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''Areas Played'': [[Proto Dome]]<br>
''Areas Played'': [[Proto Dome]]<br>
''Composed by'': [[Yasunori Mitsuda]]<br>
''Composed by'': [[Yasunori Mitsuda]]<br>
''Original Japanese Title'': Robo no teema
''Original Japanese Title'': ロボのテーマ / Robo no Theme<br>
''Time Signature'': 4/4
==Official Releases==
==Official Releases==
*[[Music_(Chrono_Trigger)#Chrono_Trigger_Original_Soundtrack_.28Playstation.29|Chrono Trigger Original Soundtrack (Playstation)]]
*[[Music_(Chrono_Trigger)#Chrono_Trigger_Official_Soundtrack:_Music_from_Final_Fantasy_Chronicles|Chrono Trigger Official Soundtrack: Music from Final Fantasy Chronicles]]
*[[Music_(Chrono_Trigger)#Chrono_Trigger_Official_Soundtrack:_Music_from_Final_Fantasy_Chronicles|Chrono Trigger Official Soundtrack: Music from Final Fantasy Chronicles]]
*[[Music_(Chrono_Trigger)#Chrono_Trigger_Original_Sound_Version|Chrono Trigger Original Sound Version]]
*[[Music_(Chrono_Trigger)#Chrono_Trigger_Original_Sound_Version|Chrono Trigger Original Sound Version]]
*[[Music (Chrono Trigger)#Chrono Trigger DS Original Soundtrack|Chrono Trigger DS Original Soundtrack]]
*[[Music (Chrono Trigger)#Chrono Trigger Original Soundtrack Revival Disc|Chrono Trigger Original Soundtrack Revival Disc]]
*[[Music (Chrono Trigger)#Chrono Trigger Orchestral Arrangement|Chrono Trigger Orchestral Arrangement]]
*[[Music (Chrono Trigger)#Square Enix Jazz - Chrono Trigger|Square Enix Jazz - Chrono Trigger]]
==Unofficial Releases==
==Unofficial Releases==
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===.spc Rips===
===.spc Rips===
*[http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/ Chrono Trigger (Tracks 1-64)] at Zophar.net
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/cts.rar Chrono Trigger (Tracks 1-83)] by ZeaLitY
*[http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ Chrono Trigger (Tracks 1-80)] at SNESMusic.org
''From'': [[Music (Chrono Trigger)]]
===.2SF Rips===
--[[User:ZeaLitY|ZeaLitY]] 10:19, 25 Oct 2004 (CDT)
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Chrono%20Trigger%20DS.zip Chrono Trigger (Tracks 1-65, 84-87)] by bxaimc
===.psf Rips===
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Chrono%20Trigger%20(1999)%20PSF.zip Chrono Trigger (Tracks 1-65, 67-87)] by DarioEMeloD
Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations.
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Mathew%20Valente%20-%20Chrono%20Trigger%20Radical%20Dreamers%20Synthetic%20Origins.zip Mathew Valente - Chrono Trigger and Radical Dreamers (Synthetic Origins)] (1.5 GB)
'''OrangeC Chrono Trigger Restorations'''
*32 [http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/OrangeC%20-%20Chrono%20Trigger%20Restorations/Robo's%20Theme.flac Robo's Theme]
===Albums and Doujins===
*[[Albums and Doujins#Ace_-_Art_-_Chrono_Trigger_Arrange|Ace - Art - Chrono Trigger Arrange]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Age-S-Age - Square Theme Arrange Mini Album]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Allkore - Arc Impulse|Allkore - Arc Impulse]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#B.G.M. - Live in Route16|B.G.M. - Live in Route16]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Blake Robinson - Chrono Trigger Symphony|Blake Robinson - Chrono Trigger Symphony]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Bau-hauss - Le Cercueil du Reve - Chrono Trigger Arrange|Bau-hauss - Le Cercueil du Reve - Chrono Trigger Arrange]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time|Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Dacian Grada - VGM Covers, Vol. 2]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|ElaineLMN - VGMR IV]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#EtlanZ - Seiken Densetsu & Chrono Trigger Best Collection (Square Best Series Vol.3)|EtlanZ - Seiken Densetsu & Chrono Trigger Best Collection (Square Best Series Vol.3)]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#FREEZEMOON - Chrono Trigger Famicom Sound Version|FREEZEMOON - Chrono Trigger Famicom Sound Version]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Heckxx - Sounds of Time]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Indolence - fragile|Indolence - fragile]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu|John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Multiplayer Charity - A Tribute to Video Games]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Pixel Mixers - Clockwork - A Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross Tribute Album|Pixel Mixers - Clockwork - A Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross Tribute Album]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Project Scytia - Chrono Distortion|Project Scytia - Chrono Distortion]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Psyguy - Super Psyguy Bros. 3]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|RetroShed - Video Game Metal]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|ShaKe Elite - Time Warp Melodies]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#SQ Chips|SQ Chips]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#SQ Swing|SQ Swing]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#takrockers!! - Journey Through the Brilliant Days ~タイムマシンで行く時間一周旅行~|takrockers!! - Journey Through the Brilliant Days ~タイムマシンで行く時間一周旅行~]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#The Button Mashers - Plugged|The Button Mashers - Plugged]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Chrono Trigger OSV Remake Project|Wiesty and Others - Chrono Trigger OSV Remake Project]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|YoshiBlade - Candy Corn]]
