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Version 1.5
Download the sound effects here (thanks to Dirtie):
Event sound effects - bundled as .spcs or .wavs (no looped effects). Instructions for conversion included in the readme.
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Other/CTSoundFX.rar CT Sound Effect Pack (spc, 123 kb)]
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Other/CTSoundFX_wav.rar CT Sound Effect Pack (wav, 12.1 mb)]
Battle sound effects - this archive includes all the battle sound effect, such as Luminaire exploding or Lightning 2 firing off.
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Other/ctbattlefx.rar CT Battle Sound Effect Pack (spc, 91kb)]
==Event sound effects==
Version 1.6
Line 65: Line 78:
3F Nothing?
3F Nothing
40 Curtains
40 Curtains
41 Wind [LOOPS]
41 Wind [LOOPS]
Line 246: Line 259:
Line 256: Line 269:
Line 450: Line 463:
Other / Specific
Other / Specific
3F Nothing?
3F Nothing
48 Frog catches Gold Rock
48 Frog catches Gold Rock
5B Magic Urn enemy
5B Magic Urn enemy
Line 475: Line 488:
==Battle sound effects==
All sounds are labelled with hexadecimal, which uses numbers 0-9 and letters A-F to represent 16 values. With two digits, this allows up to 256 different values, although not all are used.
I've listed the sounds in hexadecimal order. I describe the sounds and the contexts in which they're used in-game. I provide the tech name and a descriptor (such as charge/cast/impact), with the characters/enemies who use the tech in parentheses. I also include additional info, reference frequent combinations using from/to, and compare sounds with cf. To indicate where the sound is in a sequence, I use #/# (eg 2/3 means the second of three sounds). To show that a sound is played in repetition, I use x(number) eg x2 for twice. For sounds which are continuously looped, I place [LOOP] at the end of the entry. I use etc to emphasize that there is other relevant information (techs, enemies) which did not make the cut; ap is used where this information is included in the Appendix. I made sure that each entry takes up only one line on the forum; while not all details fit within the margin, I was still able to cover the relevant information. The basic formula is provided atop the main list; if more convenient, I used short descriptions instead. Overall, I strove for a consistent, legible style throughout.
I was able to identify 188/200 sounds, or 94%. I went solely by the list of 200 SPCs; if there are other sounds, I didn't examine them (my best finds were AC and CA, they were very obscure). The 12 remaining sounds are, to my knowledge, unused in the vanilla game. Unused sounds are indented, tagged with [UNUSED], and given commentary; they are also indexed between the main list and recipes.
The Tech Recipes are combinations of sounds used for various techs employed by both the party and monsters. Aside from novelty value, this should make it easier to look up sounds; just think of a tech in which it's used and check for it. The techs are organized by single/double/triple and enemy techs, as well as by character and in-game order. I use commas for sounds that are played in sequence, and a slash / for sounds which overlap each other. I've documented all party techs and many significant enemy techs.
At the end is the Appendix, which consists of three subsections. First, I list certain entries in greater detail than permitted by the single line margin. Then, I collate and describe the Layer 3 Packets (which are also referenced in the Recipes). Finally, I document the sources used in compiling this work.
The devs were clever in their use of sound fx. Many sounds are re-used in different contexts, while fitting the action each time. For example, C6 is used for the second phase of Evil Star (Lavos Core), as well as Water Rising (Giga Gaia) and Rock Teleport (Azala). I'm sure everyone has noticed that 6D is used for Aura Whirl and Halation, but it's also used by Guardian & bits. In addition, it's usually cut short -- by including the high-pitch tone at the end of Halation, it achieves the uncanny effect of distorting a familiar sound. Also note how 97 is used to very different effect in Lucca's Flare vs. Robo's Area Bomb. By cutting sounds short or repeating them rapidly, they accomplish more with their given resources.
There is an abridged version of the main list available as an alternative.
Credit goes to xcalibur, with honorable mention to Mauron. Any mistakes/omissions are my fault.
xcalibur/djs, June 2018, Version 1.23
===Battle Sound Effects List===
<pre>## sound: Tech Name & descriptor x# #/# (User 1, User 2; more info; from/to ##), ap. cf ##
00 menu cursor
01 error
02 miss, enemy movement
03 short high pitch: used in Lifeline x4 2/3 (Chrono/Marle/Robo; end of time gates; to B2/B5)
04 healing: tonic/lapis 1/2, ether 1/2, Double Cure cast (Marle/Frog)
05 x strike by enemy (to D4), Aura Beam 2/4, enemy chaos techs 1/3 (to 8E), barrier item, ap
06 healing: tonic/lapis 2/2, elixir, Aura Whirl 4/4, various healing techs
07 ether use 2/2
08 unsheathe weapon for battle
09    [UNUSED] alternate level-up?
0A throw: grenade/napalm techs (Lucca). cf 9A
0B high pitched ting: Aura Whirl 2/4 (Chrono/Marle; cf save point), used in Grand Dream
0C correct target (Son of Sun)
0D party runs away
40 Chrono crit, enemy Slash/lightning 1/2 (to 4F), Max Strike (Slash), ap
41 Robo melee crit, Rocket Punch impact, Laser Spin charge-up. R-Series techs. cf B3
42 player's turn/menu activates
43 Marle ranged attack/bow, Poison Arrows x3 (Servant/bow; aka Flunky)
44 Lucca melee attack/gun butt
45 kiss: 1/3 charm (Ayla, naga-ette, Flea), Leech x3 (octoblush), other leech/absorb techs
46 bonk: boss charge (Yakra, Nizbel; from 56), Punching Glove (Gato), Slurp Cut fail (Frog), ap
47 Marle melee attack, enemy melee (Imps, Reptites, etc)
48 Spin Jump (Rolypoly; unused in other intended slots eg Jinn Bottle, Son of Sun etc). [LOOP]
49    [UNUSED] scratch. enemy melee?
4A scratch: enemy melee, Cat Attack 1/2 (Ayla; to 62)
4B strike: Flame Kick (Ayla), enemy melee (Goblin, etc)
4C Ayla strike: Rollo Kick (from 64), Drop Kick, Drill Kick (from D5). Hammer Punch (hench)
4D Frog attack crit, impact of Spincut, Leap Slash & other techs w/ Frog. Strike (Slash)
4E Frog attack, Throwing Knife (Free Lancer, Outlaw, Giga Mutant), Strike (Servant/sword)
4F Chrono attack, Slash impact, Swordstream, enemy melee (decedent, red/blue beasts, etc)
50 Lucca alt ranged attack, Machine Gun (Proto 2/3; repeated rapidly)
51 Robo melee, tech charge-up x3/x4. R-Series melee, Giga Gaia hand restore 2/2 (from 9C)
52 Lucca ranged attack, Stomp x4 (debuggest)
53 wind effect: casting Spincut, Slash, Confuse, Swordstream, etc (Chrono techs)
54 Electricity (debugger), Omega Flare 1/3, Dark Plasma 1/2 (Giga Gaia, etc; to CD), ap [LOOP]
55 Frog ribbit: charging up Frog Squash (to 6B), Tongue (frog enemies), Smush 1/2 (T'pole)
56 Fire1 cast. charge attack (Yakra, Dragon Tank, Nizbel II, etc). cf 77 [LOOP]
57 Needlespin/single needle launch (Yakra, Lavos)
58 charm spell (naga-ette, Ayla)
59 healing: Salt/Heal. Jump (decedent, departed)
5A enemy water/bubble cast (Heckran, Nereid, etc), Alkaline attack
5B Volt Bite (Chrono/Ayla)
5C    [UNUSED] brief, high pitched. cf 05, 5D
5D Lock/can't use techniques x2 (Mage; ocean palace), Mantra/Chakram (Gargoyle)
5E ringing bell: Ding-a-ling/chaos (Avian Chaos, Bellbird, etc). [LOOP]
5F Magus scythe, enemy melee (commonly used), Spire (Chrono/Frog), Needlespin impact
60 Magus scythe crit
61 enemy melee (commonly used)
62 Ayla cast: charge-up (Dino Tail, Drill Kick), Cat Attack x2 2/2 (from 4A)
63 Scream/slow (Imp Ace, Blue Eaglet; enemy alert by Scout, etc), Terror Voice/slow (Shadow)
64 Ayla cast: Rollo Kick (to 4C), Spin Kick, Flame Kick. Rolypoly cast: Spin Jump, ap. cf D5
65 missile launch, Robo Tackle cast (to B3), 3D Attack (Chrono/Frog/Ayla), etc
66    [UNUSED] enemy creature? it's listed near enemy attack sounds.
67 enemy melee (commonly used)
68 Laser/shadow (robot enemies, Queen Zeal), Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos)
69 diablos/gargoyle hit, Combination Punch x3 (Masa&Mune), Life Shaver x5 (to 6A), ap
6A explosion: Antipode1, Lightning1, Fire Breath/fire, other enemy techs
6B falling: Frog Squash (from 55), Rock Throw (Ayla). Needlespin, Iron Orb 1/2 (to B8), etc
6C impact: Frog Squash, Rock Throw (Ayla)
6D Halation (Queen Zeal, Nu Spekkio, etc), Aura Whirl cast 3/4, used by Guardian techs
6E zap: ends Dark Matter/Spire/Super Volt etc, used in Lightning1, Handblaster/fire 2/2
6F Ice1 cast (Marle, Spekkio, etc)
70 freeze: ice1 impact, Cube Toss cast (Marle/Ayla)
71 Lightning1 charge (Chrono), also used in Spire, Volt Bite
72 ice magic charge-up (Marle, Spekkio, Magus)
73 Robo charge-up: Robo Tackle/Rocket Roll/Triple Raid
74 Fire1 impact. various fire attacks, smoke grenade (from 9A), Energy Ball (from AF), etc
75 Ice Sword cast2 (Chrono/Marle; from A3)
76 Ice Sword impact (Chrono/Marle; from 75)
77 Confuse/Fire sword cast, boss breakdown 2/2 (from B6 x3). cf 56 [LOOP]
78 Aura charge (Marle), Destruction Zone 1/2, other enemy techs, Black Hole (Magus)
79    [UNUSED] lit/ice magic charge?
7A Frog sword charge-up (Leap Slash, etc)
7B Lightning2 strike, Mammon Machine releases energy, Mother Brain w/o displays. cf D7
7C Lightning2 charge, Cure/Life magic charge-up
7D    [UNUSED] fire/explosions: intended for fire tech? located next to Fire2 cast/impact
7E explosion: Fire2 impact, missile impact, Laser Beams/doors of doom impact (Inner Lavos)
7F longer blast: Fire2 cast, Geyser (Magus), Shadow Doom Blaze, Evil Star 1/3, ap. cf 81
80 Laser Spin/shadow (Robo, Mother Brain & robots, Retinite, Golems), used in Omega Flare
81 shorter blast: Rocket Roll (Chrono/Robo), Mega Bomb (Lucca), Dark Mist, ap. cf 7F
