CD Table of Contents
The Table of Contents (hereafter TOC) is literally the most important file to work with for purposes of Chrono Cross modification. It is essentially a giant pointer table that the game engine uses to determine where every file begins and ends.
The TOC for CD 1 begins at offset 0xC000. It does not appear to be dumped by the Ramsus/Yazoo tools.
The TOC entries have a four byte stride and are presented thus:
Where... LS = "Logical Sector"; the sector boundary on which the file begins. BB = Number of buffer bytes between the end of the file, divided by 8.
Let's try an example. Serge's battle model begins at 0x114D2800 on the first CD. Divide that by 0x800 or dec 2048 and you get 0x229A5. In Little Endian notation, that becomes A5 29 02, representing LS LS LS. Serge's model is dec 1056 or 0x420 bytes short of reaching the next highest sector, and therefore BB is set to 0x84 (i.e., 0x420 / 0x8).