AEHU/Plot/Esoterica Part III

Part 3: The Use of Magic[edit]

Elemental channeling capability is the pride of our Enlightened Kingdom and our Shikari brethren. Elemental channeling, colloquially termed "magic" among the Earthbound, can easily be accounted for within the Body/Spirit/Soul theoretical framework.

To put it simply, Elemental channeling is the process of extracting energy from the Shadow Realm and transferring it to the physical world, with fantastic results ranging from utter destruction to accelerating natural healing processes ten thousandfold. Since the Aura provides a pathway of connection between the Shadow Realm and the physical world, it follows that energy extracted from the Shadow Realm would be "colored" by the Aura it passes through on its way to the physical world. Thus, it is probably the "character" of one's Aura that determines one's innate Element amongst Light, Fire, Water, and Shadow. Even within these overarching categories, there exist various subcategories of spells. These may be due to nuances within the individual Aura.

Given that the Aura is the key to channeling Elemental energies, it becomes clear that life forms of the following compositions should be capable:

Body + Spirit + Soul
Spirit + Soul

However, the ability is not guaranteed by composition alone -- the Aura must be manipulated properly before it can draw energy from the Shadow Realm. Guru of Life Emeritus Bekkler's theory was that a "genetic switch" within the Creation Fibre allows the brain to generate modified thought processes appropriate to Elemental channeling. It is clear that our behavior in life has some effect on our own Creation Fibres over time, so it is not out of the question that one could learn to channel Elemental energy through some type of ascetic training.

Whether "ghosts" can channel Elemental energy is probably dependent on whether they developed an Aura compatible with the practice in life.

  • B NOTE: The entire last few paragraphs were completely struck out by royal censors in the original edition. It probably smacked too much of equality not only between Enlightened and Earthbound, but also between humans and the Imp kind, and various high-order animals. Based on observations to which Guru of Life Melchior was not privy when he wrote this volume initially, I would add Dream Daemons to the list of beings capable of harnessing Elemental energy.

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