Difference between revisions of "Radical Dreamers Translation Differences"
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(→Mirror Trap) |
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"If it was a Vampire, yes, the vigor will be completely drained, but the soul will not leave the body. And in order to replenish the lost vigor, he will go finding new victims evey night... "<br /> | "If it was a Vampire, yes, the vigor will be completely drained, but the soul will not leave the body. And in order to replenish the lost vigor, he will go finding new victims evey night... "<br /> | ||
"How boring, you want to say, this corpse has neither soul nor vigor, don't you? But, what's the matter? I don't understand, what do you want to do?" | "How boring, you want to say, this corpse has neither soul nor vigor, don't you? But, what's the matter? I don't understand, what do you want to do?" | ||
+ | |||
+ | ===Kid's Anger=== | ||
+ | |||
+ | Kid showed a bit more anger in the lines preceding the final confrontation. Demi's: | ||
+ | |||
+ | I don't know what she meant by that, but after what happened at the temple, I vowed to get my revenge, and honor what she wanted."<Br /> | ||
+ | I stay silent, not knowing what kind of reply to offer.<Br /> | ||
+ | "I shoulda talked more about it before, before I got you involved in everything, I guess," she says after a while.<Br /> | ||
+ | "It's bad, Serge..." | ||
+ | |||
+ | The original: | ||
+ | |||
+ | <pre> でも…… | ||
+ | 姉ちゃんがさらわれ、二度と帰って来 | ||
+ | ないと知った時、オレは誓ったんだ。 | ||
+ | ヤマネコの野郎からあの石を盗みだし、 | ||
+ | 姉ちゃんのかたきを討つって」 | ||
+ | キッドの右眼が、闇の中で冷たく燃え | ||
+ | 上がった。 | ||
+ | 「ヤツに、自分のしでかしたことの償い | ||
+ | を、させてやる!! | ||
+ | オレの命にかえても……。 | ||
+ | どんな代償をはらっても……!」 | ||
+ | キッドはそれだけ言うと、口を閉ざして、 | ||
+ | 黙りこんでしまう……。 | ||
+ | 「ゴメン……、キッド。 | ||
+ | ヘンなこと、聞いちゃって……」 | ||
+ | しばらくして、キッドは応えた。 | ||
+ | 「いや……、いいんだ。 | ||
+ | ほんとは、もっと前に話しておくべきだっ | ||
+ | た。おまえを巻き込んでしまう前に」 | ||
+ | 「悪かったな、セルジュ……」 | ||
+ | …………。 | ||
+ | ボクには、なんと応えればいいのか、 | ||
+ | わからなかった……。 | ||
+ | 足音ばかりが、暗い通路をわたって | ||
+ | 行く……。</pre> | ||
+ | |||
+ | but.....<Br /> | ||
+ | when Sis was abducted and never returned again, I swore .....<Br /> | ||
+ | Take the Frozen Flame from that bastard Lynx, and avenge Sis."<Br /> | ||
+ | Cold light sparkles in Kid's right eye.<Br /> | ||
+ | "That bastard, he must pay for all he has done!!<Br /> | ||
+ | Even if trade with my own life....<Br /> | ||
+ | I will make him pay...!"<Br /> | ||
+ | Kid says, suddenly, she become quiet。。。<Br /> | ||
+ | "I'm sorry, Kid....<Br /> | ||
+ | I understand now..."<Br /> | ||
+ | After a little while, Kid replies:<Br /> | ||
+ | "Nothing...I'm OK.<Br /> | ||
+ | Those things, I should tell you earlier, before you were involved in."<Br /> | ||
+ | "It's really bad, Serge...."<Br /> | ||
+ | ......<Br /> | ||
+ | I don't know how to reply...<Br /> | ||
+ | Only footsteps are left in the dark passage, again.... | ||
===Mirror Trap=== | ===Mirror Trap=== |
Revision as of 05:48, 23 December 2008
In December 2008, a Compendiumite named utunnels retranslated certain scenes in Radical Dreamers, sometimes uncovering a different picture of the characters and events than what Demiforce gave us. This page tracks Radical Dreamers translation differences that are closer to the original than the Demiforce translation.