82 roar/giant impact: Dino Tail (Ayla), Tyrano charging up (cut short)
83 wave: Water2 impact (Frog, Heckran, etc), Mutant Gas/sleep, Dark Mist (Magus)
84 magic cast: Ice2, Ice Water (Marle/Frog), Ice Toss, Cure Wave/Touch (Robo+Frog/Marle)
85 icy impact: Ice2, Ice Tackle (Marle/Robo), Ice Toss (Marle/Ayla)
86 Haste 1/2 (Marle)
87 Haste 2/2 (Marle)
88 new tech learned
89 level up
8A Shock tech (Robo). cf F4
8B Provoke x3 (Marle), begin Poyozo Dance x4, used by Left/Right Bit melee (Lavos Core)
8C Cure Beam (Robo, Mother Brain's displays, other robots)
8D Heal Beam cast (Robo)
8E heal item, Heal (Frog), chaos techs 2/3 (Flea, Masa&Mune; from 05), Amplifire (Guardian)
8F stormy wind: Tail Spin (Ayla), Vacuum Wave (to 94), tornado techs, chaos techs 3/3, etc
90 fiery/burning: used in Flame Whirl (Lucca/Ayla). cf E3
91 Cyclone (Chrono), used in Confuse, Fire Whirl etc. Fire Wheel (Juggler/Outlaw), ap. [LOOP]
92 Hypno Wave (Lucca)
93 Delta Force I (fire), Invading Light 2/2 (Lavos Core; from 96)
94 Delta Force II (water/ice; to 99), Vacuum Wave 2/2 (Masamune; from 8F)
95 monster defeated
96 Flare charge 1/3 (Lucca), Invading Light charge 1/2 (Lavos Core; to 93)
97 Flare cast 2/3 (Lucca), Area Bomb (Robo)
98 Flare impact 3/3 (Lucca, Nu Spekkio, Son of Sun), Omega Flare impact
99 Delta Force III (lightning; from 94), Fire Punch/Doublebomb impact (Lucca/Robo)
9A alt throw/flap: Sleep Bubble (Mud Imp, Reptites, etc; grenade; to 74), eaglets, ap. cf 0A
9B Geyser x4 2/2, Grudge (Cyrus' ghost, etc)
9C earthquake/eruption: Volcanic Bomb (to A8), Destruction Zone, GatlingKick, Point Flare, ap
9D squeak: bat attack. cf A9
9E Water1 bubble cast (Frog). [LOOP]
9F Frog tongue used in Slurp etc, Tentacle/absorbs HP x3 (Mutant, Mega Mutant, Retinite, etc)
A0 bubble pop: various water techs
A1 water magic charge-up (Frog)
A2 Mystic Ray impact 2/2, Bubble Snap/Icewater cast, Cyclone/water (Heckran), etc. [LOOP]
A3 Ice Sword cast1 (Chrono/Marle; to 75)
A4 Mystic Ray/shadow 1/2 (seeking laser; to A2)
A5 Luminaire charge, Revive Bit 2/2 (Guardian)
A6 Luminaire impact (Chrono)
A7    [UNUSED] intended for luminaire? cf C3
A8 burning/exploding: Volcanic Bomb 2/2 (from 9C), Fire Dance 2/2 (from F4). [LOOP]
A9 squeak: rat attack (gremlin). cf 9D
AA Gato's Song of Love (Gato), Cybot Music/chaos (Cybot)
AB Charm effect (Ayla, Flea)
AC Wing Flap (Beetle, Bug; used during flying attack by insectoid enemies). [LOOP]
AD Life1 (Chrono), Lifeline activation, revive item
AE Life2 (Marle), Active Life (Lavos Core)
AF fire magic charge-up (Lucca, others), Energy Ball 1/2 (orange pellets; to 74)
B0 short jump/throw: used in Falcon Hit, Rock Throw, Beast Toss
B1 spinning charge-up: used in Tornado techs, Drill Kick, Rocket Roll, Fire Whirl, etc. [LOOP]
B2 long high pitch: charging Delta Force/Storm, used in Lifeline 3/3 (from 03), Lavos Core, etc
B3 Robo tech impact: Robo Tackle (from 65), Uzzi Punch (from E5), Bubble Snap. cf 41
B4 Lifeline cast x3 1/3 (Chrono/Marle/Robo; to 03)
B5 Lifeline 3/3 (Chrono/Marle/Robo; if activated: AD; from 03)
B6 boss breakdown x3/x2 1/2 (followed by 77 for bosses, B7 for large bosses)
B7 large boss breakdown 2/2 (Guardian, Giga Gaia; from B6 x2), GaiaMagnade/fire 2/2. [LOOP]
B8 impact: throw techs, Head Butt (Nu), Hammer (Ogan), Iron Orb 2/2 (from 6B), etc
B9 radar attack: Sonic Wave/sleep (cave bat, bug robot, etc), 10,000 Hz/sleep (scouter), etc
BA    [UNUSED] boing, bouncy sound.
BB Glacier (Marle/Frog). cf F3
BC jump: enemy runs away x3 (to E3), used in Bad Impulse (Mystical Knights)
BD chomp (Tyrano, krakker, Retinite etc), Blacken (Mega Mutant), Smush 2/2 (T'pole)
BE Darketernal cast (Marle/Lucca/Magus, Black Rock), Delta Attack (Guardian & bits). [LOOP]
BF mp steal, Drain/hp absorb (Jinn Bottle, Zombor, etc), fusion techs 1/2 (to 81), Emblem, ap
C0 Charm unsuccessful (Ayla), used by Dalton Plus
C1 beckon: begins Falcon Hit x2 (Chrono/Ayla), used in Psychokinesis (Azala, etc)
C2 Heretic Ray (Zombor; Doom, doom, doom, doom...)
C3 Lock All (Rubble, etc), Hexagon Mist 1/3, Protective Seal/etc 2/2 (from E2), DarkEternal, ap
C4 Hexagon Mist/Starburst 2/3 (Queen Zeal)
C5 Hexagon Mist/Starburst 3/3 (Queen Zeal), Rainbow Storm (Flea)
C6 Evil Star 2/3 (Lavos Core), Water Rise (Giga Gaia, etc), Rock Teleport (Azala)
C7 Delta Storm (Chrono/Lucca/Frog), Dreamless (Lavos Core)
C8 MP buster, Cube Toss impact (Marle/Ayla)
C9 Chaos Zone (Lavos, Mega Mutant, Spekkio's fifth form, etc)
CA Burst Ball (TerraMutant, Dalton Plus)
CB Time Stop (Synchrite, etc), Freeze/stop (Inner Lavos), Dark Flare/shadow (Retinite, etc)
CC lightning discharge by enemy (Nizbel, Scouter, Gigasaur, etc), Steel Steam (Mega Mutant)
CD poison gas (Dalton, Mega Mutant, etc), Roulette Shuffle (Son of Sun), Dark Plasma 2/2, ap
CE    [UNUSED] shadow tech?
CF    [UNUSED] robot opening/flexing x2?
D0 synth tone: Rainbow/instant ko (fifth form/Nu Spekkio, Black Omen alien, etc), etc
D1 boiling: Antipode2 (Marle/Lucca), Blanket Bomb/fire (enemy/boss tech), etc
D2 big jump: used in Spincut, Falcon Hit, Spire, Red Pin, 3D Attack, others
D3 Spire thunder (Frog/Crono)
D4 whoosh: Blade Toss, Falcon Hit, Antipode 3, Spin Kick, etc. enemy x strike 2/2 (from 05)
D5 Drill Kick cast (Chrono/Ayla; to 4C). cf 64
D6 Icewater impact (Frog/Marle), Skygate/Heavenly Gate (Queen Zeal; repeated rapidly)
D7 Super Volt (Chrono/Robo), GaiaMagnade/fire 1/2, Laser Beams 2/3 (Inner Lavos). cf 7B
D8 Winged Ape/Cave Ape attack
D9 Crimson Rain/hp down (several enemies), Rain/water (Blue Scout, T'pole)
DA Magus casts a spell/Magic Wall, Lavos Core defense on/off 2/2
DB    [UNUSED] shadow tech? teleportation?
DC Dark Bomb (Magus, Spekkio's fifth form, etc)
DD Magus casting, Lavos Core defense on/off 1/2
DE Black Hole (Magus; lavos gate opening)
DF Dark Matter (Magus, Nu Spekkio)
E0 Needle Disorder/barrage 1/3 (Yakra XIII, Lavos Spawn), Fire Tackle impact (Lucca/Robo)
E1 wing beat: Grab & drop (Avian Rex, etc), Wing Blow/chaos (Lizardactyl, Goon), ap. [LOOP]
E2 Poyozo Dance. Shining Bit & Protective Seal (Giga Mutant & Lavos; to C3), Dark Gear 1/2
E3 burning: turret self-destructs, enemy runs away 2/2 (cut short; from BC). cf 90
E4 nuke: Antipode3 impact (Marle/Lucca), Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos)
E5 Uzzi Punch (Robo; to B3)
E6 Ayla charge-up: Triple Kick, Drop Kick
E7 Ayla melee
E8 Ayla melee crit
E9 Slurp Kiss cast (Frog/Ayla)
EA Protect 1/2 (Lucca; to F0), shield item
EB Final Kick/Gatling Kick cast (triple techs w/ Ayla)
EC Ice Sword II end (Chrono/Marle)
ED Final Kick (Chrono/Marle/Ayla; the 'pin drop' SPC may be heavily modified or inaccurate)
EE Boogie 1/2 (Robo/Ayla)
EF Boogie 2/2 (Robo/Ayla)
F0 Protect 2/2 (Lucca; from EA)
F1 Triple Tech impact/end (used in 6/15), Shock/Super Volt, Laser Beams 1/3 (Inner Lavos)
F2 X Strike (Chrono/Frog)
F3 Spin Strike (Frog/Robo/Ayla, SilverRock). cf BB
F4 Fire Dance 1/2 (Inner Lavos; falling triangles; to A8). cf 8A
F5 Evil Star 3/3 (Lavos Core)
F6 Crying Heavens/hidden blow (Lavos Core)
F7 Grand Stone (Lavos Core)
F8 Spell/random status (Lavos Core)
F9    [UNUSED] intended for Lavos Core? replaced by D0? cf, vague similarity.</pre>
===Unused Sounds===
<pre>09, 49, 5C, 66, 79, 7D, A7, BA, CE, CF, DB, F9
09: alternate level-up?
49: scratch. enemy melee?
5C: brief, high pitched. cf 05, 5D
66: enemy creature? it's listed near enemy attack sounds.
79: lit/ice magic charge?
7D: fire/explosions: intended for fire tech? located next to Fire2 cast/impact
A7: intended for luminaire? cf C3
BA: boing, bouncy sound.
CE: shadow tech?
CF: robot opening/flexing x2?
DB: shadow tech? teleportation?
F9: intended for Lavos Core? replaced by D0? cf, vague similarity.</pre>
===Tech Recipes===
Slash:........53, 4F
Lightning1:...71, 6E/6A, 6A x2 (rapidly)
Spincut:......D2, 53, 4D x3 (rapidly)
Lightning2:...7C, 7B
Life1:........7C, AD
Confuse:......53, 77, 91, 40
Luminaire:....A5, A6
Aura:.........78, 06
Provoke:......8B x3
Ice1:.........72, 6F, 70
Cure1/Cure2:..7C, 59
Haste:........86, 87
Ice2:.........72, 84, 85 x2
Life2:........7C, AE
Flame Toss:...56, 74
Hypno Wave:...92
Fire1:........AF, 56, 74 x3
Napalm:.......0A, 7E
Protect:......EA, F0
Fire2:........AF, 7F, 7E
Mega Bomb:....0A, 6A (rapidly repeated), 81
Flare:........96 (slightly cut short), 97 (repeated rapidly), 98
Slurp:........9F, 06
Slurp Cut:....9F, 4D
Water1:.......A1, 9E, A0
Heal:.........7C, 59, 8E
Leap Slash:...7A, D2, 4D
Water2:.......A1, 83
Cure2:........7C, 59
Frog Squash:..55, 6B, 6C x3
Rocket Punch: 51 x4, 65, 41
Cure Beam:....8C
Laser Spin:...41, 80
Robo Tackle:..73, 65, B3
Heal Beam:....7C, 8D, 59
Uzzi Punch:...51 x3, E5, B3
Area Bomb:....51 x3, 97, 6A (repeated rapidly), 81
Shock:........F1 (cut short), 8A
Kiss:.........45, 06
Rollo Kick:...64 x2, 4C x2
Cat Attack:...4A, 62 x2
Rock Throw:...B0, 6B, 6C
Charm:........45, 58, AB, C0 (if unsuccessful)
Tail Spin:....8F
Dino Tail:....62, 82
Triple Kick:..E6, 53/4C x3
Lightning2:...7C, 7B
Ice2:.........72, 84, 85 x2
Fire2:........AF, 7F, 7E
Dark Bomb:....DD, DC
Magic Wall:...DD, DA
Dark Mist:....DD, 83/81
Black Hole:...DD, DE, 78
DarkMatter:...DD, DF, 6E</pre>
<pre>Aura Whirl:....78, 0B, 6D (slightly cut short), 06
Ice Sword:.....72, A3, 75, 76
Ice Sword II:..72, A3, 75, 76, 91, EC
Fire Whirl:....B1, 56, 77, 91
Fire Sword:....AF, 56, 77, 74 x3
Fire Sword II: AF, 56, 77, 40
X Strike:......4D/F2
Swordstream:...A1, 9E, A0, 53, 4F
Spire:.........7A/71, D3/D2, 5F, 6E. [packet: 5F]
Rocket Roll:...73, B1/81
Max Cyclone:...91
Super Volt:....51 x3, F1 (cut short), 8A, D7, 6E. [packet: 48]
Drill Kick:....62, B1, D5, 4C
Volt Bite:.....71, 6E/6A, 6A x2 rapidly, 5B
Falcon Hit:....C1 x2, B0, D2, D4, 4F
Antipode1:.....72, 6F, 70/AF, 6A x3
Antipode2:.....72, 6F, AF, D1
Antipode3:.....72/AF, D4, E4
Ice Water:.....72/A1, 9F/A3, A2, D6, 84
Glacier:.......72, 6F, A1, BB/B8 x 3
