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Hey, here's some opening commentary text! We'll try to do a table in Wiki code below. Let's keep our fingers crossed...
Ah, Oekaki: the ancient Japanese art of logging into a web browser-based drawing application, doodling crazy fast, and then sharing the result on a bulletin board. Did you know that the Compendium has a long-running tradition of Oekaki posting? Check out some of the highlights from 2007 through 2010. It's still running, so check out the [http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki  Compendium Oekaki board] if you get the artistic itch!
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:Karsh_as_Kyouya_Thumb.png‎|left]]<b>"Karsh as Kyouya"</b><br><b>by pandor</b><br><b>Time: 100 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Lots of text will go here. Let's see what happens when it does. Adding some more text here. Adding some more text here. Adding some more text here. Adding some more text here.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Karsh_as_Kyouya_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=7#38]]<b>"Karsh as Kyouya"</b><br><b>by pandor</b><br><b>Time: 100 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>It's always fun to see one character dressed up as an another character from an entirely different franchise, especially when that other franchise involves the word "OBJECTION!" We tracked down Pandor's inspiration, [http://www.chronocompendium.com/images/wiki/c/cb/Kyouya.png Klavier Gavin from <i>Ace Attorney 4</i> (that's Kyouya Garyuu for Japanese-speaking fans).] And Chrono fans may very well find it easy to agree: Karsh totally should have been drawn this way, with this rockstar attitude, from the beginning. So Pandor was just setting things straight.<br>
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Schala_by_Rat_Thumb.png‎|left]]<b>"Schala"</b><br><b>by Rat</b><br><b>Time: 24 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Lots of text will go here. Let's see what happens when it does. Adding some more text here. Adding some more text here. Adding some more text here.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Schala_by_Rat_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=7#42]]<b>"Schala"</b><br><b>by Rat</b><br><b>Time: 24 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Fantastic contribution by Rat. As the commenters suggest, once you place a character in a non-canonical situation - or, perhaps, a non-canonical hairstyle - the audience wonders how the character got there. It's sure-fire material for fan fiction!
{| border="0" cellpadding="8"
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:Magus_by_Seris_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=7#34]]<b>"Magus"</b><br><b>by Seris</b><br><b>Time: 68 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Seris was intentionally trying to capture the physically ugly side of Magus...but we have to agree with one of the commenters: <i>le swoon.</i> Even at his fan art ugliest, Magus looks too much like Spock - or maybe too much like a swearing truck driver - not to love.<br>
Is there anything Magus, or Magus artists, can do to escape the adoration of the wide Magus fan cult? Probably not.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Catch_a_falling_star_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=7#48]]<b>"catch a falling star"</b><br><b>by Flash of Green</b><br><b>Time: 63 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>A simple thumbnail can't do justice to the entirety of the piece, but it's fascinating how the viewer's attention might be drawn to this little corner so far removed from the main action. Is it due to Flash of Green's apparent use of layers or the thought that <i>I could have been that nameless person getting blasted by Lavos on that day</i>?
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:So_cold_Thumb.png‎‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=5#65]]<b>"So cold"<br>by maggiekarp<br>Time: 27 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>The "one true pairing" that so often recurs in Maggiekarp's fanart is the secret joy of everyone who calls themselves a true Chrono fanart connoisseur. C'mon, admit it! It seems so wrong at first, but on a frigid winter day like this, it feels so right...
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Flirt_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=5#73]]<b>"Flirt"<br>by Ayu<br>Time: 41 minutes<br>App: PaintBBS</b><br><br>Secondary characters so seldom get to step into the spotlight, let alone in chibi form. The concept of hair bangs casting shadows over the subject's face, and how the effect becomes more intense with distance, is really interesting to see here.
{| border="0" cellpadding="8"
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:First_oekaki_ever_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=5#75]]<b>"First oekaki ever!!"<br>by Kain2311<br>Time: 10 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter Pro</b><br><br>Kain2311 might be in the running for "fastest Chrono Oekaki ever." Perhaps it's the timed aspect of Oekaki that really makes one appreciate the artist's skill and technique, and makes it so unique as an art form. The dramatic curvature of Magus' nose really catches the viewer's eye here.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Prophets_Guile_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=4#79]]<b>"Prophet's Guile"<br>by x_XTacTX_x<br>Time: 27 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Speaking of shadows over the face, x_XTacTX_x's piece emphasizes the anonymity the Prophet's cloak gives him, in stark contrast to Magus' usual hoodless attire. When viewing the picture in its entirety the viewer might be just a tad disturbed by the overall coffin-like effect of the Prophet's cloak.
{| border="0" cellpadding="8"
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:Kaeru_from_Magness_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=4#82]]<b>"Kaeru from <i>Magness</i>"<br>by V_Translanka<br>Time: 69 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>How awesome is it when someone can not only write a [http://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/Fanfiction.html#V_Translanka_2 giant Chrono fanfic], but also provide illustrations!? We could talk about the skillfull shaping of muscle tone here, but the fact is, we just liked the cool spiky weapon Human Glenn has in this pic. Using that with a purple blindfold on, and not paying for damage done to private property, must require some mad skillz.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Gaspar_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=3#96]]<b>"Gaspar"<br>by FaFniR<br>Time: 31 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Another criminally underrepresented character in Chrono fanart. The total shading over one eye and the mysterious sidelong glance make one wonder if Gaspar's hiding a mischievous side. As one of the very few people who have knowledge of all historical events...what trouble could he get into?
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:Cronos_Son_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=2#113]]<b>"Crono's Son"<br>by Chronomage002<br>Time: 23 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Wait, what? Crono has a son? And he looks just a little like Chucky from <i>Child's Play</i>? Well, it's only to be expected when you have a red haired, katana wielding protagonist who's just silent and stares most of the time. The sense of swift motion in Chronomage002's piece is made all the more apparent by the seemingly impossible twist in the subject's arm and wrist.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Serge_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=2#121]]<b>No Title<br>by Akane<br>Time: 15 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter Pro</b><br><br>The first two things that might strike the viewer are the crazily short time in which Akane dished this one out, and the perfect serenity in Serge's face. Viewed in full, the composition creates a mind-blending sense of gravity defiance -- surely the imagery could only exist in a weird dream. Budding movie or anime directors may want to take note!
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:Magus_by_Seris_Thumb.png‎|left]]<b>"Magus"</b><br><b>by Seris</b><br><b>Time: 68 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Lots of text will go here. Let's see what happens when it does.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Schala_by_Ema_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=1#130]]<b>"Schala"<br>by Ema<br>Time: 26 minutes<br>App: PaintBBS</b><br><br>Believe it or not, there was a time when many thought dot-matrix printers were a poor medium to express art. That is, until Ema proved us wrong. Also note the dramatic curvature of the cheek. That's some awesome zygomatic action right there.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Catch_a_falling_star_Thumb.png‎|left]]<b>"catch a falling star"</b><br><b>by Flash of Green</b><br><b>Time: 63 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Lots of text will go here. Let's see what happens when it does.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Schala_by_Kousagi_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=1#135]]<b>"Princess"<br>by Kousagi<br>Time: 16 minutes<br>App: PaintBBS</b><br><br>The only way to justify yet another Schala piece appearing in a random sampling of Chrono fanart must be that this was FW's favorite Oekaki entry. There's just an inexplicable sense of honesty in the subject's face.
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| width="400pt" | [[Image:Magus_by_Seris_Thumb.png‎|left]]
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Hey_look_behind_you_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=1#136]]<b>"Hey look behind you!"<br>by Zephira<br>Time: 72 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter Pro</b><br><br>One of the most awesome braids ever Oekaki'd appears here. All the fine pencil-like strokes create an impression of frazzled hair, as if Guile's been under lots of stress. Having your mind wiped out in the Darkness Beyond Time probably tends to make that happen.
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Catch_a_falling_star_Thumb.png‎|left]]
| width="400pt" | [[Image:Ramsus_Marle_Thumb.png‎|left|link=http://www.chronocompendium.com/oekaki/index.php?pageno=0#154]]<b>No Title<br>by Ramsus<br>Time: 11 minutes<br>App: ShiPainter</b><br><br>Once upon a time Guardian princesses wore long dresses. Then, one day, Nadia decided to go out on a scandalous limb and trade hers in for a pair of harem pants. Ramsus was there to capture those last moments of contemplation before she re-emerged from the dressing room, forever to have something in common with Princess Jasmin and Majin Buu.

