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is the battle system going to be the same and the weapons, combos, characters...cause seriously all of the characters and everything was great especially the storyline and music. i really hope this game will really be just as amazing as chrono cross.
is the battle system going to be the same and the weapons, combos, characters...cause seriously all of the characters and everything was great especially the storyline and music. i really hope this game will really be just as amazing as chrono cross.
[[Image:Belthasar_portrait.png|left]]I surmise that you are speaking of the project Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes, which aims to explain history between the original quest and my own Project Kid. While this glorious effort will not come to fruition until the Encyclopedia is completed (and shall be delayed forever if Chrono Break is announced), I can answer yes! New weapons will be provided, and if the tech code yields her secrets, perhaps new combos shall be available too. The characters shall be comprised of the original seven, minus Ayla -- for Schala will be joining the ranks! The storyline can be viewed at http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=527 , and the music will be specially rearranged. Look forward to it!
[[Image:Belthasar_portrait.png|left]]I surmise that you are speaking of the project Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes, which aims to explain history between the original quest and my own Project Kid. While this glorious effort will not come to fruition until the Encyclopedia is completed (and shall be delayed forever if Chrono Break is announced), I can answer yes! New weapons will be provided, and if the tech code yields her secrets, perhaps new combos shall be available too. The characters shall be comprised of the original seven, minus Ayla -- for Schala will be joining the ranks! The storyline can be viewed at http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=527 , and the music will be specially rearranged. Look forward to it!
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crono. He says that it looks alot like crono. Is this true? Is it  
crono. He says that it looks alot like crono. Is this true? Is it  
really him? Thanks.
really him? Thanks.
[[Image:Belthasar_portrait.png|left]]I must adjourn to check on something. I will let the longtime Chrono fan Chrono'99 answer this inquiry! '''Chrono'99''': Well, Miguel has brown hair and brown eyes, but that might not be a problem since Schala herself does look different than how she was in CT (and the Crono ghost has blue eyes instead of green!). Oh, and note that the Crono ghost is not the real Crono, Miguel himself says it's just an "just an illusion" from the dead future. So if Miguel is Crono, this would explain why he's sooo damn powerful for a mere fisherman. Plus his color is White, and it's obvious that Crono would have been a White innate too. If he's Crono, then Leena would be his daughter with Marle; Leena (sounds like Leene...) does have red hair and is Blue innate like Marle probably was. We actually see Leena's sister Una and her grandmother in Arni, but they could just be an adoptive family.  
[[Image:Belthasar_portrait.png|left]]I must adjourn to check on something. I will let the longtime Chrono fan Chrono'99 answer this inquiry! '''Chrono'99''': Well, Miguel has brown hair and brown eyes, but that might not be a problem since Schala herself does look different than how she was in CT (and the Crono ghost has blue eyes instead of green!). Oh, and note that the Crono ghost is not the real Crono, Miguel himself says it's just an "just an illusion" from the dead future. So if Miguel is Crono, this would explain why he's sooo damn powerful for a mere fisherman. Plus his color is White, and it's obvious that Crono would have been a White innate too. If he's Crono, then Leena would be his daughter with Marle; Leena (sounds like Leene...) does have red hair and is Blue innate like Marle probably was. We actually see Leena's sister Una and her grandmother in Arni, but they could just be an adoptive family.  
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Full theory at http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=586 .
Full theory at http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=586 .
'''From ''YankeeJosephLeo'':'''
'''From ''YankeeJosephLeo'':'''
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OH! and I forgot to mention, see the above story...that is about 1/4 of the entire game, its just a brief explanation of the story.
OH! and I forgot to mention, see the above story...that is about 1/4 of the entire game, its just a brief explanation of the story.
[[Image:Belthasar_portrait.png|left]]Well, many thanks for debuting this project through the Compendium! It will be expressly added to [[Fan Projects]]. It looks to be an exciting addition to an already diverse library of efforts by fans to continue and remake the series. Good luck with it!
[[Image:Belthasar_portrait.png|left]]Well, many thanks for debuting this project through the Compendium! It will be expressly added to [[Fan Projects]]. It looks to be an exciting addition to an already diverse library of efforts by fans to continue and remake the series. Good luck with it!

Latest revision as of 16:05, 26 February 2005

February 25, 2005 - Belthasar has the floor!

Welcome to the first Chrono Compendium mailbag. To make things interesting, questions will be handled by in-person characters from the Chrono series -- and what better way to kick it off than to feature the man who kicked off Chrono Cross? The Guru of Reason's here to take questions and comments. Remember, if you'd like to have an inquiry featured in the mailbag, just e-mail chronocompendium@gmail.com. With every ten e-mails, we will release a mailbag.

Let it commence!