Double Cure:...7C, 04, 59
Aura Beam:.....78, 05, 6D (slightly cut short), 06
Ice Tackle:....72, A3, 73, 65, 85
Cure Touch:....7C x2, 84, 59 (identical to Cure Wave)
Twin Charm:....45, 58, AB, C0 (if unsuccessful)
Ice Toss:......72, A3 x3, 85 x2/84
Cube Toss:.....72, 6F, 70 x2, D2, C8
Red Pin:.......7A/AF, 56/D2, 4D
Line Bomb:.....7A, D2, 0A x4, 6A (rapidly repeated)
Frog Flare:....55, 6B, 6C, 98
Fire Punch:....AF, 56, 99, 6A
Fire Tackle:...AF, 56, 73, E0
DoublevBomb:...51 x3, 0A, 81, 6A, 99
Flame Kick:....64, AF, 56, 4B/74 x3
Flame Whirl:...AF/8F, 56, 74 x3, 90
Blaze Kick:....AF, 56, 6A x4
Blade Toss:....51 x3, D2, D4
Bubble Snap:...A1, A2, A0, B3
Cure Wave:.....7C x2, 84, 59 (identical to Cure Touch)
Slurp Kiss:....45, 9F, E9, 06
Bubble Hit:....A1, A2, A0, B8
Drop Kick:.....7A, E6, 53/4C x3/4D
Boogie:........EE, EF
Spin Kick:.....64, 51, B3, D4/4C
Beast Toss:....51 x3, B0 x4, D2, B8</pre>
<pre>Delta Force: B2, 93, 94, 99, F1
Delta Storm: B2, C7
Arc Impulse: 72, A3, 75, F1, 40
Fire Zone:...91/B1, AF, 56, 74 x3, 77/84
Triple Raid: 73, 4E, 65, 99
3D Attack:...D2, 4D/4E, 65
GatlingKick: D2, EB, B1/D4, 9C
Final Kick:..D2, EB, ED/65 x3
Lifeline:....B4 x3, 03 x4, B2/B5. AD (if activated)
PoyozoDance: 8B x4, E2, F1
Spin Strike: 7A, 51 x4, D2, F3/4D (rapidly repeated), F1
DarkEternal: BE, C3 x3, F1. [packet: 82]
Omega Flare: 54, 80/6A (rapidly repeated), 98
Grand Dream: 7A, 80 (cut short), 8E, 0B, 6B x3/B8 x3, F1</pre>
<pre>Run Away (enemy):......................................BC x3, E3 (cut short)
Boss Breakdown (Yakra, Krawlie, etc):..................B6 x3, 77 [packet: 38]
Large Boss Breakdown (Guardian, Giga Gaia, etc):.......B6 x2, B7 [packet: 40]
Pebble Throw (imps), Rollo Shoot (Roly Rider):.........47, 67
Dive (Blue/Gold Eaglet):...............................9A, 6B, 4F
Spin Jump (Rolypoly):..................................64, 61, 48
Smush (T'pole):........................................55, BD
Spin Kick (Diablos), Combination Punch, etc (see ap):..69 x3
Combination Kick, Flashing Slap, etc (Reptites):.......47 x3
Tentacle/absorbs HP (Mutant, Mega Mutant, etc):........9F x3
Missile (Dragon Tank, Guardian, other robots):.........65, 7E
Mystic Ray/shadow (many enemies):......................A4, A2
Self Destruct (see ap: 81), Barrier Bomber (Ozzie):....81, 6A x3
Water/bubble (Heckran, Nereid, Spekkio):...............5A, A0
Lightning (Ozzie, Nereid, Scouter, Spekkio):...........6E, 6A x2
Flame (Octoblush, Juggler, Golems, etc):...............74 (repeated rapidly)
Fire Breath/fire, Blizzard/chaos, etc:.................6A (repeated rapidly)
Volcanic Bomb/fire (see ap: 9C), Super Volcano Bomb:...9C, A8
Sleep Bubble/smoke grenade (see ap: 9A):...............9A, 74
Lock/can't use techniques (Mage):......................5D x2
Chemical/Muscle Fusion (Acid/Alkaline, Jinn/Barghest): BF (cut short), 81
Destruction Zone/shadow (see ap: 9C):..................78, 9C
Boss Charge (Yakra, Nizbel, etc):......................56, 46 x3
Needlespin/single needle (Yakra, Lavos Spawn):.........57, 6B, 5F x2
Needle Disorder/barrage (Yakra XIII, Lavos Spawn):.....E0, 6B, 5F x2
Amplifire (Guardian):..................................6D (cut short), 8E
Revive Bit (Guardian):.................................6D (slightly cut short), A5 x2 (briefly)
Water Wave/Water2 (Heckran, others):...................5A, 83
Fang (Zombor), Rapid Punch (Slash), etc:...............78, 4F x3, B8
x strike (Masa&Mune, Left/Right Bits, Lasher, etc):....05, D4
Hurricane (Masamune, Goon):............................B1, 8F, B8
Vacuum Wave (Masamune):................................8F, 94
Slash/lightning (Slash, Masamune, Dalton, others):.....40, 4F
Typhoon/chaos (Masa&Mune), Waltz of the Wind (Flea):...05, 8E, 8F
Prism Beam (Flea):.....................................45, 6D (cut short), AB
Geyser/hp down (Magus):................................7F, 9B x4
Psychokinesis (Azala):.................................C1 x4, B8
Handblaster/fire (Giga Gaia):..........................7F, 6E
Dark Plasma/shadow (Giga Gaia, Panel; combo tech):.....54, CD
GaiaMagnade/fire (Giga Gaia):..........................D7, B7
Arm Attack/reduces hp by 1/2 (Giga Gaia):..............D1, D2, B8
hand restoration (Giga Gaia):..........................9C, 51 x2
Iron Orb/reduces hp by 1/2 (Dalton, Golems, others):...6B, B8
Energy Ball/physical (orange pellets):.................AF, 74
Burst Ball (Dalton Plus, TerraMutant):.................AF, CA
Dalton Plus summoning fail:............................D2, 78, C0 x5, 8F, D0
Bad Impulse/fire (Mystical Knights):...................BC, 45, 56, 4F
Delta Force/shadow (Mystical Knights, scouters):.......93, 94, 99
Blacken (Mega Mutant):.................................74, BD
Life Shaver/hp to 1:...................................69 x5, 6A
Skygate/lightning (Queen Zeal):........................D6 repeated rapidly
Hexagon Mist/Starburst/water (Queen Zeal):.............C3, C4, C5
Dark Gear/shadow (Queen Zeal):.........................E2, 7F
Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos):............68 x3/6A x3, 68 x3/6A x3
Protective Seal (Lavos)/Shining Bit (Giga Mutant):.....E2, C3
Laser Beams/doors of doom open (Inner Lavos):..........F1, D7, 7E
Fire Dance/falling triangles (Inner Lavos):............F4, A8
Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos):.......................7F, E4
Left/Right Bit melee (Lavos Core):.....................B2, 67, 8B x2
Right Bit melee (Lavos Core):..........................B2, A2
Defense on/off (Lavos Core):...........................DD, DA
Evil Star/reduces party hp by 1/2 (Lavos Core):........7F, C6, F5
Invading Light/slow (Lavos Core):......................96, 93
Lavos Core Breakdown...................................82, 65 x7, A6</pre>
====Additional Info====
05, 40, 46, 54, 64, 69, 7F, 81, 91, 9A, 9C, BF, C3, CD, E1
_05 x strike by enemy (to D4), Aura Beam 2/4, Typhoon & Waltz of the Wind 1/3 (Masa&Mune & Flea, to 8E), barrier item, Juggler appears, (opening gate)<br>
_40 Chrono crit, enemy Slash/lightning 1/2 (Servant/sword, Base, Masamune, Slash, Dalton Plus, Super Slash; to 4F), Max Strike (Slash)<br>
_46 bonk: boss charge (Yakra, Nizbel; from 56), Punching Glove & Multi-Punch x7 counter (Gato), Iron Orb Strike (Yakra), Slurp Cut failed (Frog; if the enemy is too heavy)<br>
_54 Electricity (Bugger, Debugger, Debuggest), Omega Flare charge 1/3 (Lucca/Robo/Magus, Blue Rock), Dark Plasma/shadow 1/2 (Giga Gaia, Panel; combo tech; to CD). [LOOP]<br>
_64 Ayla cast: Rollo Kick (to 4C), Spin Kick, Flame Kick. Roly/poly cast: Spin Attack (Roly, Poly), Charge (Roly Rider), Spin Jump (Rolypoly). cf D5<br>
_69 Savate (Diablos, Grimalkin, Gargoyle), Spin Kick x3 (Diablos), Flying Spin Kick x3 (Grimalkin), Spin Sword x3 (Free Lancer), Combination Punch x3 (Masa&Mune), Life Shaver x5 (to 6A)<br>
_7F longer blast: Fire2 cast (Lucca, Magus, Spekkio, Golem, Golem Twins, Dalton Plus, etc), Geyser (Magus), Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos), Evil Star 1/3 (Lavos Core), Dark Gear/shadow (Queen Zeal). cf 81<br>
_81 shorter blast: Rocket Roll (Chrono/Robo), Mega Bomb (Lucca), Dark Mist (Magus), Self Destruct & Barrier Bomber 1/2 (Roly Bomber, Laser Guards, Atropos XR & Ozzie; to 6A x3), Chemical Fusion & Muscle Fusion 2/2 (Acid/Alkaline & Jinn/Barghest; from BF). cf 7F<br>
_91 Cyclone (Chrono), used in Confuse, Max Cyclone (Chrono/Robo), Ice Sword II (Chrono/Marle), Fire Whirl (Chrono/Lucca), Fire Zone (Chrono/Lucca/Robo). Fire Wheel (Juggler/Outlaw), Spincut (Servant/sword; aka Groupie, enemy in Magus' Castle). [LOOP]<br>
_9A alt throw/flap: Sleep Bubble 1/2 (Mud Imp, Reptites, Incognito, PeepngDoom; smoke grenade; to 74), Wing Flap x3 (Blue Eaglet), Dive 1/3 (Blue/Gold Eaglet), (Imp Ace entry). cf 0A<br>
_9C earthquake/eruption: Volcanic Bomb & Super Volcano Bomb (Crater, Pahoehoe, Volcano & TerraMutant; to A8), Destruction Zone (Sorceror, Barghest, Lavos Spawn/omen), Earthquake (Zombor, Retinite, Nizbel, Mud Imp/beasts), Quake Hammer (Ogan), GatlingKick (Chrono/Lucca/Ayla), Point Flare (Mammon Machine), Azala Break, used in hand restoration (Giga Gaia)<br>
_BF mp steal, Drain/hp absorb (Jinn Bottle, Zombor, Reaper, etc), Chemical Fusion & Muscle Fusion 1/2 (Acid/Alkaline & Jinn/Barghest; cut short; to 81), Emblem (Base/Defunct; combo tech, transform into Departed)<br>
_C3 Lock All (Rubble, Turret, Boss Orb), Hexagon Mist 1/3 (Queen Zeal), Shining Bit/lightning (Metal Mute, Giga Mutant) & Protective Seal 2/2 (Inner Lavos/arms, Lavos Core/left bit; from E2), DarkEternal x3 (Marle/Lucca/Magus)<br>
_CD poison gas: blurp! (Dalton, Golems), Mutant Gas/poison (Mega Mutant, Giga Mutant), Shadow Slay/poison (Inner Lavos). Roulette Shuffle (Son of Sun), Dark Plasma/shadow 2/2 (Giga Gaia, Panel; combo tech; from 54)<br>
_E1 wing beat: Grab & drop (Avian Rex, Lizardactyl, Cave Ape), Skull Drop (Zombor), Dive 1/2 (Lizardactyl), Wing Blow/chaos (Lizardactyl, Goon) [LOOP]<br>
====Layer 3 Packets====
Packet ID: sounds used...relevant tech
<pre>2C: 54, D0......unused enemy tech 5E (electric ring/flash, non-elemental magic attack)
38: B6 x3, 77...boss breakdown
40: B6 x2, B7...large boss breakdown
48: D7..........Super Volt
5F: D3..........Spire
82: C3 x3.......Dark Eternal
86: 0D..........party runs away</pre>
====Works Cited====
[[Single Techs]]<br>
[[Double Techs]]<br>
[[Triple Techs]]<br>
[[Monster Techs]]<br>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbkEF139D4k NecroVMX All Single Techs]<br>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs3jiU63X4g NecroVMX All Double and Triple Techs]<br>
[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqGYD3Tcr3AWP5a2TsRC4BCqQ3AYJtqCm StoneMonkWisdom's LP]<br>
[https://fantasyanime.com/squaresoft/ctsaves.htm Saves]<br>
''From'': [[Modification]]
''From'': [[Modification]]

