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[http://cc.herograw.org/Black/Other/Crone.zip Download]
[http://cc.herograw.org/Black/Other/Crone.zip Download]
==Chrono Trigger Shop Editor (2001)==
''Author'': 'Frieza<Br>
''Rom Type'': '''Headered'''
This utility allows changing what items are sold in the various shops around the game. It took three days to make in 2001. Some stores are still marked Unknown, unfortunately.
[http://cc.herograw.org/Black/Other/ctshopkeeper.zip Download]
==Chrono Trigger Text Editor==
==Chrono Trigger Text Editor==

Revision as of 22:58, 3 January 2006

These utilities may be outdated compared to the ones at Utilities (Chrono Trigger).


Author: Maticolotto
Rom Type: Headered

This can edit enemies.


Chrono Trigger Shop Editor (2001)

Author: 'Frieza
Rom Type: Headered

This utility allows changing what items are sold in the various shops around the game. It took three days to make in 2001. Some stores are still marked Unknown, unfortunately.


Chrono Trigger Text Editor

Author: Manaknight
Rom Type: Headered

This can edit strings in the game.



Author: Sakuweaa
Rom Type: Headered

CTENED can edit monster stats with a DOS interface.



Author: Jathys
Rom Type: Headered

Gears can edit enemy and character stats, as well as strings.


From: Utilities (Chrono Trigger)