Difference between revisions of "Chrono Trigger (Music)"

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(Albums and Doujins)
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Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations.
Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations.
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Mathew%20Valente%20-%20Chrono%20Trigger%20Radical%20Dreamers%20Synthetic%20Origins.zip Mathew Valente - Chrono Trigger and Radical Dreamers (Synthetic Origins)] (1.5 GB)
'''OrangeC Chrono Trigger Restorations'''
'''OrangeC Chrono Trigger Restorations'''
Line 65: Line 67:
*[[Albums and Doujins#Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time|Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time|Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Contraband - Reloaded]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Contraband - Reloaded]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Digital Atmosphere - Chrono Trigger on Piano]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#EtlanZ - Best Collection Series Vol.16 Ever Green ~Tapestry of Mana and Time~|EtlanZ - Best Collection Series Vol.16 Ever Green ~Tapestry of Mana and Time~]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#EtlanZ - Best Collection Series Vol.16 Ever Green ~Tapestry of Mana and Time~|EtlanZ - Best Collection Series Vol.16 Ever Green ~Tapestry of Mana and Time~]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#EtlanZ - Seiken Densetsu & Chrono Trigger Best Collection (Square Best Series Vol.3)|EtlanZ - Seiken Densetsu & Chrono Trigger Best Collection (Square Best Series Vol.3)]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#EtlanZ - Seiken Densetsu & Chrono Trigger Best Collection (Square Best Series Vol.3)|EtlanZ - Seiken Densetsu & Chrono Trigger Best Collection (Square Best Series Vol.3)]]
Line 79: Line 82:
*[[Albums and Doujins#John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu|John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu|John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Kirby's Dream Band - Pink Sells...]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Kirby's Dream Band - Pink Sells...]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Kirby's Dream Band - Singles]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Levo Lution - Prelude|Levo Lution - Prelude]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Levo Lution - Prelude|Levo Lution - Prelude]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Life Style - up!|Life Style - up!]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Life Style - up!|Life Style - up!]]
Line 112: Line 116:
*[[Albums and Doujins#Super Guitar Bros. - Super Guitar Bros.|Super Guitar Bros. - Super Guitar Bros.]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Super Guitar Bros. - Super Guitar Bros.|Super Guitar Bros. - Super Guitar Bros.]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#SUPER JOHN BROTHERS - CHRONO TRIGGER ~Playing the End of Time~ and APPEND DISC|SUPER JOHN BROTHERS - CHRONO TRIGGER ~Playing the End of Time~ and APPEND DISC]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#SUPER JOHN BROTHERS - CHRONO TRIGGER ~Playing the End of Time~ and APPEND DISC|SUPER JOHN BROTHERS - CHRONO TRIGGER ~Playing the End of Time~ and APPEND DISC]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Super Soul Bros. - Fireball!]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Super Tecnico - BJD|Super Tecnico - BJD]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Super Tecnico - BJD|Super Tecnico - BJD]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Shnababula - Uptime|Shnababula - Uptime]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Shnababula - Uptime|Shnababula - Uptime]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|SlashBib - Game Covers 2014/2015]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Smooth McGroove - VGM Acapella Volume 6]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|sweez - festa del Chrono]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|sweez - festa del Chrono]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|T.D.M. - Beyond Time]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|T.D.M. - Beyond Time]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#takrockers!! - Journey Through the Brilliant Days ~タイムマシンで行く時間一周旅行~|takrockers!! - Journey Through the Brilliant Days ~タイムマシンで行く時間一周旅行~]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#takrockers!! - Journey Through the Brilliant Days ~タイムマシンで行く時間一周旅行~|takrockers!! - Journey Through the Brilliant Days ~タイムマシンで行く時間一周旅行~]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Taylor Davis - Gaming Fantasy]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Taylor Davis - Gaming Fantasy]]
[Albums and Doujins#8 Bit Instrumental - The Number of the Bit|8 Bit Instrumental - The Number of the Bit]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#8 Bit Instrumental - The Number of the Bit|8 Bit Instrumental - The Number of the Bit]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#The Forget-Me-Not - Voyage from Yesterday ~Faraway Promise~|The Forget-Me-Not - Voyage from Yesterday ~Faraway Promise~]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#The Forget-Me-Not - Voyage from Yesterday ~Faraway Promise~|The Forget-Me-Not - Voyage from Yesterday ~Faraway Promise~]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#The Greatest Bits - Chrono Trigger|The Greatest Bits - Chrono Trigger]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#The Greatest Bits - Chrono Trigger|The Greatest Bits - Chrono Trigger]]