Latest revision as of 16:30, 26 June 2018

Download the sound effects here (thanks to Dirtie):

Event sound effects - bundled as .spcs or .wavs (no looped effects). Instructions for conversion included in the readme.

Battle sound effects - this archive includes all the battle sound effect, such as Luminaire exploding or Lightning 2 firing off.

Event sound effects

Version 1.6

00 Cursor selection
01 Invalid cursor selection
02 Falling sprite
03 Pendant reacting
04 Received item
05 Activating portal
06 HP/MP restored
07 End of Time HP/MP restore bucket
08 Weapon readied
09 Pendant reacting to Zeal throne room door
0A Flying object
0B Save point
3F Nothing
40 Curtains
41 Wind [LOOPS]
42 Machine engine [LOOPS]
43 PC/NPC KO'd
44 Machine powering up [LOOPS]
45 Leene Square fireworks on 1000 A.D. map - REQUIRES SONG 11
46 Ocean waves [LOOPS]
47 Bats flying [LOOPS]
48 Frog catches Gold Rock
49 Long explosions
4A Stomach growling
4B Computer screen error [LOOPS]
4C Ferry horn
4D Enemy surprises party
4E Cat meow
4F Long fall
50 Heavy sirens [LOOPS]
51 Sealed door opening
52 Switch pressed
53 Door opened
54 Earthquake/rumbling [LOOPS]
55 Gold received
56 Giant doors opened
57 Metal mug put down
59 Metal objects colliding 1 
5A Metal objects colliding 2
5B Magic Urn enemy
5C Exhaust
5E Conveyor belt [LOOPS]
5F Frog versus Magus battle
60 Metal gate crashing
61 Squeak
62 Running [LOOPS]
63 Weapon readied
64 Poly rolling [LOOPS]
65 Treasure chest opened
66 Carpenter's tools
67 Invalid password entry
68 Crane password prompt
69 Dactyl flying [LOOPS]
6A Cup clang
6B Evil laugh
6C Machine malfunction [LOOPS]
6D Elevator moving [LOOPS]
6E Frog croak
6F Enemy scream 1
70 Portal opening/closing
71 Moving machine [LOOPS]
72 Guardia Knight attack
73 Enemy scream 2
74 Pathway opens
77 Big explosion
78 Teleport
79 Monster snarl
7A NPC scream
7B Lightning on 2300 A.D. map
7C Thunder on 2300 A.D. map
7D Ground cracking before Lavos battle
7E Gavel strike - REQUIRES SONG 17
7F Prisoner sigh
80 Rooster
81 Lucca shoots Guard
82 Metal bars rattling
83 Guard KO'd
84 Bushes/trees rustling
85 Forest Ruins pyramid breaking [LOOPS]
86 Telepod powering up [LOOPS]
87 Sword slice
88 Object powering up [LOOPS]
89 Transformation
8B Slice
8C Crashing metal
8D Sprite lands
8E Collision
8F Bat squeak
90 Enemy scream 3
91 Imp Ace flying
92 Dragon Tank moving [LOOPS]
93 Ghosts [LOOPS]
94 Sewer bridge extending
95 Giant doors rumbling
96 Bike race countdown
97 Countdown start signal
98 Robot noise
99 Multiple explosions
9A Explosion
9B Ringing [LOOPS]
9C Enertron
9D Bones rattling
9E Computer display power on
9F Computer display power off
A0 Typing [LOOPS]
A1 Light sirens [LOOPS]
A2 Retinite moving [LOOPS]
A3 Orb enemy blinking
A4 Enemy scream 4
A5 Trial audience cheers
A6 Trial audience boos
A7 Enemy sleeping [LOOPS]
A8 Pop
A9 Powerful sword swing
AA Enemy startled
AB Water splash
AC Epoch preparing to warp
AD Epoch time warps
AE Epoch powering down
AF Epoch powering up 1 [LOOPS]
B0 Tonic obtained
B1 Laughing
B2 Lavos spawn scream
B3 Crono obtains magic
B4 Soldier walking [LOOPS]
B5 Parried attack
B6 Scout enemies appear
B7 Hyper Kabob cooking
B8 Digging
B9 Power Stew bubbling
BA Screen wipe
BB Machinery [LOOPS]
BC Ozzie's barrier shattering
BD Ozzie falling
BE Masamune [LOOPS]
BF Masamune light beam [LOOPS]
C0 Crane chain [LOOPS]
C2 Magic Cave splits
C3 Keeper's Dome Epoch warp [LOOPS]
C4 Robot computing 1
C5 Tyrano roar
C6 Robot computing 2
C7 Robot computing slow
C8 Epoch time warp
C9 Teleport
CA Soda can bouncing
CB Blackbird cargo door opening  [LOOPS]
CC Blackbird cargo door opened
CD Dinosaur skull opening
CE Epoch firing laser[LOOPS]
CF Rapid explosions [LOOPS]
D0 Epoch powering up 2 [LOOPS]
D1 Wormhole warp [LOOPS]
D2 Epoch laser damaging Blackbird [LOOPS]
D3 Robot computing 3
D4 Large splash
D5 Lavos beams destroying Zeal
D6 Dinner chime
D7 Power roast meal being prepared
D8 Lavos breathing [LOOPS]
D9 Epoch preparing to fly at Lavos [LOOPS]
DA Epoch flying into Lavos Mode 7 scene (3rd person side view) [LOOPS]
DB Epoch flying into Lavos Mode 7 scene (1st person) [LOOPS]
DC Epoch crashes into Lavos
DD Octo enemy
DF Light beams
E0 Top of Black Omen [LOOPS]
E1 Mammon Machine [LOOPS]
E2 Lavos 2nd form [LOOPS]
E3 Lavos 2nd form defeated
E5 Explosion engulfing Black Omen
E6 Lavos eruption explosion
E7 Computer analyzing map 1
E8 Computer analyzing map 2 [LOOPS]
E9 Ending slideshow [LOOPS]