Scenario 1: Le Trésor Interdit
Mouth of Truth
In the original Japanese version, there were differences with the lipstick, file, and hand-shaped plate. The lipstick is revealed to have a special use for the thieves:
「オレの口紅~っ!!」 "My lipstick!!" <pre>真っ赤に艶めく髭老人の唇に、キッド の怒りが大爆発する。
Seeing the red lips of the beard-oldman, Kid explodes in anger.
「いいじゃないか、キッド、お化粧なんて しないんだから」
"What's wrong, Kid, isn't that how cosmetics are used for?"
「その紅はなぁ、迷いやすい道とかで、 マーキングに使うんだよ!」
"This lipstick is used for drawing marks just in case we lose our way."
The file wasn't a nail file, but an industrial hand tool:
「命の次に大事な、7つ道具のヤスリ がーーーーッ!!!」
"As one of the 7 tools, only life is more important than that file!!!"
Finally, the hand-shaped plate is revealed to have contained the ultimate truth of the universe, which the Mouth of Truth refuses to speak.
...This is it, the ultimate truth of the universe...
"Seeing the truth of the world, even the Mouth of Truth will coil its tongue up."
Even when making a joke like this, Magil still uses his usual serious tone.
「この世の真理だって? あの象形文字 が? しくじった! うつしとっときゃ 高く売れたかもしれないのに!」
"The truth of the world? Those pictograph characters? Damn it! We could sell it for a high price!"
Kid says, snapping her fingers, regrettably.
The Spiked Ceiling
In Demiforce's version, thrusting the Einlanzer into the ceiling results in death:
"Okay! Let's smash the ceiling!" I shout, swinging the sword over my head!
The wooden structure shatters from the huge sword's impact! A number of rusty blades are now in free-fall, headed straight for us!!
I try to protect myself, but the dozens of tiny razor sharp blades painfully tear into me!
In the original Japanese, it merely took 10 HP:
「よし、この剣で天井を打ち砕いてや る!!」
"OK, let's break the ceiling with this sword!!"
I thrust upward fiecely with the sword.
[Sound of metal collision]
天井から突き出た無数の刃にはねと ばされ、ボクは床に転がった!
But it's deflected by countless blades in the ceiling, and I fall on the ground.
The Death of Venus
In Demiforce's version, the mirror invites Serge first, and his resistance seems to crack the mirror. In the original, the mirror invites Kid first, who tells Serge to try instead. Serge barely gets a hand in before Venus seems to break herself, revealing that she is a servant of Lynx.
"Ah, Master Serge. Is there something I can answer for you?" the statue asks in a pleasant voice. "Or, perhaps, you'd be interested in this lovely gift I have for you?"
"Huh? A gift?"
"Only a modest token of my appreciation for you and your comrades. I present you with a personal invitation into the Realm of the Looking Glass, if you are interested."
"Wow, really?"
"Yes, but we must hurry. Time is of the essence."
I look towards the dark, rippling surface of the mirror. Slowly, I reach my hand out towards it.
It feels like my hand is being submerged in water, passing straight into the mirror...
Suddenly, there's a slight pull. I try to retract my arm, but the harder I pull, the further I seem to be getting drawn in...
"Master Serge! Take your hand out, quickly!!"
Just then, a crack streaks across the mirror!
"What's... going on!?"
Amidst my struggling, I see a crack start to streak down the mirror's glass...
"Save yourself, Master Serge... Please, before I am forced to consume you..."
Kid starts pulling with me, despite the increasing force drawing me in! I'm now up to my shoulder in this thing!
"On the count of three," I yell!
"One, two, three!!"
We tumble backwards, falling onto the couch. I look at my arm in a daze. It's fine.