Revision as of 05:33, 27 September 2010


Ah, Oekaki: the ancient Japanese art of logging into a web browser-based drawing application, doodling crazy fast, and then sharing the result on a bulletin board. Did you know that the Compendium has a long-running tradition of Oekaki posting? Check out some of the highlights from 2007 through 2010. It's still running, so check out the Compendium Oekaki board if you get the artistic itch!

Karsh as Kyouya Thumb.png
"Karsh as Kyouya"
by pandor
Time: 100 minutes
App: ShiPainter

It's always fun to see one character dressed up as an another character from an entirely different franchise, especially when that other franchise involves the word "OBJECTION!" We tracked down Pandor's inspiration, Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney 4 (that's Kyouya Garyuu for Japanese-speaking fans). And Chrono fans may very well find it easy to agree: Karsh totally should have been drawn this way, with this rockstar attitude, from the beginning. So Pandor was just setting things straight.
Schala by Rat Thumb.png
by Rat
Time: 24 minutes
App: ShiPainter

Fantastic contribution by Rat. As the commenters suggest, once you place a character in a non-canonical situation - or, perhaps, a non-canonical hairstyle - the audience wonders how the character got there. It's sure-fire material for fan fiction!
Magus by Seris Thumb.png
by Seris
Time: 68 minutes
App: ShiPainter

Seris was intentionally trying to capture the physically ugly side of Magus...but we have to agree with one of the commenters: le swoon. Even at his fan art ugliest, Magus looks too much like Spock - or maybe too much like a swearing truck driver - not to love.