1. From John:

This was the only email address I could find on your site, so I hope it's the right one...anyway, I've got a question concerning the Chrono Trigger Prerelease Soundtrack off of the Compendium. I downloaded the entire set, located near the bottom of the page at: http://chronocompendium.com/Term/Music_%28CTP%29 Unfortunately, the track '025 - Blackbird' was missing from this collection. I would like to know if you'd be willing to either email me the missing spc, or reupload the collection with the missing song included into it. Thank you for your time!

Belthasar portrait.png
Well, John, this issue has been appropriately dealt with. After much effort, the Blackbird track was expressly extracted and added to the collection. I thank you for pointing this out; the music of the Prerelease is now complete, and available for all. Ho! Here you are: http://www.herograw.com/ocremix/Zeality/Chrono%20Trigger%20Prerelease%20Soundtrack.rar . Next!

2. From BlakKnightYuber:

Hello, myself and a friend are searching for a way to contact Mataso-san. We heard that he doesn't work with square anymore per se, but formed his own company. If this is true there must be a website for this company; if you know its address, or know someone who knows it, i'd appreciate it very much. Thank you!

Belthasar portrait.png
Oh, you wish to contact the master? I have instructed FATE and Chronopolis to search for a method of communication. I have personally located this area: http://www.monolithsoft.co.jp/ ; upon further inspection, it seems a contact address was left at monolith@monolithsoft.co.jp . Nay, the powers of language fail me in this regard -- you must find a translator or seer of some kind to actually mail them. But have hope, and good luck!

3. From Kain Highwind:

Hi, I have been playing Chrono games for about 6 years, and I have some questions about your site and the game.

1.Are you ever gonna change the site format from the Wikipedia format that is currently nused to another?

2. How did Atropos get reborn?

3. How did Chrono die exactly? Was he trying to do an extra powerful Luminaire or something?

PS, I love your site!

Belthasar portrait.png
Six years! A fine, distinguished venturer you are in the realm of the Chrono series. I have assessed the situation here, and can report that though MediaWiki shall most likely remain the system of the site, a frontend, or perhaps a different layout are in store. Firstly, we must complete the archival of information in the Encyclopedia, however! Lend your assistance, if possible. Secondly, Atropos! The answer lies in the fine mechanics of time -- workings and aspects that anyone can grasp if they try. You see, when the heroes of time restored the future, the timeline and events in which Atropos was cruelly reprogrammed and defeated were rewritten. No longer was the vile Mother Brain in power (I notice the FATE display is giving me the evil eye as I write this), and Atropos was free to carry on a peaceful life, even participating in this research institute. And we then come to Crono. Recall that the moody Magus himself could not even take Lavos down by himself -- nay, the glory of the Entity's orchestration was a team effort to quell the alien invader. Crono too bravely attempted the battle himself, but the sudden, uncoordinated attack seemed to be his end. Thank you for your appreciation of this institution! It shall only grow and become better with time. (No pun intended, fellow temporal fans!)

4. From Sean:

My name is Sean Finklea and I was wondering if you knew how to get in touch with square. I am writing a story that I'm most likely going to publish and it contains Chrono Trigger/Cross references. I need to find out if I'm writing this in vain.

Belthasar portrait.png
A tough inquiry! While copyright law dictates that most usage is illegal, fan sites such as this facility are allowed to operate. However, I would venture to hold that publishing material would not be allowed. I have searched the website of http://www.square-enix.com/ , but I have not found a method of contact not involving warranty information or technical support. If you register, you will have access to the Live Support part of the site; I am not sure what that privilege entails, but give it a try! Onward.

5. From Kenshin Himura:

One of the few things I never understood about CT was why Marle disappeared in 600 AD Guardia. I don't know for sure if there was an actual reason for it or if it just happened so Crono would have to go find Lenne, but I figured if anyone could answer it it would be you and the rest of the Compendium staff.

Belthasar portrait.png
Aha! You've touched upon a fine point in Chrono history, and something that doesn't quite fit with evidence in other time-traveling situations. Whereas the heroes can change their own destinies and circumstances and be unaffected in nearly all situations, Marle seems to fall to some incident due to the disappearance of Leene. However, Leene is neither dead, and nor do future events rearrange based on possibilities alone! What then has caused her poor fate? Well, consider: she does not disappear until Crono arrives at her room, and does not reappear until the same is done. If she had not disappeared, Leene would have been killed, leading to a true problem in history. If Marle entered the gate, as soon as she disappeared within it, the effects would have instantly manifested themselves; Crono wouldn't have had a chance to even think about saving her before time would have reflowed through the past. Guardia wouldn't exist in 1000 A.D. as it had - Crono and Lucca would probably not exist as they do. If the effects apply instantly to Marle, why are Crono and Lucca immune? Thus, it seems that this is not a temporal paradox, but divine intervention of sorts. Hah! I see your eyes rolling as you recall the popular explanations of "A wizard did it!" However, this is true. Had these events not transpired, the machinations of the effort to stop Lavos would have never materialized. Thus it is rational to believe the Entity intervened, conveniently before Crono's eyes, to spark him on his glorious adventure. You may not still believe it, but the signs do point to arbitration.

