Norstein Bekkler

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Norstein Bekkler Sprites.png

General Information

Game Information

Chrono Trigger

Full Name: Norstein Bekkler
Age: Indeterminate, possibly thousands of years old
Species: Human
Home Time: 1000 A.D.
Home Area: Millennial Fair

Norstein Bekkler is a sorcerer, possibly originating from Zeal, who flocked to places of revelry where he could demonstrate his tricks. One of his unique abilities is that of creating clones; this skill achieved a level unprecedented importance when a clone of Crono was required to save the adventurer from certain death in the Ocean Palace Incident. Besides this ability, he also awards participants in his show cat food and kittens, as well as music-playing Poyozos.

Chrono Cross

The leftmost mask in the rebuilt Marbule shop and the masks in Serge's room resemble the one used by Norstein Bekkler.

Clone Locations

Theory and Analysis



Norstein Bekkler Sprites.png

From: Characters (Chrono Trigger)