Is there anything Magus, or Magus artists, can do to escape the adoration of the wide Magus fan cult? Probably not.

Catch a falling star Thumb.png
"catch a falling star"
by Flash of Green
Time: 63 minutes
App: ShiPainter

A simple thumbnail can't do justice to the entirety of the piece, but it's fascinating how the viewer's attention might be drawn to this little corner so far removed from the main action. Is it due to Flash of Green's apparent use of layers or the thought that I could have been that nameless person getting blasted by Lavos on that day?
So cold Thumb.png
"So cold"
by maggiekarp
Time: 27 minutes
App: ShiPainter

The "one true pairing" that so often recurs in Maggiekarp's fanart is the secret joy of everyone who calls themselves a true Chrono fanart connoisseur. C'mon, admit it! It seems so wrong at first, but on a frigid winter day like this, it feels so right...
Flirt Thumb.png
by Ayu
Time: 41 minutes
App: PaintBBS

Secondary characters so seldom get to step into the spotlight, let alone in chibi form. The concept of hair bangs casting shadows over the subject's face, and how the effect becomes more intense with distance, is really interesting to see here.
First oekaki ever Thumb.png
"First oekaki ever!!"
by Kain2311
Time: 10 minutes
App: ShiPainter Pro

Kain2311 might be in the running for "fastest Chrono Oekaki ever." Perhaps it's the timed aspect of Oekaki that really makes one appreciate the artist's skill and technique, and makes it so unique as an art form. The dramatic curvature of Magus' nose really catches the viewer's eye here.
Prophets Guile Thumb.png
"Prophet's Guile"
by x_XTacTX_x
Time: 27 minutes
App: ShiPainter

Speaking of shadows over the face, x_XTacTX_x's piece emphasizes the anonymity the Prophet's cloak gives him, in stark contrast to Magus' usual hoodless attire. When viewing the picture in its entirety the viewer might be just a tad disturbed by the overall coffin-like effect of the Prophet's cloak.
Kaeru from Magness Thumb.png
"Kaeru from Magness"
by V_Translanka
Time: 69 minutes
App: ShiPainter

How awesome is it when someone can not only write a giant Chrono fanfic, but also provide illustrations!? We could talk about the skillfull shaping of muscle tone here, but the fact is, we just liked the cool spiky weapon Human Glenn has in this pic. Using that with a purple blindfold on, and not paying for damage done to private property, must require some mad skillz.
Gaspar Thumb.png
by FaFniR
Time: 31 minutes
App: ShiPainter

Another criminally underrepresented character in Chrono fanart. The total shading over one eye and the mysterious sidelong glance make one wonder if Gaspar's hiding a mischievous side. As one of the very few people who have knowledge of all historical events...what trouble could he get into?
Cronos Son Thumb.png
"Crono's Son"
by Chronomage002
Time: 23 minutes
App: ShiPainter

Wait, what? Crono has a son? And he looks just a little like Chucky from Child's Play? Well, it's only to be expected when you have a red haired, katana wielding protagonist who's just silent and stares most of the time. The sense of swift motion in Chronomage002's piece is made all the more apparent by the seemingly impossible twist in the subject's arm and wrist.
Serge Thumb.png
No Title
by Akane
Time: 15 minutes
App: ShiPainter Pro

The first two things that might strike the viewer are the crazily short time in which Akane dished this one out, and the perfect serenity in Serge's face. Viewed in full, the composition creates a mind-blending sense of gravity defiance -- surely the imagery could only exist in a weird dream. Budding movie or anime directors may want to take note!
Schala by Ema Thumb.png
by Ema
Time: 26 minutes
App: PaintBBS

Believe it or not, there was a time when many thought dot-matrix printers were a poor medium to express art. That is, until Ema proved us wrong. Also note the dramatic curvature of the cheek. That's some awesome zygomatic action right there.
Schala by Kousagi Thumb.png
by Kousagi
Time: 16 minutes
App: PaintBBS

The only way to justify yet another Schala piece appearing in a random sampling of Chrono fanart must be that this was FW's favorite Oekaki entry. There's just an inexplicable sense of honesty in the subject's face.
Hey look behind you Thumb.png
"Hey look behind you!"
by Zephira
Time: 72 minutes
App: ShiPainter Pro

One of the most awesome braids ever Oekaki'd appears here. All the fine pencil-like strokes create an impression of frazzled hair, as if Guile's been under lots of stress. Having your mind wiped out in the Darkness Beyond Time probably tends to make that happen.
Ramsus Marle Thumb.png
No Title
by Ramsus
Time: 11 minutes
App: ShiPainter

Once upon a time Guardian princesses wore long dresses. Then, one day, Nadia decided to go out on a scandalous limb and trade hers in for a pair of harem pants. Ramsus was there to capture those last moments of contemplation before she re-emerged from the dressing room, forever to have something in common with Princess Jasmin and Majin Buu.