Shaking myself off, I return to the mirror, now even more cracked since I last saw it.
「まあ! そんなことおっしゃられたら、 お連れの方が気を悪くされますわよ」
"Oh! You have an ill sense of humour. "
Venus laughs mischievously.
Kid responses with a stiffened face.
"Why me!? (You enraged me)"
「そう熱くならないでくださいませ。 皆様に、素敵なプレゼントがございます のよ」
"Don't be so sensitive. I have a nice gift for everyone."
「プレゼント?」 "Gift?" <pre>「と言ってもささやかな物ですけれど。 鏡のなかを、体験していただくのも一 興かと思いまして」
"Although it might be too trivial to mention. But it'll be an interesting experience visiting the Mirror Realm."
"You invite us to the Mirror Realm?"
Kid asks curiously.
「お時間はとらせませんわ。 さあ、キッド様。どうぞ……」
"We have limited time. So, Master Kid. Please..."
The mirror ripples like the water surface.
キッドは言われるまま、鏡の表面に手 を伸ばしかけ、ふとその手を止めた。
Hearing that, Kid extends her hand towards the mirror, but suddenly, she stops.
少しの間なにか考えるようにした後、 キッドは手を引っ込めてしまった。
She thinks for a while, then retrieves her hand back.
「セルジュ、ゆずるよ。 おまえ、鏡のお気に入りだしな」
"Serge, I'll leave this chance to you(I give up, literaly). It seems you are more interested by that mirror."
「え、ほんと? いいの?」 ボクはキッドに聞いた。
"Oh really?" I ask Kid.
キッドが首を縦にふったので、ボクは わくわくしながら鏡に手をあてた。
Kid nods her head, so I extend my hand to the mirror.
It feels like the cold water surface.
"Mr Serge, no!!"
A crack appears on the mirror.
「……!! これは……!?」
"....!! what...!?"
Venus sobs in the mirror, tears run down her face.
"I am...I'm a servant of Lynx."
Ballroom Elevator
Serge and Kid's dialogue while riding the elevator down to the Zeal ruins is more evocative of Kid's history as Schala. Originally, Serge and Kid have these choices:
- "Why bring us here, Kid? Is it fate?"
- "Don't worry, we can't lose, there's no doubt!"
[Choice One]
"...... Fate...? Life...? I don't even know anymore. But with Lynx, nothin's set in stone.
But... sometimes, it feels like there's somethin' inside me, guidin' me... no matter what I do, it won't matter because I know it'll be showin' me what to do next...
Bah, what am I sayin'... crazy talk," Kid says, smiling faintly.
[Choice Two]
"Whatever," Kid says beneath her breath, smiling faintly. "Sayings like those never made much sense to me. There's never a case where there ain't a doubt. Not a single one.
But... thanks, mate."
In utunnels's translation:
- Who's that opponent?
- We will certainly win.
[Choice One]
「その戦いの相手というのは、何なの、 キッド?」
"Who's that opponent(were you talking about), Kid?"
「…………。 さあ……、何だろ……? 運命……? 人生……? 自分でも、よくわからない……。 でも、ヤマネコとか、そーいった具体的 なヤツじゃ、ないんだ。 うまく言えないんだけど、オレのなか にもう一人のオレがいて、自分のやって ることの空しさ、愚かさを、じっと見つめ てる……、そんな気がするんだ。 おかしな話だよな……」
I'm not sure for myself...
But I didn't mean Lynx or any specific thing.
I can't explain that well...sometimes I feel like there's another myself inside me, it is always watching, quietly, no matter how stupid my actions are...
I feel... it sounds like a funny story..."
そう言って、キッドはかすかな微笑みを 浮かべた。
Kid says with a faint smile on her face.
[Choice Two]
「心配いらないよ。 キッドは……、ボクらは、負けない。 勝つよ、必ず!」
"Don't worry.Kid..., we, won't lose. We'll win, certainly!"
"You stupid..."