Categorical Listing

Menu / Items

00 Cursor selection
01 Invalid cursor selection
04 Received item
06 HP/MP restored
07 End of Time HP/MP restore bucket
0B Save point
55 Gold received
65 Treasure chest opened
96 Bike race countdown
97 Countdown start signal
B0 Tonic obtained
BA Screen wipe


42 Machine engine [LOOPS]
44 Machine powering up [LOOPS]
4B Computer screen error [LOOPS]
51 Sealed door opening
52 Switch pressed
53 Door opened
56 Giant doors opened
5C Exhaust
5E Conveyor belt [LOOPS]
60 Metal gate crashing
67 Invalid password entry
68 Crane password prompt
6C Machine malfunction [LOOPS]
6D Elevator moving [LOOPS]
71 Moving machine [LOOPS]
74 Pathway opens
8C Crashing metal
8E Collision
94 Sewer bridge extending
95 Giant doors rumbling
98 Robot noise
9C Enertron
9E Computer display power on
9F Computer display power off
A0 Typing [LOOPS]
BB Machinery [LOOPS]
C0 Crane chain [LOOPS]
C4 Robot computing 1
C6 Robot computing 2
C7 Robot computing slow
CB Blackbird cargo door opening [LOOPS]
CC Blackbird cargo door opened
CD Dinosaur skull opening
D3 Robot computing 3
E0 Top of Black Omen [LOOPS]
E1 Mammon Machine [LOOPS]
E7 Computer analyzing map 1
E8 Computer analyzing map 2 [LOOPS]


40 Curtains
45 Leene Square fireworks on 1000 A.D. map - REQUIRES SONG 11
46 Ocean waves [LOOPS]
54 Earthquake/rumbling [LOOPS]
41 Wind [LOOPS]
7B Lightning on 2300 A.D. map
7C Thunder on 2300 A.D. map
7D Ground cracking before Lavos battle
82 Metal bars rattling
84 Bushes/trees rustling
9B Ringing [LOOPS]
AB Water splash
D4 Large splash


02 Falling sprite
0A Flying object
47 Bats flying [LOOPS]
4F Long fall
62 Running [LOOPS]
64 Poly rolling [LOOPS]
69 Dactyl flying [LOOPS]
8D Sprite lands
91 Imp Ace flying
92 Dragon Tank moving [LOOPS]
9D Bones rattling
A2 Retinite moving [LOOPS]
B4 Soldier walking [LOOPS]

Energy / Time

03 Pendant reacting
05 Activating portal
09 Pendant reacting to Zeal throne room door
70 Portal opening/closing
78 Teleport
85 Forest Ruins pyramid breaking [LOOPS]
86 Telepod powering up [LOOPS]
88 Object powering up [LOOPS]
89 Transformation
AC Epoch preparing to warp
AD Epoch time warps
AE Epoch powering down
AF Epoch powering up 1 [LOOPS]
C3 Keeper's Dome Epoch warp [LOOPS]
C8 Epoch time warp
C9 Teleport
CE Epoch firing laser[LOOPS]
D0 Epoch powering up 2 [LOOPS]
D1 Wormhole warp [LOOPS]
D2 Epoch laser damaging Blackbird [LOOPS]
D9 Epoch preparing to fly at Lavos [LOOPS]
DA Epoch flying into Lavos Mode 7 scene (3rd person side view) [LOOPS]
DB Epoch flying into Lavos Mode 7 scene (1st person) [LOOPS]
DC Epoch crashes into Lavos
DF Light beams

Explosions / Sirens

49 Long explosions
50 Heavy sirens [LOOPS]
77 Big explosion
99 Multiple explosions
9A Explosion
A1 Light sirens [LOOPS]
CF Rapid explosions [LOOPS]
D5 Lavos beams destroying Zeal
E5 Explosion engulfing Black Omen
E6 Lavos eruption explosion


08 Weapon readied
43 PC/NPC KO'd
5F Frog versus Magus battle
63 Weapon readied
72 Guardia Knight attack
81 Lucca shoots Guard
83 Guard KO'd
87 Sword slice
8B Slice
A9 Powerful sword swing
B5 Parried attack

Screams / Vocalizations

4D Enemy surprises party
4E Cat meow
61 Squeak
6B Evil laugh
6E Frog croak
6F Enemy scream 1
73 Enemy scream 2
79 Monster snarl
7A NPC scream
7F Prisoner sigh
80 Rooster
8F Bat squeak
90 Enemy scream
93 Ghosts [LOOPS]
A4 Enemy scream 3
A5 Trial audience cheers
A6 Trial audience boos
A7 Enemy sleeping [LOOPS]
AA Enemy startled
B1 Laughing
B2 Lavos spawn scream
C5 Tyrano roar
D8 Lavos breathing [LOOPS]
E2 Lavos 2nd form [LOOPS]
E3 Lavos 2nd form defeated

Daily Life

4A Stomach growling
4C Ferry horn
57 Metal mug put down
59 Metal objects colliding 1
5A Metal objects colliding 2
66 Carpenter's tools
6A Cup clang
A8 Pop
B7 Hyper Kabob cooking
B9 Power Stew bubbling
CA Soda can bouncing
D6 Dinner chime
D7 Power roast meal being prepared

Other / Specific

3F Nothing
48 Frog catches Gold Rock
5B Magic Urn enemy
7E Gavel strike - REQUIRES SONG 17
A3 Orb enemy blinking
B3 Crono obtains magic
B6 Scout enemies appear
B8 Digging
BC Ozzie's barrier shattering
BD Ozzie falling
BE Masamune [LOOPS]
BF Masamune light beam [LOOPS]
C2 Magic Cave splits
DD Octo enemy
E9 Ending slideshow [LOOPS]



Battle sound effects


All sounds are labelled with hexadecimal, which uses numbers 0-9 and letters A-F to represent 16 values. With two digits, this allows up to 256 different values, although not all are used.

I've listed the sounds in hexadecimal order. I describe the sounds and the contexts in which they're used in-game. I provide the tech name and a descriptor (such as charge/cast/impact), with the characters/enemies who use the tech in parentheses. I also include additional info, reference frequent combinations using from/to, and compare sounds with cf. To indicate where the sound is in a sequence, I use #/# (eg 2/3 means the second of three sounds). To show that a sound is played in repetition, I use x(number) eg x2 for twice. For sounds which are continuously looped, I place [LOOP] at the end of the entry. I use etc to emphasize that there is other relevant information (techs, enemies) which did not make the cut; ap is used where this information is included in the Appendix. I made sure that each entry takes up only one line on the forum; while not all details fit within the margin, I was still able to cover the relevant information. The basic formula is provided atop the main list; if more convenient, I used short descriptions instead. Overall, I strove for a consistent, legible style throughout.

I was able to identify 188/200 sounds, or 94%. I went solely by the list of 200 SPCs; if there are other sounds, I didn't examine them (my best finds were AC and CA, they were very obscure). The 12 remaining sounds are, to my knowledge, unused in the vanilla game. Unused sounds are indented, tagged with [UNUSED], and given commentary; they are also indexed between the main list and recipes.

The Tech Recipes are combinations of sounds used for various techs employed by both the party and monsters. Aside from novelty value, this should make it easier to look up sounds; just think of a tech in which it's used and check for it. The techs are organized by single/double/triple and enemy techs, as well as by character and in-game order. I use commas for sounds that are played in sequence, and a slash / for sounds which overlap each other. I've documented all party techs and many significant enemy techs.

At the end is the Appendix, which consists of three subsections. First, I list certain entries in greater detail than permitted by the single line margin. Then, I collate and describe the Layer 3 Packets (which are also referenced in the Recipes). Finally, I document the sources used in compiling this work.

The devs were clever in their use of sound fx. Many sounds are re-used in different contexts, while fitting the action each time. For example, C6 is used for the second phase of Evil Star (Lavos Core), as well as Water Rising (Giga Gaia) and Rock Teleport (Azala). I'm sure everyone has noticed that 6D is used for Aura Whirl and Halation, but it's also used by Guardian & bits. In addition, it's usually cut short -- by including the high-pitch tone at the end of Halation, it achieves the uncanny effect of distorting a familiar sound. Also note how 97 is used to very different effect in Lucca's Flare vs. Robo's Area Bomb. By cutting sounds short or repeating them rapidly, they accomplish more with their given resources.

There is an abridged version of the main list available as an alternative.