Latest revision as of 06:06, 11 December 2023

General Information (Music)

Areas Played: Arris Dome, Blackbird, Millennial Fair, Title Screen
Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda
Original Japanese Title: クロノ・トリガー / Chrono Trigger
Time Signature: 4/4

In the final ROM, this song's second portion must be activated by an event command, precluding the chance to rip the full song without editing the SPC file to trigger the second part. This has now been accomplished and released in the Compendium SPC archive. The full song can naturally be ripped from the Chrono Trigger Prerelease soundtrack at Music (CTP), interestingly.

Official Releases

Unofficial Releases

.spc Rips

.2SF Rips

.psf Rips

Alpha Tracks


Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations.

OrangeC Chrono Trigger Restorations

Albums and Doujins



Chrono Compendium



Stuff of Legends


Good Stuff



Blue Planet


Celestia: Square Enix Music Arrange Festival (2005)

Celestia8 -SquareEnix Festival 2nd Stage-

CelestiaX -SquareDance Music Arrange Festival 3-

Chrono Trigger Resurrection

Dwelling of Duels

May 2006

11. 'Angelus Errare' by KiddCabbage

December 2006

1: 'I Could Be Banned Soon Trigger' by Snappleman

July 2008

18: 'Chrono Picker' by Final Atomic Buster

December 2010

2: 'Trigger Please' by Shnabubula

July 2022

2nd 'Chrono Trigger Warning' by BadHairLine Productions, et. al.
Alternate 'KazooNo Trigger' by zeonicfreak

Gekitsui King Contest


OverLooked ReMiX

Personal Remixes


Smooth McGroove

University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra

VGMix 1


From: Music (Chrono Trigger)

Transcription by Calldwr

\version "2.20.0"

\paper {
	#(set-paper-size "letter")
	top-margin = 2\cm
	left-margin = 1\in
	right-margin = 2\cm
	ragged-right = ##f
	ragged-bottom = ##t
	tagline = ##f

\header {
	title = "Chrono Trigger"
	composer = "Yasunori Mitsuda"
	arranger = "trans. Ryan Hoopes"

tenorSax = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	%set up beaming
	\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
	\set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
	\set Timing.beatStructure = 1,1,1,1
	% set up clef
	\set Staff.clefGlyph = #"clefs.G"
	\set Staff.clefPosition = #0
	\set Staff.middleCPosition = #-4
	\set Staff.middleCClefPosition = #-4
	\key a \dorian
	\partial 4 r4 | \repeat unfold 7 { r1 } | r2.. b8\( |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		\autoBeamOff e8. fis g8 b,8. fis' d8~ | d2~ d8[\) a16\( b] e[ a8.] |
		b b a16[ gis] e2~ | e~ e8\) r4 b8\( | e8. fis g8 b,8. fis' d8~ |
		d2~ d8[\) a16\( b] e[ a8.] | b8. b a16[ gis] e2~ |
		\autoBeamOn e~ e8\) r4 e16\( fis | g2 a | b4. c4 c \acciaccatura c8 d8~ |
		d8 d4 cis16 c b2~ | b2.\) r8 d,8 | e2 g | a g |
		fis16 e fis r r2 fis16 e fis r |
	\alternative {
		{ r2.. b,8\( }
		{ r1\) }
	\key b \minor
	\repeat unfold 14 { r1 } \bar "||"
	\key e \minor
	\acciaccatura d'8 e2.. d16[ e] | b8. a b8 e,4 r8 e16[ fis] |
	g8. a g16[ fis] e8. d b8~ | b1 | r8 a16[ b] c16[ d8 e16~] e8[ fis] g[ a] |
	b8. e,8. d'4 c b16[ c] | b8. a g8 a2~ | a4 r g fis | fis8. g fis8 d8. b e8 |
	r1 |