Kid replies with a faint smile.
「この世には、”必ず”とか”絶対”とか、 言いきれるものなんか、ないんだよ。 なにひとつ、な。 でも…… ありがとう、セルジュ」
"In this world, there's no such things as 'certain' or 'absolute',no one can make such an assertion, no matter who. But....thank you, Serge."
Battle with Lynx
In Demiforce's version, Kid kicks at Lynx before spitting blood:
With as much power as she can muster, Kid kicks at Lynx, sweeping him off his feet!
Spitting blood, Kid coughs a little, but still, a smile manages to come through her agony.
Originally, Lynx kicked Kid, who then spat blood:
Lynx kicks Kid with all his strength!
Kid rolls on the ground, spitting blood.
Scenario 5: Homecoming: Shea's Light
Dead Sea
The frozen sea with the green-haired Siren is more reminiscent of the Dead Sea in Chrono Cross. There was also only one corpse instead of several in this area, revealed to be the control center of the trap. Serge smashes its head or lets Magil blow it up based on the player's choices, and everything returns to normal. The sea is solid again, and the Siren stops moving. Here's the description:
嵐の海の一瞬をそのまま結晶化させた 様な逸品であるが、美しさよりはむしろ その生々しさ、凄惨さがきわだっていた。
It looks just like the storming sea frozen (solidified) in time, very exquisitely crafted.
It is more realistic and dreary / tragic than beautiful.
Lynx's Corpse
The explanation of the corpse is different in Demiforce's version. There's also no mention of how Lynx died, meaning the Acacian sword was Demi's addition. Demi's:
Magil kneels down and lifts off the cushions, examining the corpse as though he was a coroner.
"Hey, I always liked a nice firm seat," Kid says, pretending to sit down on it.
Enough with the bad jokes already, Kid...
"This corpse has no life-essence," Magil continues.
"Isn't that how corpses usually are?" I ask.
"Generally, yes. When a person dies, one's consciousness, or spirit, is separated from the body. Normally, as the spirit leaves the body, the corpse will crumble over time. However, in this case, this corpse is aged, but it has not even started to crumble at all yet. It is merely without moisture."
"Lynx's spirit has not yet been released."
"So that means..."
"Yes, his spirit is still here, probably somewhere within this mansion."
Magil seems unusually disturbed by all this. First the phantom, then that whole siren thing, now this... even he's having trouble keeping his cool.
We're in over our heads.
"Lynx was apparently slain by a blade," Magil says, pointing to a gash in his belly.
Looking around, he finds the murder weapon. It's a bloody sword, stashed behind a chair. "An Acacian sword... interesting."
Magil tries to remain focused, racking his brain for information.
"If a body and its spirit have been detached in this manner, the body will yearn for its spirit. It will transform into a sort of bottomless well, endlessly seeking spirits until it finds its own."
"What does that have to do with us? ...Oh," Kid says solemnly.
Magil, who was examining the corpse with great interests and ardor like a Chemist, breaks the silence suddenly.
"The corpse looks really funny, hmm."
Kid says, while stepping aside like she's avoiding the miasma.
But , as usual, Magil continues with his scholar like tone.
"This corpse, has no vigor."
"As a corpse, what do you expect it to have?"
I don't know what Magil wants to say.
"Usually, one's mind and thought--the soul--will leave the body after the owner dies. But vigor is part of the body too, they will evaporate bit by bit as the corpse is rotting away."
"So, that means he's dead for a long time, so that v..what...has evaporated completely?"
"This corpse, has no vigor left at all, nor signs for that it used to have any vigor, it vanished completely...."
...even Magil feels curious and confused.
"The one who fought Lynx, might be a Vampire..."
My knowledge about mystery is really limited now.
The ghost girl, the robotic mermaid(siren), and this strange corpse of Lynx, ehh...
Now I eager to leave here too like Kid.
But, it seems Magil doesn't notice our response at all, he still has strong interests with that corpse...
