AEHU/Plot/Plot Sketch Chapter 43

"Where Angels Lose Their Way"

  • Wittel & co. confront Pengalaan with help from Ozzie's personal army and Magus. Pengalaan's form and attack repertoire depend on the player's performance in saving the Magic Guild members.
  • Magus and the party follow Raqh into a ceremoniously furnished temple that has replaced the deep caverns of Giant's Claw. Once Raqh has created the DBT Gate, he double-crosses Gladus and seals her with the Levantine. He allows his wife to leave the temple with his infant son, seeing as neither consciously wanted to share Raqh's fate and now his son can live free of Gladus' curse on the Guildstern bloodline (as far as he knows). All the spirits hiding inside Raqh flee his body as he walks into the DBT gate.
  • Giant's Claw gets sucked into the DBT and becomes transformed into the main game's last dungeon. Magus approaches the Dream Devourer while Wittel & co. keep Raqh occupied in a penultimate boss battle. Wittel & co. then approach the heart of the DBT, where they witness Magus confronting the Dream Devourer. Magus, now corrupt by the anger he experienced when Artemis slew Dream Schala, awakes an angered Schala. She explains how Magus, now corrupted by hatred again, represents the very justification for her universe-annihilating desires. She subjects Magus to a fraction of the pain he has inflicted on others. The trauma levels him and Robo notes that it appears to have damaged his neurons.
  • Glenn intervenes as Schala is about to destroy Magus, reminding her that he is still her brother. Schala attacks them, and thus the (apparent) final boss is the Dream Devourer. There are two ending variations here -- either the party kills Schala outright or they focus their attacks on the Lavos portion of the Dream Devourer, forcing it to shut down momentarily. In the former case Belthasar despairs in 2400AG calls off the whole operation, and submits to the Polis Police. In the latter, Schala briefly regains her senses and fulfills Glenn's request that she spare the seriously injured Magus. She opens a portal to a time and place apparently conducive to his survival, and Glenn says his goodbye to Wittel and co., handing Wittel the sleeping Masamune for safekeeping. Wittel and co. escape the DBT while fending off all the game's bosses teleported in from various dimensional distortions. Wittel, Robo, and Toma return to 606AG but Slash and Flea take their chances in a random dimensional distortion, seeking better prospects in a new time and place. Ozzie follows suit. Dalton confronts his shadowy master, who informs him that Mastermune no longer impedes their future goals and congratulates Dalton on a job well done. However, Dalton inform him that he is no longer in the shadow master's service and will build a new timeline of his own before hopping into another gate.
  • If the player saved Artemis, she decides to head back to the Dream Devourer and try to talk Raqh out of existential suicide once Schala becomes overwhelmed with annihilative desires again. Artemis confronts Raqh, who ponders the nature of Artemis' existence and decides to try his hand at Beck's version of happiness. Raqh asks Schala for a gate to 12,000BG and she provides it for him.

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