Fanfiction:Zipp Dementia Chrono Break 10
Chrono Break
By Zipp Dementia
“Here, another drink this way, love.”
“Oi, she don’t love you, and she won’t no matter how many beers you drink.”
“Shut your trap, Wedge. Aye, so what were you talking about, Biggs?”
“We was talking about that new advisor to the king, we was.”
“The one that comes from Choras, you know.“
“Well, now, they say as he comes from Choras, Wedge, but we doesn’t really know, does we? He’s a right strange bugger, or so I’ve heard.”
“Aye? What do ya mean?”
“I mean he looks funny for one, he does.”
“And when have you had a chance to seen em, eh Biggs? You don’t get up to the castle much, you know.”
“I ain’t gone, no, but Dallon had to go up to the castle last week, and he meets this feller while he’s there. And he says he’s never seen such a cold bloke before. Just looking at em made his skin crawl. And then there was his arm-”
“Oi, Dallon ain’t worth a rat’s shit. You know he beats his wife, you know?”
“Sh! By the Black Omen! Aye, we all know about Dallon’s troubles, but it’s not our place to get involved.”
“Curse his mouth, but Wedge does have a point, though, Piette, he does. We all know it’s him as keeping Jessica from saying anything for her brother.”
“You mean Samdel?”
“The others ain’t worth mentioning, ain’t they? Gregoire’s a drunkard, doesn’t say two words to nobody since he lost the house to the king’s men.”
“And James is disgraced, you know, seeing as he’s one of them stinking king’s men. The only one of the family still living in the house, and here he’s betrayed his family to do it. Pig’s shit.”
“Aye, we all expected a bit better out of him, didn’t we? I remember when he was a child, I do.”
“You weren’t much older yourself, then.”
“Aye... and the king was living here! Well, future king, anyways.”
“Times do change, they do.”
“Oi, speaking of changing times, Piette, me and Biggs have been thinking... this seems like a ripe chance to be changing ourselves, our allegiances, you know?”
“I don’t want to hear it. And you’d all better be careful, aye? I know the rumors about Samdel’s new little band of rebels. Like as to get yourselves in trouble, I say. We saw what happened the first time. And that was just a little tax complaint. This time it’ll be considered open mutiny.”
“Naw, see, that’s where Samdel’s different from his brother. He’s not making any noise, he is, just spreading the word real quiet like, amongst those who he knows can be trusted.”
“It’s bound to lead to trouble, that’s what I think. I got a wife and child to think about. You two can afford to throw your lives away, but when your causing trouble, try to think of me and my own, aye? Don’t be bringing an army down on us.”
“I don’t see what more they can do, Piette mate, I don’t. There’s already an army here.”
“There’s a few soldiers, aye. And that’s all I want, aye? It’s not so bad yet. That fellow running things up, what’s his name?”
“Ghetz, it is.”
“That’s right, Ghetz. He ain’t such a bad bloke. Let’s us get on with our business and minds his own. So don’t be stirring up any trouble, right?”
“Trouble’s stirring without us at the pot. We just don’t want to be left behind when it comes serving time, you know?”
“I don’t see what Samdel thinks he can do. What’s gonna do? Attack the soldiers and take the residence back? That’ll show em for about a day, then you’ll see the king down here with another army, mark my words.”
“Well, our word is Samdel’s brought in some outside help down Choras way, you know. Some of them types of folk. And one guy in particular, used to cage fight down there. Big bloke, very experienced, ain’t he, Wedge?”
“Oi. That’s what I heard.”
“Aye? And what’s this big bloke plan on doing? Attacking the castle with a handful of men and a pile driver? He better be pretty big if he plans on knocking down them walls.”
“I thought you said you weren’t interested, mate.”
“I’m not. Don’t tell me.”
“Our Samdel’s got something in mind. Just you wait and see, Piette old chum. Things will be looking a little different around here soon.”
“Well, I can’t say I wouldn’t mind as seeing them soldiers gone. By the Black Omen, you ever feel that time’s got away from you? Like, one day your body’s in the future, but your mind’s in the past?”
“It’s called being drunk, mate.”
“I got to stop hanging round you blokes. Can’t think a damn thing through lest it’s got tits or a handle. Rebellion... I’ll be damned the day I see an army with you in it. Me, I’d kick your ass back to the docks.”
“With the brothels, and the bars, and our friend Piette sitting and drinking and ignoring the troubles in the world, right Wedge?”
“Aye? Well, as long as I have a place to sit and drink, the world can’t be all bad, eh? I just want one place where things are simple, and let the future pass by on the outside. I want a fire and a beer and a home to go back to.”
“Well, can’t say I blame you for that, I can’t. Cheers, mate. To tomorrow, and may it pass us all by.”
From: Fanfiction