"If it was a Vampire, yes, the vigor will be completely drained, but the soul will not leave the body. And in order to replenish the lost vigor, he will go finding new victims evey night... "
"How boring, you want to say, this corpse has neither soul nor vigor, don't you? But, what's the matter? I don't understand, what do you want to do?"
Kid's Anger
Kid showed a bit more anger in the lines preceding the final confrontation. Demi's:
I don't know what she meant by that, but after what happened at the temple, I vowed to get my revenge, and honor what she wanted."
I stay silent, not knowing what kind of reply to offer.
"I shoulda talked more about it before, before I got you involved in everything, I guess," she says after a while.
"It's bad, Serge..."
The original:
でも…… 姉ちゃんがさらわれ、二度と帰って来 ないと知った時、オレは誓ったんだ。 ヤマネコの野郎からあの石を盗みだし、 姉ちゃんのかたきを討つって」 キッドの右眼が、闇の中で冷たく燃え 上がった。 「ヤツに、自分のしでかしたことの償い を、させてやる!! オレの命にかえても……。 どんな代償をはらっても……!」 キッドはそれだけ言うと、口を閉ざして、 黙りこんでしまう……。 「ゴメン……、キッド。 ヘンなこと、聞いちゃって……」 しばらくして、キッドは応えた。 「いや……、いいんだ。 ほんとは、もっと前に話しておくべきだっ た。おまえを巻き込んでしまう前に」 「悪かったな、セルジュ……」 …………。 ボクには、なんと応えればいいのか、 わからなかった……。 足音ばかりが、暗い通路をわたって 行く……。
when Sis was abducted and never returned again, I swore .....
Take the Frozen Flame from that bastard Lynx, and avenge Sis."
Cold light sparkles in Kid's right eye.
"That bastard, he must pay for all he has done!!
Even if trade with my own life....
I will make him pay...!"
Kid says, suddenly, she become quiet。。。
"I'm sorry, Kid....
I understand now..."
After a little while, Kid replies:
"Nothing...I'm OK.
Those things, I should tell you earlier, before you were involved in."
"It's really bad, Serge...."
I don't know how to reply...
Only footsteps are left in the dark passage, again....
Mirror Trap
Demiforce's translation stated:
"We're never gonna get outta here. People have probably been trapped here their whole lives... or longer..."
"Relax, mate. We got enough food here to last us a while."
...Funny, that didn't really relax me very much...
While according to utunnels:
"We'll be trapped in this house for the rest of our lives."
"That's not a pleasant result."
「安心しろ、飯抜きの一生なんて一週間 くらいで終わる」
"Relax, a life without food won't be longer than a week(will end in a week, literally)."
...How can I relax...
Shea's Orphanage
In Demiforce's translation, the village was burned down. Originally, only the other orphans were killed.
I recalls that girl with a monastery robe, that robe is unique...But Magil is keeping on talking, it seems he doesn't notice my question at all.
When I'm thinking I might be ignored...
"That's the uniform of the ancient Communion of the Four Spirits ."
But, hearing Magil talking about it, Kid scowls immediately.
"Kid used to live there..."
I remembered, Magil talked about that before. Kid was an orphan adopted by a Sister from the Communion of the Four Spirits. It is said, she was also an orphan, so she got along well with Kid.
But one day, she was taken away by Lynx's minion and never returned. Kid was still very young at that time.
Kid sneaked out of the communion. She wanted to find her in Lynx's house. But little Kid did not managed to reach Lynx's house. When she came back to the village, she found the orphans were all dead.
Magil, a regular vistor of the communion, came to the orphanage one day. He found Kid sitting among the mummyfied corpses, biting her lip while staring at the direction of Lynx's house.
Kid had not spoken for a whole year...it is said, since then, Magil never saw her cry...
