Shiva Edge

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Revision as of 02:35, 15 August 2004 by ZeaLitY (Talk | contribs)

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General Information

Chrono Trigger

Used by: Crono
Type: Sword
Attack: 170
Stat Increase: 95
Effects: 4x damage on critical hit

How to obtain:
Hero's Grave, 1000 A.D. - Sealed Chest.

Japanese Equivalent

Romaji: Suzaku
Translation: Suzaku

Name Origin

Shiva is one of the main Hindu dieties, known for destroying and restoring worlds, among other things. He is a member of the triad, which includes Brahma and Vishnu.

gorightcorner: "Suzaku" is the sacred Chinese beast of the cardinal direction of the South, summer, and elemental fire.

From: Weapons (Chrono Trigger)
