edited out of the final.

Juggler Sprites.png

Steel Blue Octopod

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

Octopod 2 (CTP).png

Strange Gun Emplacement (Guardian)

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

A strange mechanical enemy that appears to be a gun emplacement can be found in the Prerelease. It was originally a set of moving guns for the Guardian boss in 2300 A.D.

Thanks to Crysta

Strange Gun Emplacement (CTP).png


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

The Synchrite of the Prerelease has extra armor on its arms.

Synchrite (CTP).png


Era: 65000000 B.C.

Little is known about this enemy, as he was not programmed into the game. He was most likely used in the prehistoric era. His palette (colors) is not the one it would've used if he appeared in the game.


TriceraGCN.png (by SmithyGCN)

Two-headed Green Gnawer

Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

A two-headed, green Gnawer can be found in the Prerelease, similar in appearance to a Ruminator.

Green Gnawer (CTP).png


Monster 241 (which has a blank name) is an invisible monster that displays "There was a noise somewhere." when attacked. It's possible that it was used for the switches in the Ozzie battles.


Era: ?
Home Area: ?
HP: ?
TP: ?
Exp: ?
Gold: ?
Weakness: ?
Charm: ?

This enemy was replaced by Teramutant in the final.

Freelancer (CTP).png

From: Chrono Trigger Prerelease