Credit goes to xcalibur, with honorable mention to Mauron. Any mistakes/omissions are my fault.

xcalibur/djs, June 2018, Version 1.23

Battle Sound Effects List

## sound: Tech Name & descriptor x# #/# (User 1, User 2; more info; from/to ##), ap. cf ##

00 menu cursor
01 error
02 miss, enemy movement
03 short high pitch: used in Lifeline x4 2/3 (Chrono/Marle/Robo; end of time gates; to B2/B5)
04 healing: tonic/lapis 1/2, ether 1/2, Double Cure cast (Marle/Frog)
05 x strike by enemy (to D4), Aura Beam 2/4, enemy chaos techs 1/3 (to 8E), barrier item, ap
06 healing: tonic/lapis 2/2, elixir, Aura Whirl 4/4, various healing techs
07 ether use 2/2
08 unsheathe weapon for battle
09    [UNUSED] alternate level-up?
0A throw: grenade/napalm techs (Lucca). cf 9A
0B high pitched ting: Aura Whirl 2/4 (Chrono/Marle; cf save point), used in Grand Dream
0C correct target (Son of Sun)
0D party runs away
40 Chrono crit, enemy Slash/lightning 1/2 (to 4F), Max Strike (Slash), ap
41 Robo melee crit, Rocket Punch impact, Laser Spin charge-up. R-Series techs. cf B3
42 player's turn/menu activates
43 Marle ranged attack/bow, Poison Arrows x3 (Servant/bow; aka Flunky)
44 Lucca melee attack/gun butt
45 kiss: 1/3 charm (Ayla, naga-ette, Flea), Leech x3 (octoblush), other leech/absorb techs
46 bonk: boss charge (Yakra, Nizbel; from 56), Punching Glove (Gato), Slurp Cut fail (Frog), ap
47 Marle melee attack, enemy melee (Imps, Reptites, etc)
48 Spin Jump (Rolypoly; unused in other intended slots eg Jinn Bottle, Son of Sun etc). [LOOP]
49    [UNUSED] scratch. enemy melee?
4A scratch: enemy melee, Cat Attack 1/2 (Ayla; to 62)
4B strike: Flame Kick (Ayla), enemy melee (Goblin, etc)
4C Ayla strike: Rollo Kick (from 64), Drop Kick, Drill Kick (from D5). Hammer Punch (hench)
4D Frog attack crit, impact of Spincut, Leap Slash & other techs w/ Frog. Strike (Slash)
4E Frog attack, Throwing Knife (Free Lancer, Outlaw, Giga Mutant), Strike (Servant/sword)
4F Chrono attack, Slash impact, Swordstream, enemy melee (decedent, red/blue beasts, etc)
50 Lucca alt ranged attack, Machine Gun (Proto 2/3; repeated rapidly)
51 Robo melee, tech charge-up x3/x4. R-Series melee, Giga Gaia hand restore 2/2 (from 9C)
52 Lucca ranged attack, Stomp x4 (debuggest)
53 wind effect: casting Spincut, Slash, Confuse, Swordstream, etc (Chrono techs)
54 Electricity (debugger), Omega Flare 1/3, Dark Plasma 1/2 (Giga Gaia, etc; to CD), ap [LOOP]
55 Frog ribbit: charging up Frog Squash (to 6B), Tongue (frog enemies), Smush 1/2 (T'pole)
56 Fire1 cast. charge attack (Yakra, Dragon Tank, Nizbel II, etc). cf 77 [LOOP]
57 Needlespin/single needle launch (Yakra, Lavos)
58 charm spell (naga-ette, Ayla)
59 healing: Salt/Heal. Jump (decedent, departed)
5A enemy water/bubble cast (Heckran, Nereid, etc), Alkaline attack
5B Volt Bite (Chrono/Ayla)
5C    [UNUSED] brief, high pitched. cf 05, 5D
5D Lock/can't use techniques x2 (Mage; ocean palace), Mantra/Chakram (Gargoyle)
5E ringing bell: Ding-a-ling/chaos (Avian Chaos, Bellbird, etc). [LOOP]
5F Magus scythe, enemy melee (commonly used), Spire (Chrono/Frog), Needlespin impact
60 Magus scythe crit
61 enemy melee (commonly used)
62 Ayla cast: charge-up (Dino Tail, Drill Kick), Cat Attack x2 2/2 (from 4A)
63 Scream/slow (Imp Ace, Blue Eaglet; enemy alert by Scout, etc), Terror Voice/slow (Shadow)
64 Ayla cast: Rollo Kick (to 4C), Spin Kick, Flame Kick. Rolypoly cast: Spin Jump, ap. cf D5
65 missile launch, Robo Tackle cast (to B3), 3D Attack (Chrono/Frog/Ayla), etc
66    [UNUSED] enemy creature? it's listed near enemy attack sounds.
67 enemy melee (commonly used)
68 Laser/shadow (robot enemies, Queen Zeal), Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos)
69 diablos/gargoyle hit, Combination Punch x3 (Masa&Mune), Life Shaver x5 (to 6A), ap
6A explosion: Antipode1, Lightning1, Fire Breath/fire, other enemy techs
6B falling: Frog Squash (from 55), Rock Throw (Ayla). Needlespin, Iron Orb 1/2 (to B8), etc
6C impact: Frog Squash, Rock Throw (Ayla)
6D Halation (Queen Zeal, Nu Spekkio, etc), Aura Whirl cast 3/4, used by Guardian techs
6E zap: ends Dark Matter/Spire/Super Volt etc, used in Lightning1, Handblaster/fire 2/2
6F Ice1 cast (Marle, Spekkio, etc)
70 freeze: ice1 impact, Cube Toss cast (Marle/Ayla)
71 Lightning1 charge (Chrono), also used in Spire, Volt Bite
72 ice magic charge-up (Marle, Spekkio, Magus)
73 Robo charge-up: Robo Tackle/Rocket Roll/Triple Raid
74 Fire1 impact. various fire attacks, smoke grenade (from 9A), Energy Ball (from AF), etc
75 Ice Sword cast2 (Chrono/Marle; from A3)
76 Ice Sword impact (Chrono/Marle; from 75)
77 Confuse/Fire sword cast, boss breakdown 2/2 (from B6 x3). cf 56 [LOOP]
78 Aura charge (Marle), Destruction Zone 1/2, other enemy techs, Black Hole (Magus)
79    [UNUSED] lit/ice magic charge?
7A Frog sword charge-up (Leap Slash, etc)
7B Lightning2 strike, Mammon Machine releases energy, Mother Brain w/o displays. cf D7
7C Lightning2 charge, Cure/Life magic charge-up
7D    [UNUSED] fire/explosions: intended for fire tech? located next to Fire2 cast/impact
7E explosion: Fire2 impact, missile impact, Laser Beams/doors of doom impact (Inner Lavos)
7F longer blast: Fire2 cast, Geyser (Magus), Shadow Doom Blaze, Evil Star 1/3, ap. cf 81
80 Laser Spin/shadow (Robo, Mother Brain & robots, Retinite, Golems), used in Omega Flare
81 shorter blast: Rocket Roll (Chrono/Robo), Mega Bomb (Lucca), Dark Mist, ap. cf 7F
82 roar/giant impact: Dino Tail (Ayla), Tyrano charging up (cut short)
83 wave: Water2 impact (Frog, Heckran, etc), Mutant Gas/sleep, Dark Mist (Magus)
84 magic cast: Ice2, Ice Water (Marle/Frog), Ice Toss, Cure Wave/Touch (Robo+Frog/Marle)
85 icy impact: Ice2, Ice Tackle (Marle/Robo), Ice Toss (Marle/Ayla)
86 Haste 1/2 (Marle)
87 Haste 2/2 (Marle)
88 new tech learned
89 level up
8A Shock tech (Robo). cf F4
8B Provoke x3 (Marle), begin Poyozo Dance x4, used by Left/Right Bit melee (Lavos Core)
8C Cure Beam (Robo, Mother Brain's displays, other robots)
8D Heal Beam cast (Robo)
8E heal item, Heal (Frog), chaos techs 2/3 (Flea, Masa&Mune; from 05), Amplifire (Guardian)
8F stormy wind: Tail Spin (Ayla), Vacuum Wave (to 94), tornado techs, chaos techs 3/3, etc
90 fiery/burning: used in Flame Whirl (Lucca/Ayla). cf E3
91 Cyclone (Chrono), used in Confuse, Fire Whirl etc. Fire Wheel (Juggler/Outlaw), ap. [LOOP]
92 Hypno Wave (Lucca)
93 Delta Force I (fire), Invading Light 2/2 (Lavos Core; from 96)
94 Delta Force II (water/ice; to 99), Vacuum Wave 2/2 (Masamune; from 8F)
95 monster defeated
96 Flare charge 1/3 (Lucca), Invading Light charge 1/2 (Lavos Core; to 93)
97 Flare cast 2/3 (Lucca), Area Bomb (Robo)
98 Flare impact 3/3 (Lucca, Nu Spekkio, Son of Sun), Omega Flare impact
99 Delta Force III (lightning; from 94), Fire Punch/Doublebomb impact (Lucca/Robo)
9A alt throw/flap: Sleep Bubble (Mud Imp, Reptites, etc; grenade; to 74), eaglets, ap. cf 0A
9B Geyser x4 2/2, Grudge (Cyrus' ghost, etc)
9C earthquake/eruption: Volcanic Bomb (to A8), Destruction Zone, GatlingKick, Point Flare, ap
9D squeak: bat attack. cf A9
9E Water1 bubble cast (Frog). [LOOP]
9F Frog tongue used in Slurp etc, Tentacle/absorbs HP x3 (Mutant, Mega Mutant, Retinite, etc)
A0 bubble pop: various water techs
A1 water magic charge-up (Frog)
A2 Mystic Ray impact 2/2, Bubble Snap/Icewater cast, Cyclone/water (Heckran), etc. [LOOP]
A3 Ice Sword cast1 (Chrono/Marle; to 75)
A4 Mystic Ray/shadow 1/2 (seeking laser; to A2)
A5 Luminaire charge, Revive Bit 2/2 (Guardian)
A6 Luminaire impact (Chrono)
A7    [UNUSED] intended for luminaire? cf C3
A8 burning/exploding: Volcanic Bomb 2/2 (from 9C), Fire Dance 2/2 (from F4). [LOOP]
A9 squeak: rat attack (gremlin). cf 9D
AA Gato's Song of Love (Gato), Cybot Music/chaos (Cybot)
AB Charm effect (Ayla, Flea)
AC Wing Flap (Beetle, Bug; used during flying attack by insectoid enemies). [LOOP]
AD Life1 (Chrono), Lifeline activation, revive item
AE Life2 (Marle), Active Life (Lavos Core)
AF fire magic charge-up (Lucca, others), Energy Ball 1/2 (orange pellets; to 74)
B0 short jump/throw: used in Falcon Hit, Rock Throw, Beast Toss
B1 spinning charge-up: used in Tornado techs, Drill Kick, Rocket Roll, Fire Whirl, etc. [LOOP]
B2 long high pitch: charging Delta Force/Storm, used in Lifeline 3/3 (from 03), Lavos Core, etc
B3 Robo tech impact: Robo Tackle (from 65), Uzzi Punch (from E5), Bubble Snap. cf 41
B4 Lifeline cast x3 1/3 (Chrono/Marle/Robo; to 03)
B5 Lifeline 3/3 (Chrono/Marle/Robo; if activated: AD; from 03)
B6 boss breakdown x3/x2 1/2 (followed by 77 for bosses, B7 for large bosses)
B7 large boss breakdown 2/2 (Guardian, Giga Gaia; from B6 x2), GaiaMagnade/fire 2/2. [LOOP]
B8 impact: throw techs, Head Butt (Nu), Hammer (Ogan), Iron Orb 2/2 (from 6B), etc
B9 radar attack: Sonic Wave/sleep (cave bat, bug robot, etc), 10,000 Hz/sleep (scouter), etc
BA    [UNUSED] boing, bouncy sound.
BB Glacier (Marle/Frog). cf F3
BC jump: enemy runs away x3 (to E3), used in Bad Impulse (Mystical Knights)
BD chomp (Tyrano, krakker, Retinite etc), Blacken (Mega Mutant), Smush 2/2 (T'pole)
BE Darketernal cast (Marle/Lucca/Magus, Black Rock), Delta Attack (Guardian & bits). [LOOP]
BF mp steal, Drain/hp absorb (Jinn Bottle, Zombor, etc), fusion techs 1/2 (to 81), Emblem, ap
C0 Charm unsuccessful (Ayla), used by Dalton Plus
C1 beckon: begins Falcon Hit x2 (Chrono/Ayla), used in Psychokinesis (Azala, etc)
C2 Heretic Ray (Zombor; Doom, doom, doom, doom...)
C3 Lock All (Rubble, etc), Hexagon Mist 1/3, Protective Seal/etc 2/2 (from E2), DarkEternal, ap
C4 Hexagon Mist/Starburst 2/3 (Queen Zeal)
C5 Hexagon Mist/Starburst 3/3 (Queen Zeal), Rainbow Storm (Flea)
C6 Evil Star 2/3 (Lavos Core), Water Rise (Giga Gaia, etc), Rock Teleport (Azala)
C7 Delta Storm (Chrono/Lucca/Frog), Dreamless (Lavos Core)
C8 MP buster, Cube Toss impact (Marle/Ayla)
C9 Chaos Zone (Lavos, Mega Mutant, Spekkio's fifth form, etc)
CA Burst Ball (TerraMutant, Dalton Plus)
CB Time Stop (Synchrite, etc), Freeze/stop (Inner Lavos), Dark Flare/shadow (Retinite, etc)
CC lightning discharge by enemy (Nizbel, Scouter, Gigasaur, etc), Steel Steam (Mega Mutant)
CD poison gas (Dalton, Mega Mutant, etc), Roulette Shuffle (Son of Sun), Dark Plasma 2/2, ap
CE    [UNUSED] shadow tech?
CF    [UNUSED] robot opening/flexing x2?
D0 synth tone: Rainbow/instant ko (fifth form/Nu Spekkio, Black Omen alien, etc), etc
D1 boiling: Antipode2 (Marle/Lucca), Blanket Bomb/fire (enemy/boss tech), etc
D2 big jump: used in Spincut, Falcon Hit, Spire, Red Pin, 3D Attack, others
D3 Spire thunder (Frog/Crono)
D4 whoosh: Blade Toss, Falcon Hit, Antipode 3, Spin Kick, etc. enemy x strike 2/2 (from 05)
D5 Drill Kick cast (Chrono/Ayla; to 4C). cf 64
D6 Icewater impact (Frog/Marle), Skygate/Heavenly Gate (Queen Zeal; repeated rapidly)
D7 Super Volt (Chrono/Robo), GaiaMagnade/fire 1/2, Laser Beams 2/3 (Inner Lavos). cf 7B
D8 Winged Ape/Cave Ape attack
D9 Crimson Rain/hp down (several enemies), Rain/water (Blue Scout, T'pole)
DA Magus casts a spell/Magic Wall, Lavos Core defense on/off 2/2
DB    [UNUSED] shadow tech? teleportation?
DC Dark Bomb (Magus, Spekkio's fifth form, etc)
DD Magus casting, Lavos Core defense on/off 1/2
DE Black Hole (Magus; lavos gate opening)
DF Dark Matter (Magus, Nu Spekkio)
E0 Needle Disorder/barrage 1/3 (Yakra XIII, Lavos Spawn), Fire Tackle impact (Lucca/Robo)
E1 wing beat: Grab & drop (Avian Rex, etc), Wing Blow/chaos (Lizardactyl, Goon), ap. [LOOP]
E2 Poyozo Dance. Shining Bit & Protective Seal (Giga Mutant & Lavos; to C3), Dark Gear 1/2
E3 burning: turret self-destructs, enemy runs away 2/2 (cut short; from BC). cf 90
E4 nuke: Antipode3 impact (Marle/Lucca), Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos)
E5 Uzzi Punch (Robo; to B3)
E6 Ayla charge-up: Triple Kick, Drop Kick
E7 Ayla melee
E8 Ayla melee crit
E9 Slurp Kiss cast (Frog/Ayla)
EA Protect 1/2 (Lucca; to F0), shield item
EB Final Kick/Gatling Kick cast (triple techs w/ Ayla)
EC Ice Sword II end (Chrono/Marle)
ED Final Kick (Chrono/Marle/Ayla; the 'pin drop' SPC may be heavily modified or inaccurate)
EE Boogie 1/2 (Robo/Ayla)
EF Boogie 2/2 (Robo/Ayla)
F0 Protect 2/2 (Lucca; from EA)
F1 Triple Tech impact/end (used in 6/15), Shock/Super Volt, Laser Beams 1/3 (Inner Lavos)
F2 X Strike (Chrono/Frog)
F3 Spin Strike (Frog/Robo/Ayla, SilverRock). cf BB
F4 Fire Dance 1/2 (Inner Lavos; falling triangles; to A8). cf 8A
F5 Evil Star 3/3 (Lavos Core)
F6 Crying Heavens/hidden blow (Lavos Core)
F7 Grand Stone (Lavos Core)
F8 Spell/random status (Lavos Core)
F9    [UNUSED] intended for Lavos Core? replaced by D0? cf, vague similarity.