timpani = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef "bass_8"
	\key a \dorian
	\partial 4 r8 e,, | a,4. a2 a8 | a4. a2 a8 | fis'4. fis2 cis8 |
	fis4. fis2 fis8 | f4. f2 c8 | f4. f2 f8 | e4. e2 b8 | e4. e2 e8 |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		\repeat unfold 2 {
			a,4. a2 e'8 | a,4. a2 a8 | fis'4. fis2 cis8 | fis4. fis2 fis8 |
		f4. f2 c8 | f4. f2 f8 | e4. e2 b8 | e4. e2 e8 | c4. c2 c8 | f4. f2 f8 |
		r4. a,16 a a2 |
	\alternative {
		{ a16 a a4. e'8 e16 e~ e16 a, a a }
		{ a16 a a4. e'8 e16 e~ e16 a, a a }
	\key b \minor
	\repeat unfold 14 { r1 }
	\key e \minor
	\repeat unfold 2 {
		c2. g'4 | c,8. c8. c16[ c] c4. c8 | d2. a'4 | d,4. d16[ d] d8[ d] a'[ a] |
	\autoBeamOn e16 e8 e16 e8 e16 e8 e16 e8 e16 e8 e16 | e2 r2 |

maracas = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\partial 4 r4 | \repeat unfold 8 { r1 } |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		\repeat unfold 15 { r1 | }
	\alternative {
		{ r1 | }
		{ r1 | }
	\repeat unfold 56 { d8. 16 } |
	\repeat unfold 10 { r1 }

snarePattern = \relative d' {
	d8[ 8] 16[ 16 8] 8[ 16 16] r[ d16 16 16] |
	8[ 8] 8:32[ 8] 8[ 16 16] r[ d16 16 16] |
	16[ 16 8] 16[ 16 8] 8[ 16 16] r[ d16 16 16] |
	8[ 8] 8:32[ 8] 8[ 16 16] r[ d16 16 16] |

snare = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	%set up beaming
	\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
	\set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
	\set Timing.beatStructure = 1,1,1,1
	\partial 4 d4:32 |
	\repeat unfold 2 { \snarePattern }
	\repeat volta 2 {
		\repeat unfold 3 { \snarePattern }
		d8[ 8] 16[ 16 8] 8[ 16 16] r[ d16 16 16] |
		8[ 8] 8:32[ 8] 8[ 16 16] r[ d16 16 16] | 16[ 16 8] r2 d16[ 16 8] |
	\alternative {
		{ r2 d4:32 d16[ 16 8] }
		{ r2 d4:32 d16[ 16 8] }
	\repeat unfold 12 { r1 } d4\< 4 4 4 | 4 4 8 8 8 16 16\! |
	\repeat unfold 2 {
		d8 16 16~ 16 16 8 8 8 8:32 16 16 | 8 16 16~ 16 16 8 8 8 8 16 16 |
		8 16 16~ 16 16 8 8 8 8 16 16 | 8 16 16~ 16 16 8 8 8 8:32 16 16
	d16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 | 4 r2. |

crashCym = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\partial 4 r4 | d1 | \repeat unfold 7 { r1 } |
	\repeat volta 2 { d1 | \repeat unfold 13 { r1 } | d2. 4 | }
	\alternative {
		{ r1 }
		{ r1 }
	\repeat unfold 22 { r1 } d2 4. 8~ | 2. r4 |