Magil's 100 Years
In Demiforce's translation, Magil says he's apparently waited 100 years to get Lynx, but originally, he was telling Shea to wait 100 years, perhaps for resurrection. Demi's:
Looking over at him, an arc of magic streaks out from his fingertips towards the Flame! The scarlet jewel takes on a strange, dark color, as it begins to hum louder and louder...
Shea smiles upon seeing this.
"Thank you... thank you for setting me free...
"I've waited a century for this moment, to put an end to Lynx," Magil says, smiling broadly. "And now... it is finished."
The original:
He was concentrating on drawing new symbols to the magic field just now.
それを聞いたシェアの顔が一瞬怪訝そ うに傾き……
Hearing that, a surprised expression appears on Shae 's face...
そして、にっこりと、とても晴れ晴れ とした笑みを浮かべた。
Then, she gives a cheerful smile.
「有り難う、ギル。 あなたには、結局、世話になり放しで すね……」
"Thank you Magil, for freeing me from all of those..."
ギルは今まで見せたことのない見事な 笑みで応える。
This is the first time I see Magil smile.
「あと百年くらい、待ちな。 あっちで『生き返るほど』取り立てて やる! ……と、セルジュ!」
"Wait for another hundred years.
Wait there for 'resurrection'!
Scenario 7: The Shadow Realm and the Goddess of Death
Confrontation with Lilith
In Demiforce's translation, Magil becomes combatively entangled with Lilith and eventually disappears into the Shadow Realm with her. Originally, Magil simply won the battle and coldly abandoned his comrades.
「リリス様を見つけた今となっては、 おまえたちに利用価値はない。命ぐらい 自分で守れ!」
Since I have already found Lilith, you guys are completely useless to me. Watch out your own lives!
ギルはするするとその影を巻き取って、 胸にしまった。
Magil rolls the shadow(Lilith) up and puts it under his bosom.
影をしまったギルの懐から、すすり泣き が聞こえる。
I hears the shadow sobs under Magil's clothes.
「もう、この光あふれる世界を去らねば ならぬのか? せめて、ひとめでいい。 朝日が見たかった……」
"Could it be that I can no longer see this bright world? I still want to see the sunrise again..."
「おあきらめ下さい。陛下が首を長くして、 お帰りを待ちわびておられますゆえ」
"Give up that thought. His Majesty is wating for us."
Magil says coldly.
He steps towards the shadow...
「待って! キッドを元に戻して!」
"Wait! Please restore Kid! "
ボクは影に滑り込むギルを、力任せに 引っ張った。
I pull Magil, who's slipping into the shadow.
「それは、おまえの仕事だ。おまえの 想いで、凍りついたキッドの魂を解凍 するんだ」
"That's your own business. Use your affection to thaw the Frozen Flame which holds Kid's soul."
Magil says snappishly.
"You'd better give it up."
General Differences
Flipped Branch
The layout of the manor is flipped in one instance by Demiforce's translation:
After a while, the path splits into three directions. To the left is a descending staircase, while the path on the right extends into darkness. Another passageway lies ahead...
The original:
テラスから左側へのびる通路を進んで ゆくと、階段と別れ道にぶつかった。
We go along the leftmost path extending from the terrace; soon, we see a branch.
右には下に降りる階段、左には暗い 脇道、そして通路は、まだ先にと延びて いる……。
To the right is a descending stairway, to the left is a dark passage. Ahead of us, the passage extends continually...
Goblin Speech
Goblins like to add a 'gobu', or 'bubu', or 'gobubu' or 'gobulu' at the end of their lines.
「そうか……ゴブ。 おめえの親友が捕まってんのかゴブ…… わかったゴブ、必ず助けだしてやるゴブ! 安心しろゴブ!」
I see...gobu.
So your good friend got caught gobu...
I understand gobu, I'll help you gobu!
Don't worry gobu!
Magil's Martial Arts
Demiforce cut out the name of Magil's martial art style:
Magil, faced with two goblins of his own, has already managed to reduce one to a bloody mess on the floor. The remaining beast looks as though it's already received its share of dents and bruises as well.