Unused Sounds

09, 49, 5C, 66, 79, 7D, A7, BA, CE, CF, DB, F9

09: alternate level-up?
49: scratch. enemy melee?
5C: brief, high pitched. cf 05, 5D
66: enemy creature? it's listed near enemy attack sounds.
79: lit/ice magic charge?
7D: fire/explosions: intended for fire tech? located next to Fire2 cast/impact
A7: intended for luminaire? cf C3
BA: boing, bouncy sound.
CE: shadow tech?
CF: robot opening/flexing x2?
DB: shadow tech? teleportation?
F9: intended for Lavos Core? replaced by D0? cf, vague similarity.

Tech Recipes


Slash:........53, 4F
Lightning1:...71, 6E/6A, 6A x2 (rapidly)
Spincut:......D2, 53, 4D x3 (rapidly)
Lightning2:...7C, 7B
Life1:........7C, AD
Confuse:......53, 77, 91, 40
Luminaire:....A5, A6
Aura:.........78, 06
Provoke:......8B x3
Ice1:.........72, 6F, 70
Cure1/Cure2:..7C, 59
Haste:........86, 87
Ice2:.........72, 84, 85 x2
Life2:........7C, AE
Flame Toss:...56, 74
Hypno Wave:...92
Fire1:........AF, 56, 74 x3
Napalm:.......0A, 7E
Protect:......EA, F0
Fire2:........AF, 7F, 7E
Mega Bomb:....0A, 6A (rapidly repeated), 81
Flare:........96 (slightly cut short), 97 (repeated rapidly), 98
Slurp:........9F, 06
Slurp Cut:....9F, 4D
Water1:.......A1, 9E, A0
Heal:.........7C, 59, 8E
Leap Slash:...7A, D2, 4D
Water2:.......A1, 83
Cure2:........7C, 59
Frog Squash:..55, 6B, 6C x3
Rocket Punch: 51 x4, 65, 41
Cure Beam:....8C
Laser Spin:...41, 80
Robo Tackle:..73, 65, B3
Heal Beam:....7C, 8D, 59
Uzzi Punch:...51 x3, E5, B3
Area Bomb:....51 x3, 97, 6A (repeated rapidly), 81
Shock:........F1 (cut short), 8A
Kiss:.........45, 06
Rollo Kick:...64 x2, 4C x2
Cat Attack:...4A, 62 x2
Rock Throw:...B0, 6B, 6C
Charm:........45, 58, AB, C0 (if unsuccessful)
Tail Spin:....8F
Dino Tail:....62, 82
Triple Kick:..E6, 53/4C x3
Lightning2:...7C, 7B
Ice2:.........72, 84, 85 x2
Fire2:........AF, 7F, 7E
Dark Bomb:....DD, DC
Magic Wall:...DD, DA
Dark Mist:....DD, 83/81
Black Hole:...DD, DE, 78
DarkMatter:...DD, DF, 6E


Aura Whirl:....78, 0B, 6D (slightly cut short), 06
Ice Sword:.....72, A3, 75, 76
Ice Sword II:..72, A3, 75, 76, 91, EC
Fire Whirl:....B1, 56, 77, 91
Fire Sword:....AF, 56, 77, 74 x3
Fire Sword II: AF, 56, 77, 40
X Strike:......4D/F2
Swordstream:...A1, 9E, A0, 53, 4F
Spire:.........7A/71, D3/D2, 5F, 6E. [packet: 5F]
Rocket Roll:...73, B1/81
Max Cyclone:...91
Super Volt:....51 x3, F1 (cut short), 8A, D7, 6E. [packet: 48]
Drill Kick:....62, B1, D5, 4C
Volt Bite:.....71, 6E/6A, 6A x2 rapidly, 5B
Falcon Hit:....C1 x2, B0, D2, D4, 4F
Antipode1:.....72, 6F, 70/AF, 6A x3
Antipode2:.....72, 6F, AF, D1
Antipode3:.....72/AF, D4, E4
Ice Water:.....72/A1, 9F/A3, A2, D6, 84
Glacier:.......72, 6F, A1, BB/B8 x 3
Double Cure:...7C, 04, 59
Aura Beam:.....78, 05, 6D (slightly cut short), 06
Ice Tackle:....72, A3, 73, 65, 85
Cure Touch:....7C x2, 84, 59 (identical to Cure Wave)
Twin Charm:....45, 58, AB, C0 (if unsuccessful)
Ice Toss:......72, A3 x3, 85 x2/84
Cube Toss:.....72, 6F, 70 x2, D2, C8
Red Pin:.......7A/AF, 56/D2, 4D
Line Bomb:.....7A, D2, 0A x4, 6A (rapidly repeated)
Frog Flare:....55, 6B, 6C, 98
Fire Punch:....AF, 56, 99, 6A
Fire Tackle:...AF, 56, 73, E0
DoublevBomb:...51 x3, 0A, 81, 6A, 99
Flame Kick:....64, AF, 56, 4B/74 x3
Flame Whirl:...AF/8F, 56, 74 x3, 90
Blaze Kick:....AF, 56, 6A x4
Blade Toss:....51 x3, D2, D4
Bubble Snap:...A1, A2, A0, B3
Cure Wave:.....7C x2, 84, 59 (identical to Cure Touch)
Slurp Kiss:....45, 9F, E9, 06
Bubble Hit:....A1, A2, A0, B8
Drop Kick:.....7A, E6, 53/4C x3/4D
Boogie:........EE, EF
Spin Kick:.....64, 51, B3, D4/4C
Beast Toss:....51 x3, B0 x4, D2, B8