====Chrono Compendium====
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Compendium/Shizophrenic%20Techno-Penguin%20%23872%20-%20CT%20Blues.mid 'CT Blues'] by Shizophrenic Techno-Penguin #827
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Compendium/Chrono%20Trigger%20-%20Robo's%20Theme%20(Sega%20Genesis%20Remix).mp3 'Robo's Theme (Sega Genesis Remix)'] by TheLegendofRenegade
*[http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01805/ 'But the Future Refused to Change'] by DrumUltimA
*[https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03535 'Honky Town'] by Wiesty, XPRTNovice
*[http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR00988 'TheIncredibleSingingRobot'] by StarBlaSt
*[http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0061/ 'Chronicles'] by Geoffrey Taucer & Sixto Sounds
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/VGM/StarBLaSt%20-%20The%20Incredible%20Singing%20Robot%20(Chrono%20Trigger).mp3 'The Incredible Singing Robot'] by StarBlast
'''Good Stuff'''
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/VGM/billysk8r%20-%20Robo's%20Figure%20Eightin'%20(Chrono%20Trigger).mp3 'Robo's Figure Eightin''] by billysk8r
''Celestia8 -SquareEnix Festival 2nd Stage-'' (2011)
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Celestia/Celestia%208/Rinfield%20-%20For%20The%20Brilliant%20Future%20(Original%20Mix).mp3 'For the Brilliant Future'] by Rinfield
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Celestia/Celestia%208/yinyang%20-%20Robo%27s%20Theme.mp3 'Robo's Theme'] by yinyang
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Celestia10/Blitz%20Off_64_tequila.mp3 'Blitz Off'] by TEQUILA
'''Chrono Trigger Resurrection'''
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Chrono%20Trigger%20Resurrection/tssf%20-%20Chrono%20Trigger%20Resurrection%20-%20Robo's%20Theme.ogg 'Robo's Theme'] by tssf
'''Dan Goodale'''
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Dan%20Goodale/Dan%20Goodale%20-%2004%20-%20Victory!.mp3 'Victory!']
'''DJ-Dr.MNM's Chrono Trigger Hiphop Mixtape'''
3.  [http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/DJ-Dr.MNM%20CT%20Mixtape/DJ-Dr.MNM%20-%2003%20Do%20you%20have%20a%20mind%20-%20Daft%20Punk%20-%20Technologic%20(Robo's%20Theme).mp3 'Do you have a mind? - Daft Punk - Technologic (Robo's Theme)']
'''Dwelling of Duels'''
''January 2008''
17: [http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Dwelling%20of%20Duels/17-MillenialFairs-CT-RobosTheme-DoD.mp3 'Robo's Theme'] by MillennialFairs
''July 2022''
Alternate [http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Dwelling%20of%20Duels/ZZ-Unknown%20Pseudoartist,%20Newmajoe-Chrono%20Trigger-You%20knew%20it%20was%20coming-DoD.mp3 'You knew It Was Coming'] by Unknown Pseudoartist, Newmajoe<br />
'''OCReMix WIPs'''
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/OCRWIP/Yoshiblade_-_But_You're_Still_Hungry(RWS0303).mp3 'But You're Still Hungry'] by Yoshiblade
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/OCRWIP/da2dmb%20-%20Robo%20Trek%202.mp3 'Robo Trek WIP 2'] by da2dmb
'''OverLooked ReMix'''
*[http://olremix.org/remixes/54 'Robo's Theme'] by The Button Mashers
*[http://olremix.org/remixes/659 'The Incredible Singing Austrian'] by Brunzolaitis
'''Personal Remixes'''
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Compendium/sbeast64%20-%20Chrono-Trigger-Medley.mp3 'Chrono Trigger Medley'] by sbeast64
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Compendium/Twilightz%20-%20KENTHEGARAGE%20-%20Robos%20Theme%20AD2005%20mix.mp3 'Robo's Theme AD 2005 mix'] by KEN THE GARAGE
'''VGMix 1'''
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/Compendium/mellogear_-_Friendly_Happy_Robot_(Chrono_Trigger).mp3 'Friendly Happy Robot'] by mellogear
'''VGMix WIPs'''
*[http://chronofan.com/Black/VGM/JDPoZ_-_CT_Ambience(Chrono_Trigger).mp3 'CT Ambience'] by JDPoZ
''From'': [[Music (Chrono Trigger)]]

Latest revision as of 06:09, 11 December 2023

General Information

Areas Played: Proto Dome
Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda
Original Japanese Title: ロボのテーマ / Robo no Theme
Time Signature: 4/4

Official Releases

Unofficial Releases

.spc Rips

.2SF Rips

.psf Rips


Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations.

OrangeC Chrono Trigger Restorations

Albums and Doujins


Chrono Compendium





Good Stuff



Celestia8 -SquareEnix Festival 2nd Stage- (2011)


Chrono Trigger Resurrection

Dan Goodale

DJ-Dr.MNM's Chrono Trigger Hiphop Mixtape

3. 'Do you have a mind? - Daft Punk - Technologic (Robo's Theme)'

Dwelling of Duels

January 2008

17: 'Robo's Theme' by MillennialFairs

July 2022

Alternate 'You knew It Was Coming' by Unknown Pseudoartist, Newmajoe


OverLooked ReMix

Personal Remixes


VGMix 1


From: Music (Chrono Trigger)