6. From Genly:

is the battle system going to be the same and the weapons, combos, characters...cause seriously all of the characters and everything was great especially the storyline and music. i really hope this game will really be just as amazing as chrono cross.

Belthasar portrait.png
I surmise that you are speaking of the project Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes, which aims to explain history between the original quest and my own Project Kid. While this glorious effort will not come to fruition until the Encyclopedia is completed (and shall be delayed forever if Chrono Break is announced), I can answer yes! New weapons will be provided, and if the tech code yields her secrets, perhaps new combos shall be available too. The characters shall be comprised of the original seven, minus Ayla -- for Schala will be joining the ranks! The storyline can be viewed at http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=527 , and the music will be specially rearranged. Look forward to it!

7. From [NAR]Xeno:

Hi, I heard from a friend that Miguel from chrono cross is actually crono. He says that it looks alot like crono. Is this true? Is it really him? Thanks.

Belthasar portrait.png
I must adjourn to check on something. I will let the longtime Chrono fan Chrono'99 answer this inquiry! Chrono'99: Well, Miguel has brown hair and brown eyes, but that might not be a problem since Schala herself does look different than how she was in CT (and the Crono ghost has blue eyes instead of green!). Oh, and note that the Crono ghost is not the real Crono, Miguel himself says it's just an "just an illusion" from the dead future. So if Miguel is Crono, this would explain why he's sooo damn powerful for a mere fisherman. Plus his color is White, and it's obvious that Crono would have been a White innate too. If he's Crono, then Leena would be his daughter with Marle; Leena (sounds like Leene...) does have red hair and is Blue innate like Marle probably was. We actually see Leena's sister Una and her grandmother in Arni, but they could just be an adoptive family.

Perhaps during the Fall of Guardia, Crono could only save his daughter Leena and had to go into hiding in a faraway place, El Nido, taking a Spanish sounding name and wearing a cool bucket hat... but who knows what happened to Marle.

There are some counterarguments for this theory though. Like how comes Crono would left Marle behind, or how comes Miguel was frightened and didn't follow Serge's father inside Chronopolis when they went there (Crono would just have nodded and brandished his katana with a nice shling! sound...). So unfortunately there's no sure answer to this question. Miguel could be Crono, but he might just be the White Dragon in disguise (his attack is "Holy Dragon Sword", and the White Dragon appears from where Miguel was right when you turn your back on him!), or he could also be a random villager who ended up in a reeeaaally bad situation.

Full theory at http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=586 .

From YankeeJosephLeo:

Hello, I just wanted to contact you about A Chrono Trigger Sequel I am starting. It is called Chrono Trigger: After Effect. It is full 3D, it will use the Tourque game engine, ( http://www.garagegames.com ) or the Reality Engine ( http://www.artificialstudios.com ) In this sequel Chrono and the gang find out that because of their time travel, there were horrible after effects. Because they destroyed Lavos, a newer stronger enemy was put in its place. They find this out, because one day they are all teleported to the End of Time. and Gaspar tells them to go in a room (A new room on the south end of the End of Time).

In there is the book of time. They see that it is written, that there will be an enemy who destroys 1999 A.D. Lucca has an idea on how to stop this...she tries to edit the book. But Gas[ar takes them out of the room to tell them that editing the book can have even more dire effects. He tells them that if they can get to the beginning of time, there will be someone waiting for them there. But getting there is not an easy task, they have to find a sacred item from every time zone. Then once they get the items, they have to put them together (Melchior helps them with that of course) But even still, there will be more trouble as in they might be erased from history, and who knows what the beginning of time is like. It is a risk, but they have to take it.

The person awaiting them, is that "Mysterious Force" they talk about in the end of the game. He tells them that he had made a horrible mistake by writing the book of time the way he did. He also tells them that there is no way to edit it, even now. But he says there is a way they can defeat this new enemy, and keep it from coming back. They have to go to an un-holy place known as "Hell" (we will call it something else though, since that isnt a pleasant word) and defeat the demon there. They then find out that Lavos, and this new enemy is one of THOUSANDS. And they are all attached to this new enemy.

That is all I have for now, but there is more soon to come on the story. The website is ct-aftereffect.com but nothing is there yet.

Thanks for your time :)

OH! and I forgot to mention, see the above story...that is about 1/4 of the entire game, its just a brief explanation of the story.

Belthasar portrait.png
Well, many thanks for debuting this project through the Compendium! It will be expressly added to Fan Projects. It looks to be an exciting addition to an already diverse library of efforts by fans to continue and remake the series. Good luck with it!

And on that note, I shall take my leave. Send your questions to chronocompendium@gmail.com, and we shall answer them!

From: Features