Delta Force: B2, 93, 94, 99, F1
Delta Storm: B2, C7
Arc Impulse: 72, A3, 75, F1, 40
Fire Zone:...91/B1, AF, 56, 74 x3, 77/84
Triple Raid: 73, 4E, 65, 99
3D Attack:...D2, 4D/4E, 65
GatlingKick: D2, EB, B1/D4, 9C
Final Kick:..D2, EB, ED/65 x3
Lifeline:....B4 x3, 03 x4, B2/B5. AD (if activated)
PoyozoDance: 8B x4, E2, F1
Spin Strike: 7A, 51 x4, D2, F3/4D (rapidly repeated), F1
DarkEternal: BE, C3 x3, F1. [packet: 82]
Omega Flare: 54, 80/6A (rapidly repeated), 98
Grand Dream: 7A, 80 (cut short), 8E, 0B, 6B x3/B8 x3, F1


Run Away (enemy):......................................BC x3, E3 (cut short)
Boss Breakdown (Yakra, Krawlie, etc):..................B6 x3, 77 [packet: 38]
Large Boss Breakdown (Guardian, Giga Gaia, etc):.......B6 x2, B7 [packet: 40]
Pebble Throw (imps), Rollo Shoot (Roly Rider):.........47, 67
Dive (Blue/Gold Eaglet):...............................9A, 6B, 4F
Spin Jump (Rolypoly):..................................64, 61, 48
Smush (T'pole):........................................55, BD
Spin Kick (Diablos), Combination Punch, etc (see ap):..69 x3
Combination Kick, Flashing Slap, etc (Reptites):.......47 x3
Tentacle/absorbs HP (Mutant, Mega Mutant, etc):........9F x3
Missile (Dragon Tank, Guardian, other robots):.........65, 7E
Mystic Ray/shadow (many enemies):......................A4, A2
Self Destruct (see ap: 81), Barrier Bomber (Ozzie):....81, 6A x3
Water/bubble (Heckran, Nereid, Spekkio):...............5A, A0
Lightning (Ozzie, Nereid, Scouter, Spekkio):...........6E, 6A x2
Flame (Octoblush, Juggler, Golems, etc):...............74 (repeated rapidly)
Fire Breath/fire, Blizzard/chaos, etc:.................6A (repeated rapidly)
Volcanic Bomb/fire (see ap: 9C), Super Volcano Bomb:...9C, A8
Sleep Bubble/smoke grenade (see ap: 9A):...............9A, 74
Lock/can't use techniques (Mage):......................5D x2
Chemical/Muscle Fusion (Acid/Alkaline, Jinn/Barghest): BF (cut short), 81
Destruction Zone/shadow (see ap: 9C):..................78, 9C
Boss Charge (Yakra, Nizbel, etc):......................56, 46 x3
Needlespin/single needle (Yakra, Lavos Spawn):.........57, 6B, 5F x2
Needle Disorder/barrage (Yakra XIII, Lavos Spawn):.....E0, 6B, 5F x2
Amplifire (Guardian):..................................6D (cut short), 8E
Revive Bit (Guardian):.................................6D (slightly cut short), A5 x2 (briefly)
Water Wave/Water2 (Heckran, others):...................5A, 83
Fang (Zombor), Rapid Punch (Slash), etc:...............78, 4F x3, B8
x strike (Masa&Mune, Left/Right Bits, Lasher, etc):....05, D4
Hurricane (Masamune, Goon):............................B1, 8F, B8
Vacuum Wave (Masamune):................................8F, 94
Slash/lightning (Slash, Masamune, Dalton, others):.....40, 4F
Typhoon/chaos (Masa&Mune), Waltz of the Wind (Flea):...05, 8E, 8F
Prism Beam (Flea):.....................................45, 6D (cut short), AB
Geyser/hp down (Magus):................................7F, 9B x4
Psychokinesis (Azala):.................................C1 x4, B8
Handblaster/fire (Giga Gaia):..........................7F, 6E
Dark Plasma/shadow (Giga Gaia, Panel; combo tech):.....54, CD
GaiaMagnade/fire (Giga Gaia):..........................D7, B7
Arm Attack/reduces hp by 1/2 (Giga Gaia):..............D1, D2, B8
hand restoration (Giga Gaia):..........................9C, 51 x2
Iron Orb/reduces hp by 1/2 (Dalton, Golems, others):...6B, B8
Energy Ball/physical (orange pellets):.................AF, 74
Burst Ball (Dalton Plus, TerraMutant):.................AF, CA
Dalton Plus summoning fail:............................D2, 78, C0 x5, 8F, D0
Bad Impulse/fire (Mystical Knights):...................BC, 45, 56, 4F
Delta Force/shadow (Mystical Knights, scouters):.......93, 94, 99
Blacken (Mega Mutant):.................................74, BD
Life Shaver/hp to 1:...................................69 x5, 6A
Skygate/lightning (Queen Zeal):........................D6 repeated rapidly
Hexagon Mist/Starburst/water (Queen Zeal):.............C3, C4, C5
Dark Gear/shadow (Queen Zeal):.........................E2, 7F
Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos):............68 x3/6A x3, 68 x3/6A x3
Protective Seal (Lavos)/Shining Bit (Giga Mutant):.....E2, C3
Laser Beams/doors of doom open (Inner Lavos):..........F1, D7, 7E
Fire Dance/falling triangles (Inner Lavos):............F4, A8
Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos):.......................7F, E4
Left/Right Bit melee (Lavos Core):.....................B2, 67, 8B x2
Right Bit melee (Lavos Core):..........................B2, A2
Defense on/off (Lavos Core):...........................DD, DA
Evil Star/reduces party hp by 1/2 (Lavos Core):........7F, C6, F5
Invading Light/slow (Lavos Core):......................96, 93
Lavos Core Breakdown...................................82, 65 x7, A6


Additional Info

05, 40, 46, 54, 64, 69, 7F, 81, 91, 9A, 9C, BF, C3, CD, E1

_05 x strike by enemy (to D4), Aura Beam 2/4, Typhoon & Waltz of the Wind 1/3 (Masa&Mune & Flea, to 8E), barrier item, Juggler appears, (opening gate)
_40 Chrono crit, enemy Slash/lightning 1/2 (Servant/sword, Base, Masamune, Slash, Dalton Plus, Super Slash; to 4F), Max Strike (Slash)
_46 bonk: boss charge (Yakra, Nizbel; from 56), Punching Glove & Multi-Punch x7 counter (Gato), Iron Orb Strike (Yakra), Slurp Cut failed (Frog; if the enemy is too heavy)
_54 Electricity (Bugger, Debugger, Debuggest), Omega Flare charge 1/3 (Lucca/Robo/Magus, Blue Rock), Dark Plasma/shadow 1/2 (Giga Gaia, Panel; combo tech; to CD). [LOOP]
_64 Ayla cast: Rollo Kick (to 4C), Spin Kick, Flame Kick. Roly/poly cast: Spin Attack (Roly, Poly), Charge (Roly Rider), Spin Jump (Rolypoly). cf D5
_69 Savate (Diablos, Grimalkin, Gargoyle), Spin Kick x3 (Diablos), Flying Spin Kick x3 (Grimalkin), Spin Sword x3 (Free Lancer), Combination Punch x3 (Masa&Mune), Life Shaver x5 (to 6A)
_7F longer blast: Fire2 cast (Lucca, Magus, Spekkio, Golem, Golem Twins, Dalton Plus, etc), Geyser (Magus), Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos), Evil Star 1/3 (Lavos Core), Dark Gear/shadow (Queen Zeal). cf 81
_81 shorter blast: Rocket Roll (Chrono/Robo), Mega Bomb (Lucca), Dark Mist (Magus), Self Destruct & Barrier Bomber 1/2 (Roly Bomber, Laser Guards, Atropos XR & Ozzie; to 6A x3), Chemical Fusion & Muscle Fusion 2/2 (Acid/Alkaline & Jinn/Barghest; from BF). cf 7F
_91 Cyclone (Chrono), used in Confuse, Max Cyclone (Chrono/Robo), Ice Sword II (Chrono/Marle), Fire Whirl (Chrono/Lucca), Fire Zone (Chrono/Lucca/Robo). Fire Wheel (Juggler/Outlaw), Spincut (Servant/sword; aka Groupie, enemy in Magus' Castle). [LOOP]
_9A alt throw/flap: Sleep Bubble 1/2 (Mud Imp, Reptites, Incognito, PeepngDoom; smoke grenade; to 74), Wing Flap x3 (Blue Eaglet), Dive 1/3 (Blue/Gold Eaglet), (Imp Ace entry). cf 0A
_9C earthquake/eruption: Volcanic Bomb & Super Volcano Bomb (Crater, Pahoehoe, Volcano & TerraMutant; to A8), Destruction Zone (Sorceror, Barghest, Lavos Spawn/omen), Earthquake (Zombor, Retinite, Nizbel, Mud Imp/beasts), Quake Hammer (Ogan), GatlingKick (Chrono/Lucca/Ayla), Point Flare (Mammon Machine), Azala Break, used in hand restoration (Giga Gaia)
_BF mp steal, Drain/hp absorb (Jinn Bottle, Zombor, Reaper, etc), Chemical Fusion & Muscle Fusion 1/2 (Acid/Alkaline & Jinn/Barghest; cut short; to 81), Emblem (Base/Defunct; combo tech, transform into Departed)
_C3 Lock All (Rubble, Turret, Boss Orb), Hexagon Mist 1/3 (Queen Zeal), Shining Bit/lightning (Metal Mute, Giga Mutant) & Protective Seal 2/2 (Inner Lavos/arms, Lavos Core/left bit; from E2), DarkEternal x3 (Marle/Lucca/Magus)
_CD poison gas: blurp! (Dalton, Golems), Mutant Gas/poison (Mega Mutant, Giga Mutant), Shadow Slay/poison (Inner Lavos). Roulette Shuffle (Son of Sun), Dark Plasma/shadow 2/2 (Giga Gaia, Panel; combo tech; from 54)
_E1 wing beat: Grab & drop (Avian Rex, Lizardactyl, Cave Ape), Skull Drop (Zombor), Dive 1/2 (Lizardactyl), Wing Blow/chaos (Lizardactyl, Goon) [LOOP]

Layer 3 Packets

Packet ID: sounds used...relevant tech

2C: 54, D0......unused enemy tech 5E (electric ring/flash, non-elemental magic attack)
38: B6 x3, 77...boss breakdown
40: B6 x2, B7...large boss breakdown
48: D7..........Super Volt
5F: D3..........Spire
82: C3 x3.......Dark Eternal
86: 0D..........party runs away

Works Cited

Single Techs
Double Techs
Triple Techs
Monster Techs
NecroVMX All Single Techs
NecroVMX All Double and Triple Techs
StoneMonkWisdom's LP

From: Modification