Death Peak (Composition of)
What is the composition of Death Peak? How did it appear after the eruption of Lavos in 1999 A.D.?
Death Peak indeed appeared only after Lavos erupted. It is very spiky in its appearance; Chrono Trigger also remarks that Lavos reigns atop the peak, where it spawns new creatures soon to depart the planet in search of new homes. Judging from these facts, it is somewhat logical to conclude that Death Peak is Lavos's shell on the surface with three hundred years of accumulated matter on top. The spawn appear directly on Death Peak from within Lavos's shell. Sadly, there is not a direct statement to corroborate this assumption, but an explanation still exists -- specifically, that Lavos, after breaking the planet's crust, caused an upward magma flow that created a new mountain at the site of the appearance.
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