Even with no physical weapons of any kind, Magil looks as though he's having no trouble pulverizing the enemy with hand-to-hand tactics.
In fact, the name is "Kakuya Martial Art".
先ほどまで2匹を相手にしていたが、 すでに一匹は床に倒れ、残る奴と対峙して いた。
Magil who fought 2 foes, now has already beaten one of them to the ground, and is now facing to another.
ゴブリンの身に付けている鉄の鎧に、数 多くのへこみが見られる。
And that Goblin's iron armor already has several dents on it.
ギルは、武器を持たない。かぐや流の格 闘術を持って敵を粉砕する。故に、倒され た相手は全身紫色だ。キッドは、真っ赤 にするけど……。
Magil fights without weapons. His "Kakuya Martial art" can crush foes in the way.
So, that fallen goblin is purple all over, while the one beaten by Kid is red (stained by blood)...
Skeleton Battle
Demiforce gave Magil a lightning bolt to shatter the skeleton:
All of a sudden, Magil sends a bolt of light streaking out, precisely above my head where the skull is! It instantly explodes, sending fragments of the skull into my hands and head! "Aaaahhh!"
Originally, it was a heel axe kick.
ギルのかかと落としが、ボクの脳天に 炸裂した。
Magil's axe kick explodes above my head.
Warlock Battle
In the Demiforce translation, the warlock summons only rats:
From behind me, I start to hear noises. A few moments later, I see some sort of creatures scurrying along the ground, running towards us in masses.
They're giant rats!!
Originally, the warlock summons all kinds of rodents:
There's some noises in the far end of the corridor
Something is coming.
I can smell an aweful stink from animals.
どぶネズミ、クマネズミ、ハツカネズミ ハムスター、モルモット、リス……
Rats, roof rats, house mice, hamsters, Guinea pigs, squirrels...
"A large crowd of rodents...??"
Cat Reactions
Kid is compared to a cat a couple times in the original, and Serge is compared once in battle.
- Esmeld's Room - In the original script, Kid throws the knife at Esmeld, Esmeld blocks it with his book and tosses it back, and Kid catches the knife; then...
キッドの目つきが変わる。注意深く獲物 を観察する猫のそれになった。
Kid's expression changes, like a cat who's staring at its prey vigilantly.
- At the tea table...
ふと、キッドの方を見ると、カップに息を 吹きかけている。 キッドは思いっ切り猫舌だから、すぐに は飲めない。
I glance at Kid, who's blowing into the tea cup, like a cat that's licking hot food carefully.
- In a goblin battle...
バチ! 一種の猫だましだ。思った通り、ゴブリ ンの手の力が弛む。
[Serge slaps into the Goblin's face.]
This is a trick of cat. But as I expected, the Goblin looses its grasp.
Kitsune Forest is actually "Kitsunekobuta Forest". Kitsune means fox in Japanese; foxes are famous protagonists in oriental legends, like ghost stories. The original name in the script is キツネコブタ, which is an interesting word.
- キツネ/ Kitsune means fox.
- ネコ / Neko means cat.
- ブタ / Buta means pig.
utunnels has written that it's a sort of animal, and writes: "get caught by a kitsunekobuta" is something like "meet a ghost" or "see an illusion." In some oriental tales, a traveler finds a house in the mountain and gets invited by the host. When he wakes, he finds himself sleeping on the ground, and there's no house at all. It can be said he "meets a fox (kitsune)." The word is used twice elsewhere in the script.
- When Kid sees the old lady in the clock tower storage room disappears, she's surprised:
キッドは、きょとんとキツネコブタにつま まれたような顔をしていた。
The (surprised) expression on Kid's face looks like she's caught by a kitsunekobuta (キツネコブタ).
- In scenario 'Giga Weapon Paradise X', when they return from the Arena, Serge says:
ボクは、なんだかキツネコブタにつまま れたような気分だ。
I feel as if we got caught by a kitsunekobuta just now.