harpRun = \relative d' {
	e32 fis g a b d e fis a, b d e fis g a b d, e fis g a b d e g, a b d e fis g a

harp = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
	\set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
	\set Timing.beatStructure = 1,1,1,1
	\clef treble
	\key a \dorian
	\partial 4 r4 | \repeat unfold 7 { r1 } | \harpRun |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		\repeat unfold 15 { r1 }
	\alternative {
		{ \harpRun }
		{ \harpRun }
	\key b \minor
	b'8 fis' e fis b fis e fis | b, fis' e fis a fis e fis |
	\repeat unfold 2 { cis d cis d a' d, cis d } | b fis' e fis b fis e fis |
	a, e' cis e a e cis e | b fis' e fis b fis e fis |
	b, fis' dis fis b, fis' e fis | b, fis' e fis b fis e fis |
	b, fis' e fis b fis e fis | \repeat unfold 2 { cis d cis d a' d, cis d } |
	b fis' e fis b fis e fis | a, e' cis e a e cis e |
	\key e \minor
	\repeat unfold 8 { b' a b e, b' a b e, } | r1 | r1 |

stringsUpper = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	% set up clef
	\set Staff.clefGlyph = #"clefs.G"
	\set Staff.clefPosition = #0
	\set Staff.clefTransposition = #7
	\set Staff.middleCPosition = #-11
	\set Staff.middleCClefPosition = #-4
	\key a \dorian
	\partial 4 r4 | <c' e g>1~ | 1 | <a cis e>~ | 1 | <c e a>~ |
	1 | << { fis | g | } \\ { <b, d>~ | 1 | } >>
	\repeat volta 2 {
		<c e g>8^"staccato" r4 <c e g>8 r4. <a d fis>8 |
		<c e g>8 r4 <c e g>8 r4. <a d fis>8 |
		\repeat unfold 2 { <a cis e> r4 <a cis e>8 r4. <fis b e>8 }
		\repeat unfold 2 { <c' e g>8 r4 <c e g>8 r4. <a d fis>8 }
		\repeat unfold 2 { <a cis e> r4 <a cis e>8 r4. <fis b e>8 }
		\repeat unfold 2 { <a c e> r4 <a c e>8 r4. <g b d>8 } |
		\repeat unfold 2 { <b d fis> r4 <b d fis>8 r4. <b d g>8 } |
		<g b e> r4 <g \parenthesize b e>8 r4. <b e g>8 |
		<c e a> r4 <c e a>8 r4. <c e g>8 | <a d fis> r8 r2 <b d fis>8 r |
	\alternative {
		{ r2 <b d fis>8 r16 <b d fis>8 r16 <b d fis>16 16 }
		{ r2 <b d fis>8 r16 <b d fis>8 r16 <b d fis>16 16 }
	\key b \minor
	<a d fis>1^"tenuto" | <cis e a> | <a d fis>~ | 1 | 1 | <cis e a> |
	<< { <fis b>~ | 1 | } \\ { e | dis | } >> <a d fis> | <cis e a> | <a d fis>~ |
	1 | 1 | <cis e a> |
	\key e \minor
	b'2. r4 | b2. r4 | d2. r4 | d2. r4 | e2. r4 | e2. r4 | fis2. r4 | fis2. r4 |
	<a b e>16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 | 16 r8. r2. |

stringsLower = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef french
	\key a \dorian
	\partial 4 r4 | b1 | e2 a | b e | a b | c1 | d2 e | fis8. g fis16 d b2~ |
	2. r4 |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		\repeat unfold 15 { s1 }
	\alternative {
		{ s1 }
		{ r2 a,8. b16~ b e a8 }
	\key b \minor
	b2..\( a16 g | fis2 d | cis8. d a'8~ 2~ | 1\) | b2.\( a8 b | cis2 d | b1~ |
	2\) a,8. b e16 a | b2..\( a16 g | fis2 d | cis8. d a'8~ 2 | 1\) | b2.\( a8 b |
	cis2 d\) | <b, e>8^"staccato" 16 16~ 16 16 8 4 r8 <b e> |
	8 16 16~ 16 16 8 4 r8 <b e> | <a fis'>8 16 16~ 16 16 8 4 r8 <a fis'>8 |
	8 16 16~ 16 16 8 8 8 <a g'>8 8 |
	\repeat unfold 2 { <b e>8 16 16~ 16 16 8 4 r8 <b e>8 } |
	<a fis'>8 16 16~ 16 16 8 4 r8 <a fis'>8 | 8 16 16~ 16 16 8 8 8 <a d>8 8 | s1 |
	s1 |

bassGuitar = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	%set up bar numbers
	\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
	\set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 5)
	\tempo 4 = 130
	\clef "subbass_8"
	\key a \dorian
	\partial 4 r4 \mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #15 Intro } | a,,4 8 8 r a8 4-- |
	a4 8 8 r a8 4-- | fis4 8 8 r fis8 4-- | 4 8 8 r fis8 4-- | f4 8 8 r8 f8 4-- |
	f4 8 8 r8 f8 4-- | e4 8 8 r8 e8 4-- |
	e4 8 8 r8 e8 4-- \mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #18 \box A } |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		\repeat unfold 2 {
			a4 8 8 r a8 4-- | a4 8 8 r8 a8 a4-- | fis4 8 8 r8 fis8 4-- |
			fis4 8 8 r8 fis8 fis4-- |
		f4 8 8 r8 f8 f4-- | f4 8 8 r8 f8 4-- | e4 8 8 r8 e8 4-- | e4 8 8 r8 e8 4-- |
		c4 8 8 r8 c8 c4-- | f4 8 8 r8 f8 4-- | e4 8 8 r8 e8 e4-- |
	\alternative {
		{ e4 8 8 r e8 4-- }
			e4 8 8 r e8 4--
			\mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #18 \box B }
	\key b \minor
	g1 | a | b~ | 2 a | g1 | fis | b~ | 2 a | g1 | a | b~ | 2 a | g1 |
	fis \mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #18 \box C } |
	\key e \minor
	\repeat unfold 2 {
		c8. g' c8 c,4. r8 | c8. g' c8 c,4 g' | d8. a' d8 d,4. r8 |
		d8. a' d8 e[ d] a[ d,] |
	\autoBeamOn e16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 | 16 r8. r2. \bar "|."

musicaTota = {
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = \markup {
				\center-column { tenor saxophone }
			shortInstrumentName = \markup {
				\column { ten. sax. }
			midiInstrument = "tenor sax"
		\new ChoirStaff <<
			\new Staff \with {
				instrumentName = "timpani"
				shortInstrumentName = "tim."
				midiInstrument = "timpani"
			\new RhythmicStaff \with {
				instrumentName = "maracas"
				shortInstrumentName = "marac."
				\set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = #0
				\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #0
			\new RhythmicStaff \with {
				instrumentName = \markup {
					\center-column { snare drum }
				shortInstrumentName = "snare"
				\set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = #0
				\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #0
			\new RhythmicStaff \with {
				instrumentName = \markup {
					\center-column { crash cymbal }
				shortInstrumentName = "cym."
				\set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = #0
				\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #0
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = "harp"
			shortInstrumentName = "harp"
			midiInstrument = "orchestral harp"
		\new StaffGroup \with {
			instrumentName = \markup {
				\center-column { arco strings }
			shortInstrumentName = "string."
			\new Staff \with
				{ midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1" }
			\new Staff \with
				{ midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1" }
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = \markup {
				\center-column { bass guitar }
			shortInstrumentName = "bass"
			midiInstrument = "electric bass (finger)"

\score {
	\layout {
		\context {
			\Score \RemoveEmptyStaves

%generate correct midi
\score {
	\unfoldRepeats { \musicaTota }
	\midi { }